If its Berbatov, United are interested in though, we've made a firm offer, unlike Madrid who have said they'd like him everyday for a year, and tried to get Ronaldo to force his way out of the club.
Erm, when did Ferguson say he wanted Ronaldo to rot in the stands? He said the Glazers would prefer him to do that than go to Madrid. Madrid have always used Marca (see previous transfers). Calderon has given lots of interviews (with video footage btw) where he talks about how he'd like to sign Ronaldo.
I don't mind Levy so much, its a clever thing that he is doing, all he's doing is raising the price that we will pay for Berbatov, they've been preparing for his departure (ie. Modric and Dos Santos). He knows we've done nothing wrong, although with the FA involved, you could probably expect a heavy fine for United anyhow.
Jordan may be right with what he's saying about today's footballers, but I can't stand him as a person.