Well, BBC News like SSN are a reliable source - they're not the Sun or Mirror, or one of the myriad internet 'rumour sites'. I thought we'd failed with a ?12m bid? Still - if he is a class playmaker, ?12m sounds a bit of a steal - what say those of you who know the player? Is ?12m right, or have we got him for a very good price (if we do indeed have him)? Surely he's more than just a signing to make the Asian fans happy?
I can hear the chant now:
'Shinji Kagawa, you are the love of my life,
Shinji Kagawa, I'll let you @@@@@@@@ my wife!!!'
Similar to Arsenal's Fabregas chant from a while back - to the tune of 'You're Just Too Good To Be True' - and fits the tune much better as well.