FTP: From the Pavilion general chat

Although you have to say for Bollinger and Healy, bowling on flat pitches more than 50% of the time, averaging 10 and 11 with the ball is outstanding :p

And yeah, I got $285,000 in prize money. And looking at my new youth league, I should finish first or second at worst. Anyone want to help me on my pitch dilemma? Here is going to be my probable first XI for next season so what pitch should I use. Not going to post secondaries but they're fairly good.

1. Ruben Mol - Reliable/Reliable batsman
2. Niek Bleeker - Capable/Capable batsman
3. Michael Young* - Reliable/Reliable batsman
4. Victor Omara - Reliable/Reliable batsman
5. Craig Crane - Reasonable/Average batsman
6. Aladdin Yousif - Capable/Reliable/Reliable RM All-Rounder (Bat/Bowl/Tech)
7. Lars van der Hoeven (wk) - Reasonable/Reasonable batsman, Reasonable Keeping
8. Frank Bollinger - Accomplished/Reliable RFM Bowler, Poor Batting (Probably the best secondaries in the team)
9. Mo Bol - Reliable/Capable RFS Bowler, Poor Batting
10. Barry Healy - Reliable/Reliable RM Bowler

And my other bowler is out of the following:

Ciaran Fitzgerald - Capable/Capable LM bowler, Ordinary Batting
Reiner Harms - Capable/Reasonable RM bowler, Poor Batting, Average Power
Bhalandana Prasanta - Capable/Capable RFM Bowler, Ordinary Batting
Marcel Lansing - Average/Poor LF Bowler, Reasonable Power, Average Fielding, Ordinary Endurance

I was thinking Fitzgerald or Harms due to Prasanta being 19 but what do others reckon. Prasanta is a FM though and Lansing is there just cause he's 17 and needs game time.

So what do people reckon for the last bowler and pitch type. So my bowler types are 1 FM, 2 M's and 1 FS plus the last bowler so I'm not sure. I could use Fitzgerald and then play on a green or slow pitch but a slow pitch would disadvantage Bollinger, my best bowler a bit while a green pitch would disadvantage Bol although I could just play 5 pace bowlers, 4 mediums and 1 FM and hope for the best but idk.
Hard pitch? Gives your batsmen an advantage. Not a massive boost given to seam bowlers though but your spinners aren't penalised.
Season Prizemoney : $349,515 :cheers

27 Trophies :thumbs
02 Jul 11 00:37 1st (League Position) : Twenty20 4.8 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:37 2nd (Wickets Taken) : Chris Thomson, Twenty20 4.8 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:37 3rd (Wickets Taken) : Brendan Campbell, Twenty20 4.8 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:37 1st (Bowling Average) : Brendan Campbell, Twenty20 4.8 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:37 2nd (Bowling Average) : Amit Mishra, Twenty20 4.8 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:37 3rd (Bowling Average) : Cleophas Waddell, Twenty20 4.8 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:37 1st (Bowling Strikerate) : Cleophas Waddell, Twenty20 4.8 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:37 2nd (Bowling Strikerate) : Brendan Campbell, Twenty20 4.8 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:37 3rd (Bowling Strikerate) : Amit Mishra, Twenty20 4.8 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:37 3rd (Keeper Dismissals) : Stephen Connor, Twenty20 4.8 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:37 1st (Fielder Dismissals) : Charles Jacobson, Twenty20 4.8 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:37 2nd (Fielder Dismissals) : Brendan Campbell, Twenty20 4.8 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:37 2nd (Batting Average) : Charles Jacobson, Twenty20 4.8 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:37 1st (Batting Strikerate) : Charles Jacobson, Twenty20 4.8 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:37 2nd (Batting Strikerate) : Levi Carr, Twenty20 4.8 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:36 1st (League Position) : One Day 4.3 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:36 1st (Wickets Taken) : Screech Powers, One Day 4.3 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:36 1st (Bowling Average) : Screech Powers, One Day 4.3 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:36 2nd (Bowling Average) : Charles Dunbar, One Day 4.3 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:36 1st (Bowling Strikerate) : Screech Powers, One Day 4.3 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:36 2nd (Bowling Strikerate) : Charles Dunbar, One Day 4.3 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:36 2nd (Keeper Dismissals) : Stephen Connor, One Day 4.3 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:36 2nd (Runs Scored) : David Alderman, One Day 4.3 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:36 1st (Batting Average) : Lesroy Christopher, One Day 4.3 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:36 2nd (Batting Average) : David Alderman, One Day 4.3 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:36 3rd (Batting Average) : Kris Caterer, One Day 4.3 Season 13
02 Jul 11 00:36 1st (Batting Strikerate) : Stephen Connor, One Day 4.3 Season 13
Yeah, it's currently a flat pitch so I might just change it to hard instead. My top order is pretty strong so I shouldn't have to worry about many collapses :p
22 awards.

02 Jul 11 02:05 2nd (League Position) : Youth 7.48 Season 13
02 Jul 11 02:05 1st (Bowling Average) : Myles Murray, Youth 7.48 Season 13
02 Jul 11 02:05 3rd (Bowling Average) : Daoud Khoury, Youth 7.48 Season 13
02 Jul 11 02:05 1st (Bowling Strikerate) : Daoud Khoury, Youth 7.48 Season 13
02 Jul 11 02:05 2nd (Keeper Dismissals) : Aulay Fleming, Youth 7.48 Season 13
02 Jul 11 02:05 3rd (Fielder Dismissals) : Kenneth Hair, Youth 7.48 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:45 1st (League Position) : Twenty20 7.24 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:45 2nd (Wickets Taken) : Hector Bruce, Twenty20 7.24 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:45 3rd (Wickets Taken) : Stephen Ritchie, Twenty20 7.24 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:45 1st (Bowling Average) : Philip Thompson, Twenty20 7.24 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:45 2nd (Bowling Average) : Aamer Hussain, Twenty20 7.24 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:45 3rd (Bowling Average) : Hector Bruce, Twenty20 7.24 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:45 1st (Bowling Strikerate) : Aamer Hussain, Twenty20 7.24 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:45 2nd (Bowling Strikerate) : Philip Thompson, Twenty20 7.24 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:45 3rd (Bowling Strikerate) : Hector Bruce, Twenty20 7.24 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:45 2nd (Keeper Dismissals) : David Jamieson, Twenty20 7.24 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:45 1st (Fielder Dismissals) : Rory Crawford, Twenty20 7.24 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:45 1st (Runs Scored) : Martin McKenzie, Twenty20 7.24 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:45 1st (Batting Average) : Martin McKenzie, Twenty20 7.24 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:45 3rd (Batting Average) : Bernard Crawford, Twenty20 7.24 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:45 1st (Batting Strikerate) : Pim Van Buuren, Twenty20 7.24 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:45 2nd (Batting Strikerate) : Martin McKenzie, Twenty20 7.24 Season 13

Club Overview - Season XIII

02 Jul 11 00:20 Club transferred from England to Zimbabwe at the end of season 13
02 Jul 11 00:04 Finished season 13 in position 2 of league Youth 7.48
02 Jul 11 00:03 Finished season 13 in position 1 of league Twenty20 7.24
02 Jul 11 00:03 Promoted to Twenty20 6.15 at the end of season 13
02 Jul 11 00:03 Finished season 13 in position 7 of league One Day 6.8
02 Jul 11 00:03 Demoted to One Day 7.52 at the end of season 13

Finished 1st in the senior t20s, 2nd in YOD and 7th in SOD.

Managed a prize money of 192k. But the happiest bit of news for me's that I've been placed in Division 4 in all the formats after my move to Zimbabwe. :)

t20 - 4.1
YOD - 4.4
SOD - 4.6


lol, btw found my pavilion cup opponent's senior squad very interesting regarding the player names. Yea and goes without saying that I've been sent to hell with that sort of a draw. This is his senior squad and also have a look at his blog.

From the Pavilion - Free Online Cricket Management Game
Just went through my 21 opponents for the new season across all formats. Won't be relegated whatsoever cos almost all of them look pretty bad. :D

My predictions for Season XIV

SOD 4.6 - 3rd; Rivals - Harare Harriers and Bulawayo Bulls
St20 4.1 - 2nd; Rival - Dandenong CC
YOD 4.4 - 3rd; Rivals - Hotham Cricket Club and Cricket-Mania
Pavilion Cup - Eliminated 1st Round

Which means I'll end up with a prize money of $160,000 given the prize moneys are halved from now.
Last edited:
Won't be relegated whatsoever cos almost all of them look pretty bad. :D

That's what I thought with some of my opponents last season. Played a weakened lineup, turned out they weren't as rubbish as I thought, and got wasted :p
My Awards:

1st (League Position) : Youth 4.1 Season 13
1st (Wickets Taken) : Cory Hawkins, Youth 4.1 Season 13
2nd (Wickets Taken) : Harry Robinson, Youth 4.1 Season 13
1st (Bowling Average) : Cory Hawkins, Youth 4.1 Season 13
2nd (Bowling Average) : Harry Robinson, Youth 4.1 Season 13
1st (Bowling Strikerate) : Cory Hawkins, Youth 4.1 Season 13
2nd (Bowling Strikerate) : Harry Robinson, Youth 4.1 Season 13
1st (Keeper Dismissals) : Evan Graham, Youth 4.1 Season 13
1st (Fielder Dismissals) : Onno Engelbert, Youth 4.1 Season 13
2nd (Fielder Dismissals) : Cory Hawkins, Youth 4.1 Season 13
1st (Runs Scored) : Onno Engelbert, Youth 4.1 Season 13
3rd (Runs Scored) : Evan Graham, Youth 4.1 Season 13
2nd (Batting Average) : Onno Engelbert, Youth 4.1 Season 13
2nd (Fielder Dismissals) : Haranetra Venkataraman, Twenty20 4.8 Season 13
2nd (Batting Strikerate) : Caleb Sad, Twenty20 4.8 Season 13
3rd (League Position) : One Day 4.3 Season 13
3rd (Wickets Taken) : Norman Faraday, One Day 4.3 Season 13
3rd (Bowling Average) : Norman Faraday, One Day 4.3 Season 13
3rd (Bowling Strikerate) : Norman Faraday, One Day 4.3 Season 13
3rd (Keeper Dismissals) : Bart-Jan Davids, One Day 4.3 Season 13
1st (Runs Scored) : Darren Hack, One Day 4.3 Season 13
2nd (Batting Strikerate) : Regis Kamungozi, One Day 4.3 Season 13
My awards. 37.

1st (League Position) : Youth 5.10 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:34 1st (Wickets Taken) : Mark Freedman, Youth 5.10 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:34 2nd (Wickets Taken) : Keith Brooks, Youth 5.10 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:34 3rd (Wickets Taken) : Keith Thorpe, Youth 5.10 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:34 1st (Bowling Average) : Mark Freedman, Youth 5.10 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:34 3rd (Bowling Average) : Keith Brooks, Youth 5.10 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:34 1st (Bowling Strikerate) : Mark Freedman, Youth 5.10 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:34 1st (Keeper Dismissals) : Richard Tabart, Youth 5.10 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:34 1st (Fielder Dismissals) : Rory Dunne, Youth 5.10 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:34 2nd (Fielder Dismissals) : Keith Brooks, Youth 5.10 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:34 2nd (Fielder Dismissals) : Kasisnu Matu, Youth 5.10 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:34 1st (Runs Scored) : Rory Dunne, Youth 5.10 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:34 3rd (Runs Scored) : Kasisnu Matu, Youth 5.10 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:34 1st (Batting Average) : Rory Dunne, Youth 5.10 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:34 3rd (Batting Average) : Keith Brooks, Youth 5.10 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:34 2nd (Batting Strikerate) : Kasisnu Matu, Youth 5.10 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:34 3rd (Batting Strikerate) : Hubert Stewart, Youth 5.10 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:31 2nd (League Position) : Twenty20 5.1 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:31 1st (Wickets Taken) : Oliver Donaldson, Twenty20 5.1 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:31 3rd (Wickets Taken) : Amir Kaleel, Twenty20 5.1 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:31 1st (Keeper Dismissals) : Brandon Sands, Twenty20 5.1 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:31 2nd (Fielder Dismissals) : Ralph Elijzen, Twenty20 5.1 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:31 3rd (Fielder Dismissals) : Amir Kaleel, Twenty20 5.1 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:31 1st (Runs Scored) : Carter Sanchez, Twenty20 5.1 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:31 3rd (Runs Scored) : Leon Hogan, Twenty20 5.1 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:31 3rd (Batting Average) : Carter Sanchez, Twenty20 5.1 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:31 1st (Batting Strikerate) : Brandon Sands, Twenty20 5.1 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:28 2nd (League Position) : One Day 5.4 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:28 2nd (Wickets Taken) : Amir Kaleel, One Day 5.4 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:28 3rd (Bowling Strikerate) : Amir Kaleel, One Day 5.4 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:28 1st (Keeper Dismissals) : Brandon Sands, One Day 5.4 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:28 2nd (Fielder Dismissals) : Leon Hogan, One Day 5.4 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:28 2nd (Runs Scored) : Carter Sanchez, One Day 5.4 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:28 1st (Batting Average) : Robert McIntyre, One Day 5.4 Season 13
02 Jul 11 01:28 3rd (Batting Strikerate) : Cyril Allen, One Day 5.4 Season 13

Won $249,000 in prize money and have got promoted to 4.2 youth. :D
I need to test out my new youth players. Now that I think about it I don't think I have a fifth bowler...

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