FTP: From the Pavilion general chat

Anyone close?

The first guy has likely only just popped his batting. The second guy is close to popping one of his primaries. He also has better secondaries so you don't have to train them as much. He can also be used as a captain. From a training perspective I'd go with the second guy, but the first guy would probably perform better
Anyone close?

The first guy has likely only just popped his batting. The second guy is close to popping one of his primaries. He also has better secondaries so you don't have to train them as much. He can also be used as a captain. From a training perspective I'd go with the second guy, but the first guy would probably perform better

The next best captain (4 of them) reads 'capable'. I'm looking to retaining the player who'll supposedly perform better, but then selling the 2nd guy hampers my team's captaincy effect. :/
The difference between Capable and Accomplished won't really have a noticeable affect and your guys have low experience anyway so their captaincy will still be terrible :p
WTf! I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that wages during the off season would be reset to NULL, but given they haven't - my finance update now reads 66k in the wages column. :facepalm Nice increase in the sponsorship money though.
hahaha nice name lol


I'm am in need of a youth bowler and a senior batsman before the season starts next week :( Currently have my eye on a couple of players and that should round out my transfers. Really should wait but there are so many players on the market now...
haha, $150,000. You're dreaming :p

Reveal your team skills and I'll help you a bit.

Ok,thanks man.
John Kane  

16 years old | 16,645 rating | $769 wage | Right hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin | Skilled (Technique)

dreadful experience | average form | energetic fatigue | capable captaincyBatting ordinary Endurance dreadful Fielding ordinary
Bowling average Technique dreadful Training Batting Technique
Keeping atrocious Power dreadful  

Timothy Bridgeman  

17 years old | 20,645 rating | $716 wage | Right hand batsman | Right arm Fast medium | Swing

dreadful experience | capable form | rested fatigue | ordinary captaincyBatting poor Endurance poor Fielding poor
Bowling ordinary Technique ordinary Training Bowling Technique
Keeping poor Power poor  

Victor Davies  

17 years old | 23,739 rating | $972 wage | Right hand batsman | Left arm Finger spin | Boundary Hitter

poor experience | average form | rested fatigue | average captaincyBatting average Endurance average Fielding poor
Bowling ordinary Technique average Training Batting
Keeping dreadful Power ordinary  

Norman Drew  

17 years old | 21,585 rating | $788 wage | Right hand batsman | Right arm Fast medium | Bouncer

dreadful experience | capable form | rested fatigue | average captaincyBatting ordinary Endurance average Fielding poor
Bowling poor Technique average Training Bowling
Keeping atrocious Power poor  

William Freeman  

17 years old | 23,676 rating | $818 wage | Right hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin | Doosra

poor experience | average form | rested fatigue | poor captaincyBatting average Endurance ordinary Fielding poor
Bowling poor Technique average Training Bowling Technique
Keeping poor Power average  

Lester Grant  

17 years old | 20,408 rating | $850 wage | Right hand batsman | Left arm Finger spin | Doosra

dreadful experience | capable form | rested fatigue | atrocious captaincyBatting poor Endurance ordinary Fielding poor
Bowling average Technique average Training Bowling Technique
Keeping dreadful Power dreadful  

Gary Hiscock  

17 years old | 24,993 rating | $853 wage | Left hand batsman | Right arm Fast medium | Finisher

atrocious experience | reliable form | rested fatigue | ordinary captaincyBatting ordinary Endurance average Fielding ordinary
Bowling ordinary Technique average Training Bowling Technique
Keeping dreadful Power ordinary  

Clyde Morgan  

17 years old | 21,395 rating | $1,197 wage | Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium | Slower Ball

dreadful experience | reasonable form | rested fatigue | ordinary captaincyBatting reasonable Endurance dreadful Fielding dreadful
Bowling ordinary Technique ordinary Training Fitness
Keeping atrocious Power average  

John Schuller  

17 years old | 26,280 rating | $1,020 wage | Left hand batsman | Left arm Medium | Spin Specialist

poor experience | accomplished form | rested fatigue | capable captaincyBatting reasonable Endurance ordinary Fielding average
Bowling poor Technique ordinary Training Batting Technique
Keeping poor Power ordinary  

William Williams  

17 years old | 22,116 rating | $656 wage | Left hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin | Skilled (Technique)

dreadful experience | reliable form | rested fatigue | capable captaincyBatting ordinary Endurance reasonable Fielding poor
Bowling dreadful Technique ordinary Training Batting
Keeping dreadful Power ordinary  

Imran Khan  

18 years old | 26,595 rating | $973 wage | Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium | Finisher

dreadful experience | reliable form | rested fatigue | dreadful captaincyBatting average Endurance ordinary Fielding average
Bowling poor Technique average Training Keeper-Batsman
Keeping reasonable Power poor  

Liam Rees 

18 years old | 24,445 rating | $720 wage | Right hand batsman | Right arm Fast | Slower Ball

poor experience | reliable form | rested fatigue | capable captaincyBatting poor Endurance average Fielding average
Bowling ordinary Technique ordinary Training Bowling
Keeping poor Power ordinary  

Victor Saunders  

18 years old | 24,946 rating | $857 wage | Left hand batsman | Left arm Finger spin | Accumulator, Gifted (Endurance)

poor experience | reliable form | rested fatigue | average captaincyBatting average Endurance reasonable Fielding ordinary
Bowling poor Technique ordinary Training Batting
Keeping dreadful Power ordinary  

Max Timmermans  

18 years old | 26,961 rating | $1,203 wage | Right hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin | Arm Ball

poor experience | reliable form | rested fatigue | ordinary captaincyBatting average Endurance ordinary Fielding ordinary
Bowling average Technique average Training Bowling
Keeping poor Power ordinary  

Barry Cottrell  

19 years old | 23,923 rating | $1,116 wage | Left hand batsman | Right arm Fast medium | Bouncer

poor experience | average form | rested fatigue | capable captaincyBatting poor Endurance ordinary Fielding poor
Bowling reasonable Technique reasonable Training Bowling Technique
Keeping dreadful Power ordinary  

Oliver Fleming  

19 years old | 26,991 rating | $1,203 wage | Left hand batsman | Left arm Finger spin | Arm Ball, Finisher

dreadful experience | reliable form | rested fatigue | average captaincyBatting average Endurance ordinary Fielding average
Bowling reasonable Technique average Training Bowling Technique
Keeping poor Power poor  

Shepherd Mofokeng  

19 years old | 26,445 rating | $1,009 wage | Right hand batsman | Right arm Wrist spin | Flipper

dreadful experience | reliable form | rested fatigue | ordinary captaincyBatting dreadful Endurance reasonable Fielding average
Bowling reasonable Technique ordinary Training Bowling Technique
Keeping poor Power poor  

Parker Teahan  

19 years old | 26,087 rating | $1,428 wage | Right hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin | Accumulator

dreadful experience | capable form | rested fatigue | average captaincyBatting reasonable Endurance average Fielding reasonable
Bowling dreadful Technique capable Training Batting
Keeping atrocious Power poor


As for the seniors,I don't think I bought any yet.
Oh,I totally forgot that they're seniors now,LOL.
I have 110k to buy players (preferably youth)

Michael Flanagan

20 years old | 27,137 rating | $2,124 wage | Left hand batsman | Left arm Finger spin | Accumulator

ordinary experience | reliable form | rested fatigue | poor captaincyBatting reliable Endurance capable Fielding poor
Bowling atrocious Technique reliable Training Strength
Keeping atrocious Power poor

Norman Turner

20 years old | 25,165 rating | $2,386 wage | Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium | Gifted (Fielding), Yorker

ordinary experience | reliable form | rested fatigue | reasonable captaincyBatting atrocious Endurance ordinary Fielding poor
Bowling reliable Technique reliable Training Fitness
Keeping atrocious Power poor
hmm, ok. Well on your youths and what they should be trained on. Ok, well get everybody's fielding up to ordinary first is my recommendation, then.

Kane - Good youth, train on bowling tech for a while then maybe go for one fielding pop when he's 18 and an endurance pop as well around then

Bridgeman - I'd fire

Davies - Good player, train batting

Drew - I would train his batting rather than bowling

Freeman - Batting, good looking player there actually

Grant - Bowling/Bowling Tech

Hiscock - Bowling or batting. All-Rounder would leave him behind in both primaries

Morgan - Def needs fielding, then put him on batting tech

Schuller - Batting tech

Williams - Fire

Khan - Keeper Bat

Rees - Fire

Saunders - Bat tech

Timmermans - All-Rounder

Cottrell - Bowling

Fleming - All-Rounder

Mofokeng - I'd probably fire but up to you

Teahen - Batting
Thank you Br?nd?n,much appreciated. :)
I thought of training Drew and Freeman in the bowling department because of their special skills.

I was also hoping for Bridgeman to become a future star but he just doesn't pop. :(

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