Gamespy Arcade ID's

my IGN id is Hydr0genBat (and dont have msn, my yahoo id is ll_desires_ll )
hi salo2 ..i want to play this game via on line wid u....but how i use game spy arcade ..i dont know ..??? actually when i open this then it want email id..then i give email id by which i regiserd in the site of game spy but it not accept plz tel me procedure,,,,,and if u know procedure of LAN paly then plz tellll me
my id is rgrohit
creating a account is very easy morson just like creating a e-mail id
mine is Srivvs,

could somebody please help me how to play online?? i registered for gamespy just now this is the first time i am using it, n there was no1 in the main lobby.

would anybody like to add me???? I am so bored of playing vs AI that is why i got this game

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hey i wanna play just lemme know wen ur online and tell me do i need to register at gamespy?

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