I've had both, i had the 360 for over a year, had 2 replacement consoles and 2 scratched discs. Microsoft still dont want to permanently fix the problem though. My warranty was running out so i sold my 360 and got a PS3. I have to say that its a much better console. Better made, and some pretty awesome games already. Resistance, Motorstorm, F1, Oblivion and Ninja Gaiden Sigma are just amazing games with simply amazing graphics. On my HD it just looks awesome. Also, the PS3 allows upscaling of Ps2/PS1 games and Dvds, so i can watch all my favourite dvd's in HD. The controller is awesome, the console is awesome and imo is the better system. The 360 does have better games atm though, however the PS3 has some crackers coming in the next few months.
And Madman, i've noticed that you seem to take your own opinion as gospel. Your opinion is your opinion, not neccessarily the opinion of others, so dont try and make out that other people are wrong just because they dont agree with your Point of view.