Your Cricket General Bowling Thread

You are either bowling subtle leg breaks with a lot of top spin or chucking it, if you can bowl a 'doosra' with no practice. My advice would be for you to work on your leg breaks, leg break bowlers can pick up tons of wickets if they get their accuracy right and can spin the ball. 'Gettin hit quite alot' is caused mainly by bowling too short, look to toss the ball up on a driveable length but putting a lot of sideways revolutions on the ball. Sideways revolutions can create in-drift as well as helping spin the ball. Stick with leg spin and trust me, you won't regret it. The variations are countless (googly, flipper, slider, top spinner, floater, dipper, not to mention plain changes in pace) and with practice, you could have batsman in all sorts.

nah i dont chuck it, just bowl it as off spin and it spins the other way, so its got to be doosras, nothing else you can call it. i got someone to look at my wrist position and he said that it comes out as a off break but spins to the left.
i used to bowl leg spin with the normal leg break grip and release, but i got no spin at all and only got wickets from being lucky, so how i bowl it now is alot better, and for my variations i can bowl the top spinner by bowlin my old leg spin, because the seam is upright spinning, ive got the faster ball, and a ball that spins back into the batsman
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The grip should stay the same as for the right handed bowler - experiment with it and see how it goes.

In the second video you're dragging the ball away from the right handed batsman for two reasons:

1. Wrist position - try to relax your wrist slightly, you appear to have locked it in place.

2. Head position - I'd like to see your head stay upright for a fraction longer. You seem to drop it too early which is messing with your lines.

Also, try to think tall when you're bowling, this will help you to fully use your height and arm reach.

You also appear to almost stop between your take off and delivery stride, which means you're losing any momentum gained from the run up. Try to make it smoother - you want to be going forward more than up so that you can transfer the power.

I would also say that you may benefit from looking at the direction of your feet when you land, the front leg could be better placed.

I'll post more thoughts after I've watched the videos a few times more.

Thanks for the tips. The bolded part is my biggest problem, how can I achieve this, whatever I try, it seems to always end up with me seemingly hanging in the air as I do in the video.
It's not wrong to have the jump and the hang but you're going in the wrong direction lol.

Firstly, I'd check that your run up is correct and that is something which is going to be down to you. Run up from a variety of distances and see when it 'feels right' to bowl. Mark this out and it will be something close to ideal for you.

Once you're happy with this it will make the gather and jump easier to adjust.
A lot of this is mental and something which is difficult to help with over an internet forum but you have to picture what you want to achieve so in this case the forward movement as opposed to upwards.

One tip that is worth trying and again will take practice is too take a breath in as you're about to jump. It will make the trunk area strong and kind of pull you through the air. Try it and see how it goes.
Mane, i think you have a tendency, from the videos, to lean towards the stumps, which looks like your making your bowling arm widen out, and bowl towards, id say, 2nd slip, which gives batmsen ample chance to cover drive you, be it front or back foot, and play all sorts of shots risk free.

I could be wrong, but do you feel you stray a little wide, i know its easily done, i do it to.
Quite the opposite, I find I bowl far too straight and down the leg side most days...
Ok then, well id say, if you want it a bit more off-stumpish, hold the ball so the seam is aimed at first slip, bit vague, but if you had trouble with spin, id be able to write chapters ;)
cory collymore holds the seam with his middle finger, and as you may have seen he gets the ball to move both ways....
Your infact wrong there, his middle finger does have contact with the ball, but he uses the normal grip for a quick. Its just he makes the ball leave his grip with the last thing to touch is his middle finger. Which means greater stability and helps the ball swing, and is probably more accurate.
Your infact wrong there, his middle finger does have contact with the ball, but he uses the normal grip for a quick. Its just he makes the ball leave his grip with the last thing to touch is his middle finger. Which means greater stability and helps the ball swing, and is probably more accurate.

...sorry :(
My Bowling

This is me having a bowl down at my local net last weekend.
In my area im the fastest bowler around;) but currently i have an injured knee and im set to have surjery so il be fixed up and be ready to represent New Zealand:p

Does anyone think my action will lead to back injurys because it looks like I have a dodgey action.

post your veiws please:)
Naw, looks hell like a Simon Jones action, actually it might lead to injuries.

Those New Zealand nets look dodgy as!
Jones' action is way more slingy than that. You dont look "that" quick to me, you could do with more momentum coming into the crease. You dont look like your attacking the stumps, just strolling in and rolling your arm over. If you really start running in and attacking the stumps your pace will increase. I might try and get a video of my action on soon, have only seen 1 video of my action, but that was months ago, and i've increased my pace immensely since then. I'll try and get one sometime over the summer.
Would have to agree with KP in that you don't appear to be that quick. However, I'll keep an open mind in that it may be off season, nerves or whatever.

Without having some other views it's difficult to make a full assessment of your action but initial thoughts are that it's basically ok. There are a few things that you could do but I'll have a proper look when I can and see what I can come up with.
Looks like a mix between Simon Jones and Jacob Oram.

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