Getting ball to bounce of the pitch with drives

I don't think it is so much that they've never noticed, but it's more to do with feedback from the programming team. @HBK619 has said a few times that he's been told that no changes have been made to the ball on bat physics, and the coders may be telling the truth there, no conscious changes may have been made. Anyone who is familiar with coding though will know that all it takes is a mistakenly broken line of code or perhaps a 0 where there ought to be a 1 somewhere deep in a whole string to cause a problem. The trouble is they have to trawl through massive blocks of code to find it, and that's why they need to know where it's happening and what people were doing. It's hideously difficult to do from hearsay alone, which is why those videos are so vital.
Great vid

Remember now could hit the ball into ground and over fielders and I am sure pre patches the non striker used to try and avoid the ball if hit to him

Absolutely right, that's mainly due to the "in the air" shots after Patch#2 ...
I'm so glad you guys are looking at this. I don't mean to be disrespectful but I can't believe you never noticed it. I wanted to remind myself what batting with no triggers was like before patch 2 so I decided to delete the game data to go back to the original game state (I'm on PS3 btw). OMG it was amazing to hit some drives into the ground. I could actually bat again dependant on what ball was delivered instead of, "right I can't hit it there or there or there because an infielder will catch me so I can only hit it there", I realised I have been premeditating every shot so I don't get caught by an infielder, since patch 2.

I recorded a video of some drives. So one is pre patch 2 and one is post patch 2, I batted in exactly the same manner in both videos, the difference is pretty massive I think you'll agree

Pre Patch 2

Post Patch 2

Great videos bud and I have to add that the difference is even more stark if you look at pull/hook & cut shots. These shots carry in the air at a catchable height beyond the fielding circle post patch 2 no matter the timing. They definitely need some tweaking in patch 3. Before patch 2 we had leg glances and flicks carry to the fielders on the leg side, and post patch 2 other than leg glances, almost all other shots go in the air.
I'm so glad you guys are looking at this. I don't mean to be disrespectful but I can't believe you never noticed it. I wanted to remind myself what batting with no triggers was like before patch 2 so I decided to delete the game data to go back to the original game state (I'm on PS3 btw). OMG it was amazing to hit some drives into the ground. I could actually bat again dependant on what ball was delivered instead of, "right I can't hit it there or there or there because an infielder will catch me so I can only hit it there", I realised I have been premeditating every shot so I don't get caught by an infielder, since patch 2.

I recorded a video of some drives. So one is pre patch 2 and one is post patch 2, I batted in exactly the same manner in both videos, the difference is pretty massive I think you'll agree

Pre Patch 2

Post Patch 2

Fantastic video from Super Freddie. Are there any of pull shots and cut shots hitting the ground post patch 2?
None at all from my experience.

Sorry I meant pre Patch 2. I also noticed and odd bug where you defend, the ball sticks in the bat and then pops up to the short in fielder. Annoying to say the least. I'm sure others have mentioned it.
It maybe also worth noting (maybe already mentioned before) that we can hit down the pitch in practice nets (career mode), but I, who knows nothing about coding and stuff, am assuming the practice nets uses everything differently than actual match simulation.
So I decided to do a couple more videos showing the difference between cuts and pulls before and after patch 2. I hadn't noticed the difference quite as much as drives, I think because I don't use cut and pull shots quite as much as drives.

But my gosh the difference was even more substantial. I used the same difficulty (pro),pitch type, bowler and shot technique with no triggers in each video. It only took me batting in the second over of each test to get these videos, bowled by Ishant Sharma who generally bowls short so I could cut and pull, so I didn't play loads of overs and hand pick which shots to show.

This video was before Patch 2.
That first ball climbed really high and the batsman still hit it into the ground.

So this video is after patch 2.
Sorry about the quality on that one.

But as you can see I got caught twice and could have been caught twice by the umpire.

Going back to the game with no patches has let me enjoy batting once again, the only downside is I have to put up with all the crap stuff that got fixed by the patches. So fingers crossed Bigant can fix this issue in patch 3 and we can get somewhere near the game we all hoped it would be.
Excellent work Freddie, we all see the problem and in career it's more than annoying as i just got sick of getting out.
To Bigant we are not saying we don't want to hit in the air at all just not when timed well like those shots above.
Yeah I must say it's a bit bizarre that the patch fixed so many things but added in arguably a "bug" that's worse than anything it fixed. It made bowling a lot more fun as you felt like wickets had to be earned, but it made batting incredibly frustrating.

I had to do the save-quit-reload routing often because i felt it was so cheap that literally EVERY straight drive was catchable by the bowler, for example. The same goes with cover drives to short cover, leg glances to mid wicket etc.
So I decided to do a couple more videos showing the difference between cuts and pulls before and after patch 2. I hadn't noticed the difference quite as much as drives, I think because I don't use cut and pull shots quite as much as drives.

But my gosh the difference was even more substantial. I used the same difficulty (pro),pitch type, bowler and shot technique with no triggers in each video. It only took me batting in the second over of each test to get these videos, bowled by Ishant Sharma who generally bowls short so I could cut and pull, so I didn't play loads of overs and hand pick which shots to show.

This video was before Patch 2.
That first ball climbed really high and the batsman still hit it into the ground.

So this video is after patch 2.
Sorry about the quality on that one.

But as you can see I got caught twice and could have been caught twice by the umpire.

Going back to the game with no patches has let me enjoy batting once again, the only downside is I have to put up with all the crap stuff that got fixed by the patches. So fingers crossed Bigant can fix this issue in patch 3 and we can get somewhere near the game we all hoped it would be.

Genuinely amazing stuff. I'm watching those cuts and pulls in the first video and feeling jealous! Thanks so much for this SuperFreddie!
Excellent work Freddie, we all see the problem and in career it's more than annoying as i just got sick of getting out.
To Bigant we are not saying we don't want to hit in the air at all just not when timed well like those shots above.
Absolutely right...Executing pull shots is hard but looks great when timed well...You cant expect every pull shot to be grounded as Pacy bouncers can create problems to the batsman...So that balance needs to be right...Overall it should feel like I got out off a good delivery...We need to accept our dismissal in the career or casual matches which is hard at the moment...Is balance is right then its just an awesome but addictive game...
Yeah I must say it's a bit bizarre that the patch fixed so many things but added in arguably a "bug" that's worse than anything it fixed. It made bowling a lot more fun as you felt like wickets had to be earned, but it made batting incredibly frustrating.

I had to do the save-quit-reload routing often because i felt it was so cheap that literally EVERY straight drive was catchable by the bowler, for example. The same goes with cover drives to short cover, leg glances to mid wicket etc.
Same here..Would do the reload if I get out by one of those buggy shots as its really frustrating to get out in that manner and I don't want to create frustration with the game....So the game feels so calm and needs concentration for each run...Hope the future patches make the game feel just right and well balanced....
So I decided to do a couple more videos showing the difference between cuts and pulls before and after patch 2. I hadn't noticed the difference quite as much as drives, I think because I don't use cut and pull shots quite as much as drives.

But my gosh the difference was even more substantial. I used the same difficulty (pro),pitch type, bowler and shot technique with no triggers in each video. It only took me batting in the second over of each test to get these videos, bowled by Ishant Sharma who generally bowls short so I could cut and pull, so I didn't play loads of overs and hand pick which shots to show.

This video was before Patch 2.
That first ball climbed really high and the batsman still hit it into the ground.

So this video is after patch 2.
Sorry about the quality on that one.

But as you can see I got caught twice and could have been caught twice by the umpire.

Going back to the game with no patches has let me enjoy batting once again, the only downside is I have to put up with all the crap stuff that got fixed by the patches. So fingers crossed Bigant can fix this issue in patch 3 and we can get somewhere near the game we all hoped it would be.
Those videos are a pretty good illustration. Just quickly I'm wondering if the shots were played off the front foot or the back foot in the second one? I'm just wondering if the in the air shots has arisen because there is more emphasis on picking the correct footwork for the shot or if it's happening whilst playing off the back foot as well? I've got into the routine of playing almost exclusively front foot so I genuinely don't know.

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