Getting ball to bounce of the pitch with drives

Sure sure, but the triggers work just fine as they are now. Don't always go for four and keep the ball along the ground...

It's not perfect, but I would debate the merits of 15 pages on the topic vs getting better at timing and using the triggers.

As I said, I think there's room for improvement clearly for some of y'all but a I'm reading a lot of waxing lyrical about this "issue" which I think everyone is aware of and is in need of maybe being a bit more flexible when it comes to the non-trigger shots. But as it stands, there is a function in the game certainly on PC that does exactly what you need it to do when it comes to driving the ball in PRO mode.

I'd rather people go on about this issue for 15 pages and get a response/fix for it than just shut up and learn to adapt to the game's faults.

As I've said, the trigger shots are much more forgiving on Pro so it doesn't compare, and even then it's still a blatant issue with the game that needs sorting.

I love this game as much as anyone but there's no point getting defensive and being an apologist when it comes to broken aspects of the game such as this.
Ha HA! ...there's that word again. "Broken".

"Apologist" whilst a cute little jab, isn't at all what I'm saying. But I'll leave it with you to mull over all the same. Nobodies "adapting" to any faults, it's like you don't read posts here...

I do like how "you play on pro, so you're wrong" is reasoning though. Pretty sure that's not quite how it works, but whatevz. I've said my bit...

Over under on another 15 pages? I've got a fiver up for grabs...
It's an issue that has some people saying they won't play the game again until the issue is sorted. Others are even playing the game without the patches.
Not me, I might add.
Sure sure, but the triggers work just fine as they are now. Don't always go for four and keep the ball along the ground...
Except for the fact that when you go online and bat exactly the same, you're suddenly amazing at shots that are near impossible against the AI offline.

Avoiding it is possible - just like it was with the runout bug and a bunch of other problems. But it's still a problem none the less.
I never said it wasn't a problem. It's like I've stepped into a vacuum where people read half a post or something?
Except for the fact that when you go online and bat exactly the same, you're suddenly amazing at shots that are near impossible against the AI offline.
still its about getting the physics right, not just a matter of scoring runs, in online due to toggling off chinawall you get straight drives through still the way the shot itself plays needs the tweak rather than making it scoreable by dummying fielding.

Like madman said

Being able to hit controlled shots along the ground safely is batting 101
I never said it wasn't a problem. It's like I've stepped into a vacuum where people read half a post or something?

I think that you did. I can find the post if you like. I don't want to open old wounds here but you told me a while ago that it was all to do with my bad timing.
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I never said it wasn't a problem.
The same controls in two different game modes do different things, so it's not something you can get used to or work around. You basically have to relearn batting whenever you swap modes. Or in your case, PCs.
Matt, didnt you notice the difference between the way drives played between consoles prepatch and the way drives played post patch 2 while testing early access.
The same controls in two different game modes do different things, so it's not something you can get used to or work around. You basically have to relearn batting whenever you swap modes. Or in your case, PCs.

Here's what I said:

I don't agree that I should have to hold down triggers to always play along the ground shots, but currently until it's tweaked, it works just fine. I think without em, they should prolly be tweaked but it's not nearly as big an issue as this thread makes it out to be.

I then said...

...would I prefer I didn't have to use em all the time? Sure, but it does work.

I play 70% online 30% career and whether it's that difference vs the AI and I haven't noticed it or something I'm not saying there's not a problem, I'm saying that there's a way you do the things you want to do in the game right now, that does exactly the things many claim are no longer in the game any more. Matt alludes anyway, since upgrading to a new machine my batting is terrible online because my timing is all out of whack again because I'm getting better frame-rates than either on PS3 or my old PC so maybe I was in a magic wonderland of hardware where I was just awesome at batting for some incredible moment in time...
Yes Matt. It's all your fault
not blaming him at all just that it has escaped everyone involved, when its so visible to a few, and still his insistence of having it like how it plays online rather than the way the AI plays the drives or prepatch2.

Most of them just seem to have been happy as long as they can score to be honest and not really care about how the drives themselves playout for a game with realistic physics on everything else.

Here's what I said:
prob is its not like this thread has achieved fonz scripted random attention so expect the rant to go on till more attention is given.

Your suggestion really works but after sometime it puts you off a bit to keep holding both triggers for a basic task also those shots looks ugly compared to basic drives also a bit more edgy at higher difficulties, its just may not be a big deal for you but it depends on the kind of player, for some one trying to have a NO3/4 Ponting SRT like career or in basic my playstyle it irks a lot.

Stop taking about bloody cricket and get back to the SNOOKER
get back to your snooker thread dont bring it here :p

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