Getting ball to bounce of the pitch with drives

Matt, didnt you notice the difference between the way drives played between consoles prepatch and the way drives played post patch 2.
No - I was too busy noticing how on Patch 2 I could actually bat on Pro.

Playing on an unpatched game isn't something I'd want to do - I found pretty much every shot impossible before the patch, especially if I was batting on Veteran because that's the lowest difficulty where bowling was a challenge. I still find batting on Patch 2 vastly better than before the patch, despite it being hard to hit the ball along the ground forward, I can now actually make reasonable totals.

I certainly disagree that the pre-patch batting is an improvement. Post patch 2 just has different problems, the sum of which I think is smaller.

I'm saying that there's a way you do the things you want to do in the game right now, that does exactly the things many claim are no longer in the game any more.
Not using triggers is a big differentiation - as I certainly find there's an element of pre-emption in using the aggressive ground triggers, whereas being able to not press them and get a grounded shot away, even if it's not a run scoring shot, opens you up a bit when batting to being able to respond to unexpected balls.

The utility of the non-trigger shots online makes them a huge missing piece going back offline. It takes me a few batting innings to adjust back to trying to remember I have to pull the triggers in to be able to hit forward.
No - I was too busy noticing how on Patch 2 I could actually bat on Pro.
Playing on an unpatched game isn't something I'd want to do - I found pretty much every shot impossible before the patch, especially if I was batting on Veteran because that's the lowest difficulty where bowling was a challenge. I still find batting on Patch 2 vastly better than before the patch, despite it being hard to hit the ball along the ground forward, I can now actually make reasonable totals.
I certainly disagree that the pre-patch batting is an improvement. Post patch 2 just has different problems, the sum of which I think is smaller.

thanks that gives some perspective as i started of on PC and noticed these, i dont know how the batting difficulty was prepatch, but i would love those physics back atleast should be hopefully possible without altering the difficulty as you say batting difficulty is better now than prepatch.[DOUBLEPOST=1407259925][/DOUBLEPOST]
Certainly not. Straight shots are massively overpowered online - but it's a better extreme than offline.

I do however wonder how much of it is the shot and how much of it is the bowler's ability to field off his own deliveries. Because that's probably what most of the difference online is - the ball passes the bowler before the fielding control switches back to the player.
ya exactly.
and still his insistence of having it like how it plays online
Certainly not. Straight shots are massively overpowered online - but it's a better extreme than offline.

I do however wonder how much of it is the shot and how much of it is the bowler's ability to field off his own deliveries. Because that's probably what most of the difference online is - the ball passes the bowler before the fielding control switches back to the player.
...and I don't disagree with any of that @MattW. I just don't have the same issues switching between the two modes, but I don't play any higher than PRO and I'm pre-meditating in the sense I'm deciding whether I'm going to hit the shit outta it or not. I don't pre-meditate specific shots, just the power I which I want to hit them... I couldn't imagine playing the game any other way, but I assume theres folks out there do, because "that's not how you do it in real life" or something? I really don't know if that's a bad thing or not, I'm like, too far down the rabbit hole today, so close to buying a snooker game... should still follow through with that ban, that Biggs guy is fundamentally broken, a un-patched mess of reasonable, levelled opinion and wit that two people don't get because, this is serious business.

Related; I'm not supposed to hit the black one labelled 8?
I really don't know if that's a bad thing or not, I'm like, too far down the rabbit hole today, so close to buying a snooker game...
It didn't help that I started this week having just watched a Giant Bomb quick look of Pure Pool, so I'd been thinking about those games already before it started coming up on here.

At least the concept of Snooker is a little bit more understandable than accidentally getting Barmy started on road cycling.
Do I need a controller to play [insert snooker game]

When is the release date of "XTREME Barmy Road Cycling?"
I literally cannot wait to download it and then @ mention Barmy for fixes to the broken schimano gear modes...
I heard that in order to get the ball to bounce off the pitch, all you need to do is chalk your bat.
all you need to do is chalk your bat.

That's coming in patch three..

More Biggs shitposts. What a surprise.

...the irony of this, not lost... Here's something to save you the hassle next time, since you're taking all this so personally:


xx <3 Biggs.
We all know about the "power ground shot" triggers, yeah? We do? Okay. Cool. Just checking...

*drives off the pitch along the ground through mid-off for four*

i've never successfully executed that shot. have tried, but the timing appears wildly different and i miss it. i can execute the advance, and standard "aerial" aggressive shots though.

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