Getting ball to bounce of the pitch with drives

I doubt there's anything missed by any of the BigAnt guys around here, @Ross is more active than 2/3 of the staff.

They know about this stuff, it's not an "18 page" issue it's a simple balance tweak to the way the non-trigger shots work

not really with the way HBK is going on about it. Its certainly not a minor issue, though you can work around it for time being.

We have a lot of elements to look through on this one right now, there's more than 6 months of tweaks to systems that we have to go over with a fine tooth comb to make sure we can pinpoint what is potentially not working as intended and why certain parts are and certain parts may not be.

We also have to be sure not to make changes hastily in case other elements end up broken due to a change. There's deep systems at work that we have to finely tune if anything is to go ahead.

We're looking into it and taking everyone's posts and videos into account, we'll update in due time once we have looked into this enough to get answers as to what is going on.

Indeed, this is all too correct. We have tweaks, new processes and systems, re-worked elements and animations that have all gone in since release. So there's a lot of stuff that we are having to wade through to check if and what has been changed to present differences. Patch 1-Patch 2 isn't really a thing in our eyes as so little was changed from a functionality point of view, it was mainly bug fixes so we're basically working from the base of the released game and going forward from there checking every element that has gone into all patches and fixes that we've applied.

We'll narrow it down, it'll just take us a bit of time to truly find the root cause. Everything that has been put up here has been a massive help and the videos are even more so as it helps give us a tangible effect to show our programmers of what is going on rather than having to explain one thing or another.
Depending on the time to get it in I'd assume it'll be on Steam first then we can know to go ahead with it for a patch.

It took 13 pages and a lot of vids and queries to get here,anyway you can certainly say im harping a bit on this mostly because theses guys listen unlike other devs before and it would be ungrateful of me if i act too entitled, but its just that we are used to apt responses that silent felt odd in this case.
that's all im saying.

Sounds like there's an update coming soon anyways, so all this is prolly a moot point.
Im half expecting it would be cool if it happens, cant wait to play those gorgeous drives. but may take time for them to figure it out like HBK said in which case im more than willing to wait.
i still disagree again where you've said patch 2 is an improvement in batting, i think it's a step back. i don't think it's broken the game, just made it less fun.

I guess it's down to me playing more online than career mode, that seems to be the disconnect. I haven't changed the way I play between the two patches and have more success in the career mode I have played by dropping down a difficulty level so I'm not starting on PRO any more. There's obviously more assistance one level down (Amatuer? I forget...) in career.

there is obviously something wrong with the system when every normal shot goes in the air and the workaround is play an aggressive shot.

....well, it's only a workaround if you think its "broken" of course. I just see it as an easy way to achieve the shots you want to achieve within the current confines of the game. Ie; If the AI puts in a short cover or something and you want to punch a shot to that zone, but not play in the air... you'd want some sort of aggression behind it? So I double-trigger it... goes along the ground at pace and blammo, 2, 3 or 4 runs. That's generally my approach.

Again, ideally the balance, IMO, should be:

No Trigger: Safe shot, no power, along ground 1/2 runs or 3 if ridiculously well timed. No boundary.
Double Trigger: Power Shot Along Ground, 1/2 if mistimed but can't be caught. 4 runs if reasonably well timed.
One Trigger: Aerial Power Shot, 4 runs if reasonably well timed 6 if ridiculously well timed. Everything else is out.
that should be the use of defensive analog triggers for implementing safe push's, it needs a bit beefing, other than that drives should certainly be able to reach a boundary, when timed well.

Agreed. A well timed standard shot should reach the boundary and the same shot played with defensive trigger should fetch you a run or two.
Sure sure, but the triggers work just fine as they are now. Don't always go for four and keep the ball along the ground...

It's not perfect, but I would debate the merits of 15 pages on the topic vs getting better at timing and using the triggers.

As I said, I think there's room for improvement clearly for some of y'all but a I'm reading a lot of waxing lyrical about this "issue" which I think everyone is aware of and is in need of maybe being a bit more flexible when it comes to the non-trigger shots. But as it stands, there is a function in the game certainly on PC that does exactly what you need it to do when it comes to driving the ball in PRO mode.

One aspect though is that people are annoyed because Patch 2 fixed so many things yet, somehow, this "bug" managed to creep in.
i've never successfully executed that shot. have tried, but the timing appears wildly different and i miss it. i can execute the advance, and standard "aerial" aggressive shots though.

You need to time those earlier, which stands to reason as an accurate power stroke needs a bit more preparation time. I probably can't describe it enough but for quicks, you want to be timing it just after the ball is leaving his hand, before it hits the ground.

And I agree with what @Biggs said about waxing lyrical on the issue for normal shots. Everyone has made multiple posts already, BA has already said they are looking into it, so there's no need for people to keep complaining about it. We get it. The only thing BA needs is context, and there has been multiple vids already. Keep em coming, that's constructive. Posting "waaaah, I can't gets the ball to go on teh groundz" and nothing more, does nothing at all to help.
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Again, ideally the balance, IMO, should be:

No Trigger: Safe shot, no power, along ground 1/2 runs or 3 if ridiculously well timed. No boundary.
Double Trigger: Power Shot Along Ground, 1/2 if mistimed but can't be caught. 4 runs if reasonably well timed.
One Trigger: Aerial Power Shot, 4 runs if reasonably well timed 6 if ridiculously well timed. Everything else is out.

I'd allow a no trigger shot to reach the boundary, if timed very well. You see some players barely push the ball for a straight drive, but they time it so well and have 10 pound bats that it reaches the boundary.

What I dislike in Bradman is that there is no shot option like that. Every shot has a follow through. Double trigger simply has more of a follow through.
People are perhaps repeating their grievances more than is necessary, and yeah we have had BA say they are looking into it, but I still see no harm in people airing their frustrations so often, especially when it's all nicely contained inside this one thread. Perhaps not the best read ever but it at least reinforces the importance of the issue.

It's not a bug that occurs once in a blue moon, it is a constant annoyance in every session with the game, and on nearly every ball when batting. It is not something that is mostly cosmetic either, it is central to the gameplay and is bound to infuriate people when the innings they have spent 20 mins+ on building is ended in such a bullshit manner.

I'm confident that BA will sort it out though in time, and hopefully we'll hear some good news on that front and Patch #3 soon.
Holy crap, I keep an eye on this thread more than any other and Biggs talking bollocks has made it explode. It is only my opinion and many others by the looks, but this issue has virtually ruined the enjoyment of batting. I realise it depends on the game mode you play but for me I have had to uninstall patches to enjoy batting again.

Maybe some of us have posted too much on the subject, me included, but I think it was because HBK didn't seem to think there was an issue early on after patch 2.

It really has been a gamebreaker for me and I've been quite vocal because I think the game would go from a 7/10 to a 9/10 if it's fixed.
It's comical how I can simply state it's not that big of a deal because they're clearly fixing it and there's already a mechanic in place to do the exact thing y'all want to do, and pretty much 80% of people are on the same page as me, but that's defined as "bollocks"...

This thread is amazing.
People are perhaps repeating their grievances more than is necessary, and yeah we have had BA say they are looking into it, but I still see no harm in people airing their frustrations so often, especially when it's all nicely contained inside this one thread. Perhaps not the best read ever but it at least reinforces the importance of the issue.

It's not a bug that occurs once in a blue moon, it is a constant annoyance in every session with the game, and on nearly every ball when batting. It is not something that is mostly cosmetic either, it is central to the gameplay and is bound to infuriate people when the innings they have spent 20 mins+ on building is ended in such a bullshit manner.

I'm confident that BA will sort it out though in time, and hopefully we'll hear some good news on that front and Patch #3 soon.

To be honest, I think that this thread, unlike some of the other bug threads, is very informative for BA. By providing videos (pre and post patch), results of testing certain shots etc, it really demonstrates the problem.
It's comical how I can simply state it's not that big of a deal because they're clearly fixing it and there's already a mechanic in place to do the exact thing y'all want to do, and pretty much 80% of people are on the same page as me, but that's defined as "bollocks"...

This thread is amazing.

It's not the "exact thing", and also I'd love to see where you pulled 80% from.

If you're still enjoying the game then fine, no one is trying to take that away from you, but lots of people here have said that it's ruining the game for them.

For me personally it's hard to say as I've been unable to play the game for about two weeks, but when I did last play it I found that there were lots of cheap dismissals that frustrated the hell out of me. I did even go as far as trying to test certain shots, and found it literally impossible to play a cover drive that'd bounce in front of short cover. I haven't tried your suggested double trigger method yet, and won't be able to for another 2 weeks, but even if that does work it's not the "exact thing".
...and I've said if it's ruining the game for them, I've given a suggestion how to un-ruin it in the short term and in the long term beating the dead horse of "game is broken" isn't going to get it fixed any faster. I'm the crazy one, apparently.

So much easier to bitch around in circles about these things than find our own solutions in the meantime.

Always was of the opinion was a solutions community, with patches and helping out fellow cricket gamers to get the best of out their experience.

I've learned instead, to join the crowd and see minor issues as game breaking bugs. So lesson learned, god forbid I stay positive with these insurmountable odds of negativity and bile being spewed because of a tweaking cricket game, haha. Honestly. I'll rectify this positivity immediately.

If we get to 20 pages @Ross posts source code.... [HASHTAG]#rumour[/HASHTAG]
Holy crap, I keep an eye on this thread more than any other and Biggs talking bollocks has made it explode. It is only my opinion and many others by the looks, but this issue has virtually ruined the enjoyment of batting. I realise it depends on the game mode you play but for me I have had to uninstall patches to enjoy batting again.

Maybe some of us have posted too much on the subject, me included, but I think it was because HBK didn't seem to think there was an issue early on after patch 2.

It really has been a gamebreaker for me and I've been quite vocal because I think the game would go from a 7/10 to a 9/10 if it's fixed.

Yes spot on, if i was Bigant just remove the square leg fielding spots for now, go from no one there early and on the boundary later on, it's a quick fix till Bigant make batting fun again. In single modes it's ok because the AI don't put fielders in there as much.

For Biggs idea, yes and no. You still hit it in the air but not as much, so it helps the pull and cut but that's all as other shots are harder. It's sorry to say for most of us batting in career is a chore, still a fast chore as lasting 100 is like wining a million dollars.
...and I've said if it's ruining the game for them, I've given a suggestion how to un-ruin it in the short term and in the long term beating the dead horse of "game is broken" isn't going to get it fixed any faster. I'm the crazy one, apparently.

So much easier to bitch around in circles about these things than find our own solutions in the meantime.

Always was of the opinion was a solutions community, with patches and helping out fellow cricket gamers to get the best of out their experience.

I've learned instead, to join the crowd and see minor issues as game breaking bugs. So lesson learned, god forbid I stay positive with these insurmountable odds of negativity and bile being spewed because of a tweaking cricket game, haha. Honestly. I'll rectify this positivity immediately.

If we get to 20 pages @Ross posts source code.... [HASHTAG]#rumour[/HASHTAG]

See here's the disconnect. You still think it's a "minor issue" whereas for quite a few of us it's close to game-breaking. The more you play the offline mode, the more frustrating the game, especially the batting, seems. The reason for the thread and all these posts was to highlight the issue so Big Ant don't treat it as a "minor issue" as well, and that's the impression most of us got when HBK had a couple of posts about the issue and stated that the batting should be the same as developers claimed didn't change anything with respect to the batting, and asked folks to provide videos and detailed info. This is exactly what folks like @grkrama and @superfreddie did by posting the videos with and without the patch and highlighting the difference between the gameplay.

I can't really understand why you are acting all hot and bothered when HBK himself asked for more info and that's exactly what everyone was trying to do before you waded in claiming it's not that big a deal. If you think it's not that big a deal don't bother with the thread. Simple. Most of us don't agree with plenty of stuff mentioned in this forum but we stay out and don't post on the matter. The whole purpose of the forum is for like minded folks with different opinions to share a platform and just because we disagree on the issues which need to fixed ASAP doesn't mean you are the sane one whereas others need to be locked up in a padded cell. Ross and Big Ant can go through the info themselves and are smart enough to figure out what needs to be fixed and I don't see too many posts where folks are taking cheap shots at Ross and the game. Everyone loves DBC 14 and want it to get better and successful, and that's why folks want to provide as much input as possible.

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