Getting ball to bounce of the pitch with drives

Not taking anything personally, I just find all the apologist bullshit really annoying on a forum where we have the developers on here reading pretty much every post and we have seen aspects we've criticised worked on and improved in patches.

If we were waxing lyrical about issues such as this in an EA game where there would be literally no chance of post-release improvements and fixes then the only thing really worth doing would be to adapt and use workarounds, but with the way Big Ant have dealt with things it would be stupid not to speak up about aspects that need fixing.
i've never successfully executed that shot. have tried, but the timing appears wildly different and i miss it. i can execute the advance, and standard "aerial" aggressive shots though.
for me im comfortable with two modes,
MODE1: At the start, have my finger on defensive trigger and if the ball is in slot let go of trigger and go with normal drives if its in tough zones defend or leave it.

MODE2: once settled or in situations were i have to attack,
finger on aggressive trigger in the slot hit or let go of trigger and use normal drives as fall back.
Incase of spinner i some times have it on unorthodox or advance trigger.

The only times i have used aggressive groundshots is when i have totally decided on using that shot alone to keep the ball down, but its sort of too unhelpful for what it does in higher difficulties.
Sure sure, but the triggers work just fine as they are now. Don't always go for four and keep the ball along the ground...

It's not perfect, but I would debate the merits of 15 pages on the topic vs getting better at timing and using the triggers.

As I said, I think there's room for improvement clearly for some of y'all but a I'm reading a lot of waxing lyrical about this "issue" which I think everyone is aware of and is in need of maybe being a bit more flexible when it comes to the non-trigger shots. But as it stands, there is a function in the game certainly on PC that does exactly what you need it to do when it comes to driving the ball in PRO mode.

i think this issue didn't necessarily need a new thread, but that being said it is a problem and i think a major one that patch 2 introduced - this wasn't a problem before.

if a drive is mistimed, it's fine to go in the air, but it's clear at the moment that 99.94% of "normal" shots will in the air. it wasn't like that prior to patch 2. i'd also dispute that it's an issue of timing, because even those shots that are timed well enough to reach the boundary at something like "normal" pace on the post-patch 2 gluepot outfields still go in the air too. i'd also contend that triggers aren't an answer because (regardless of my comment above about not being able to execute with them) "aggressive" shots are the ones that should have a higher chance of going in the air (even "grounded" ones) and the normal shots should not. therefore, i disagree quite strongly with your comment in an earlier post about the balance being about right, it's way way off.

from a batting perspective i think patch 2 was generally unsuccessful - batting is much much less fun/satisfying than prior: the outfield has bizarre properties where a ball will fly off the bat, even travel pretty fast along some of the ground, and die within 10 metres of the boundary; the square cut has become as high risk as playing a helicopter shot with your schlong; and even well-timed "normal" shots go in the air.

i fully second @cricket_online when he said there has to be more extensive testing prior to patch 3 - i would make sure it's all in PC updates at least 2 weeks before patch 3 is submitted, because we're the ones who will identify the issues.
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I certainly disagree that the pre-patch batting is an improvement. Post patch 2 just has different problems, the sum of which I think is smaller.

Strongly disagree. Batting post patch 1 was definitely better than the release version; batting post patch 2 is considerably less fun than post patch 1. i'd estimate by about... sixty...three percent.
for me im comfortable with two modes,
MODE1: At the start, have my finger on defensive trigger and if the ball is in slot let go of trigger and go with normal drives if its in tough zones defend or leave it.

MODE2: once settled or in situations were i have to attack,
finger on aggressive trigger in the slot hit or let go of trigger and use normal drives as fall back.
Incase of spinner i some times have it on unorthodox or advance trigger.

The only times i have used aggressive groundshots is when i have totally decided on using that shot alone to keep the ball down, but its sort of too unhelpful for what it does in higher difficulties.

the only time i ever have my finger on a trigger before the ball is bowled is unorthodox trigger to the spinner since sweep/reverse sweep are reasonably safe shots there. that's become less common though because i have become better at driving the spinner[DOUBLEPOST=1407268180][/DOUBLEPOST]
it was posted on a number of times on all relevant threads before it had to be brought to attention.
i don't want to start sounding like Snowy, but i think it's fair to say that just because Ross hasn't commented on something doesn't mean it hasn't got attention.
i can execute the advance, and standard "aerial" aggressive shots though.

I'll post something that'll blow 1 and a half peoples minds. I've never played the advance shot successfully. IMO, that's the bit of batting that needs looking at as a fix, those advance shots are useless against pace and seem to only loop up against the spinners, online they're pretty much a guaranteed out in PRO mode and the less said about the sweep shot the better.

I should create a thread about it.

but that being said it is a problem and i think a major one that patch 2 introduced - this wasn't a problem before

I totally agree. Nowhere have I said it is not a problem, certainly not recently since I've had more time with the game myself. I think there's something odd, but it aint broken... and there's an easy solution we'll call "double-triggering it" that keeps the ball along the ground. I've seen page after page of "I can't play x shot anymore, so I'm uninstalling" or "Patch 2 has broken my game" when the level-minded opinion, the correct opinion, is that it's huge improvement in both fielding, batting and unequivocally bowling. Does it need more work? Yeah, I think HBK has posted that they're looking into it. So I don't get the vitriol towards me when I make a simple post saying essentially; "Yup, its not quite right... but have you tried using the double-triggers, cause that works for me?"

Online, In Career mode... I've never been dismissed caught in all the places people are claiming to have issues with because since I got the game, I've just got used to using the double-triggers for those shots? Which leads me to...

i disagree quite strongly with your comment in an earlier post about the balance being about right, it's way way off.

Which is cool, because you and I can have a conversation about this shit these days without getting petty and it breaking down to multiple-posts in multiple-threads about what a shit poster I am, which is where @Madman has gone off the deep end. I fully appreciate some folks can't play the shots the way they used to, but since I've ALWAYS played those shots the SAME WAY and have seen no change (other than, now... not getting caught out by mid-on all the time) I simply can't replicate the same "errors" that everyone else is seeing... That's really all it is. Hence why I'm apathetic at best with this whole thing...

If I had any strong opinion about anything, it's the tweaking AI field sets which cause a lot of the problems... I'd then look at things like the advance shot, sweep shot and cut shot all with/without triggers as they're all hit-and-miss in regards to timing. Most of all, and importantly, I'd look into more quantifiable feedback for the batter from the HUD to tell us what we're doing wrong, or right. That's the key for me, the game actually telling you when you're doing the right thing in-game, in any mode so you can learn. It's not about an additional HUD thing, it's as simple as when you time the ball correctly, it glows green or something... when it's not timed correctly, it's red. Or something better than someone else can suggest.

There is an audio cue for sure, that has a completely different sound when you time it correctly than when you mis-time it - I find it more successful, again, in online matches and playing with headphones on. Which isn't for everyone...

But yeah, basically everything you say I agree with. It's just varying degree's of the same...

...also, have you lost weight? You're looking fantastic. [/notashitpost]
@Biggs As I stated above you certainly didn't say it was a problem. When I made a statement about the problem many pages ago you said that it was through poor timing and a user issue.
I'll post something that'll blow 1 and a half peoples minds. I've never played the advance shot successfully. IMO, that's the bit of batting that needs looking at as a fix, those advance shots are useless against pace and seem to only loop up against the spinners, online they're pretty much a guaranteed out in PRO mode and the less said about the sweep shot the better.
mind you this was on veteran or legend not sure, with a no 10 batsman i think
the only time i ever have my finger on a trigger before the ball is bowled is unorthodox trigger to the spinner since sweep/reverse sweep are reasonably safe shots there. that's become less common though because i have become better at driving the spinner
ya drives are the way to go with spinners, though the occasional sweeps help a bit.

i don't want to start sounding like Snowy, but i think it's fair to say that just because Ross hasn't commented on something doesn't mean it hasn't got attention.
if im to be honest this was one of the glaring issues that hasn't got a reply in any form from ross, while its safe to say that he reads every post, the reason he hasn't replied on it bothers a bit and also the extent this thread has to go to prove the issue especially because this topic got derailed too much in other threads without any official acknowledgement, will get is use advance ground then some one will say drives are good, pulls cuts need tweak other s will say drives are bad, one will say physics is bad one will say fielding is the problem, timing, diffulty,your batting sucks)which may be true_ etc
anyway im just waiting for the day the thread will become useless and locked:)
mind you this was on veteran or legend not sure with a no 10 batsman i think

Oh, I know it can be done. I'm just saying, if we're talking about stuff we have a personal opinion on that need looking at, it's the advance shot... I can't do it. I'm sure it's user-error... But I doubt I'm the only one.

it was posted on a number of times on all relevant threads before it had to be brought to attention.

Due respect; Total junk. They've all said, multiple times now they read everything. They're not going to reply to everything, because they've got day jobs and I'm sure you'd rather they just kept fixing the game. I doubt there's anything missed by any of the BigAnt guys around here, @Ross is more active than 2/3 of the staff. They know about this stuff, it's not an "18 page" issue it's a simple balance tweak to the way the non-trigger shots work and I can't imagine they're losing sleep about it ala the Xbox issue, which has been/is the priority. Rightfully so.

If it was a big deal, they would've pushed a fix for it via Steam long before now. I imagine it's once of those "game balance" things they talk about as in if they change X what effect does it have on Y. That stuff requires testing, which is the thing people in this thread are clamoring for them to do while at the same time saying it's a game-breaking bug and must be fixed immediately. Perspective.

Sounds like there's an update coming soon anyways, so all this is prolly a moot point.
If I had any strong opinion about anything, it's the tweaking AI field sets which cause a lot of the problems...

AI field sets are unquestionably, the worst thing in the game and have been from day one - half the "over powered fielder issues" were exacerbated by the AI field sets.

The advanced shot is definitely a difficult shot to play against the seamers - i've got out more often than not playing it but then that's reasonable i think: charging a seamer and smacking him is even now still relatively uncommon. i can advance hit the spinners reasonably successfully - it's the only shot that needs to be purely premeditated since i find you need to press as they bowl.

i still disagree again where you've said patch 2 is an improvement in batting, i think it's a step back. i don't think it's broken the game, just made it less fun. i have never had the same problem as others with being repeatedly caught out off certain shots, because i don't play shots if there's a guy there: i don't play cover drives if there's a short cover, i don't cut if there's anyone between 4th slip and point (if there's a forward point i'll risk it because i tend to cut behind square so consider the percentages in my favour); i tend to risk the pull shot regardless because i play that shot very well and can generally control where i put it depending on where the fielder is. if the AI puts fielders everywhere i think i can safely play, i'll defend until they move the field (i.e. one ball).

my problem is i can get reduced to literally playing the same 2 or 3 shots in an innings, and i don't find it much fun - it's like me batting in real life, i'm shit and can play the forward defensive, and leg-side "smear" that's not quite a hook and not quite a leg-glance but gets the ball in that sort of area. pre-patch 2 i felt i had much more shots to play, and it was more fun. i felt like a good batsman...
I can't imagine they're losing sleep about it ala the Xbox issue, which has been/is the priority. Rightfully so.

i think that's the key here - Ross may not have commented on this but clearly there's a bigger issue going on.

i do think the point needs to be raised though - i don't think it's a "balancing issue", there is obviously something wrong with the system when every normal shot goes in the air and the workaround is play an aggressive shot.
i want to be able to hazard a drive even with a short cover, that's part of the challenge of cricket, taking on the field as much as "avoiding" it... but right now, because the ball will go in the air, it's not calculating risk in terms of "if i time/place it right i'll be ok", it's "well, it will go in the air to him, so will he catch it or drop it". it's really all quite wrong.

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