Getting ball to bounce of the pitch with drives

Like everything, we will give it time to settle down before resorting to making any changes.

From our perspective, nothing changed with the way the ball comes off the bat from those specific shots.

We've tweaking the way Pro and Veteran difficulties work with regards to leniency and aiding of footwork, which may effect how you're timing the shots now.

Change and difference, doesn't mean bad and remember we have JUST pushed this patch so we need people to get used to every change made as well. We need to fully assess what people are getting across 3 platforms before making a change too. It's worth noting that people who have been playing PC with patch 2 have not noted the ball coming off the bat in the air, perspectives can change dependent on what system you have played on or if at all (we've noticed this quite strongly in the aftermath of patch 2).

We will assess things after the dust has settled.

I'm on PC and I've noted it a few times - that the straight drive is played in the air and that pulls and cuts are all played uppishly.
The pull shot is a bit of a different matter because that's a shot that tends to go at catchable height when well struck in real life.

Plenty of pro batsmen pull uppishly and rely more on missing the fielder. It can also be played with a large degree of control if you're less aggressive about it, but that's not as basic a skill as keeping a drive on the floor.

Double trigger pull shot also seems to get the ball to ground fairly reliably, so I don't feel inhibited about playing the shot, unlike the straight drive which I currently just avoid.
Have to say after patch 2 my shots are much more airbourne and I tend to play the ball very late so as not to hit uppishly, but it doesn't seem to help anymore.
The pull shot is a bit of a different matter because that's a shot that tends to go at catchable height when well struck in real life.

Plenty of pro batsmen pull uppishly and rely more on missing the fielder. It can also be played with a large degree of control if you're less aggressive about it, but that's not as basic a skill as keeping a drive on the floor.

Double trigger pull shot also seems to get the ball to ground fairly reliably, so I don't feel inhibited about playing the shot, unlike the straight drive which I currently just avoid.

Bingo! The issue seems to not be that things are in the air, but instead that anything that could technically get caught the fielder will get a hand to. When watching a Test Match and seeing a straight drive past the bowler, you don't think, "ooooohh, a chance there", you think "that's a nice drive".

Again, I think that we need to see a move to making even getting a hand to the ball take some kind of input on the right stick, that is, get it somewhat right to get a hand to it, get it very right to get a catch. Of course there are circumstances it would be blocked regardless (hit straight at someone, the keeper, the slips etc.), but in many cases it would be more realistic that if there's no action on the stick that the ball just flies wide of the fielder, rather than some huge flamboyant dive to just get a hand to it and it drop.
Like everything, we will give it time to settle down before resorting to making any changes.

From our perspective, nothing changed with the way the ball comes off the bat from those specific shots.

We've tweaking the way Pro and Veteran difficulties work with regards to leniency and aiding of footwork, which may effect how you're timing the shots now.

Change and difference, doesn't mean bad and remember we have JUST pushed this patch so we need people to get used to every change made as well. We need to fully assess what people are getting across 3 platforms before making a change too. It's worth noting that people who have been playing PC with patch 2 have not noted the ball coming off the bat in the air, perspectives can change dependent on what system you have played on or if at all (we've noticed this quite strongly in the aftermath of patch 2).

We will assess things after the dust has settled.

Hi hbk. Is there any chance you could provide a bit of detail about what changes were made with difficulty and footwork? I spent a fair chunk of time trying to rework my game to fit in with this but I could not figure out what to do or what I was doing wrong. I wasn't a great batsman before the patch but I could regularly make thirties at a run a ball. My best effort today was 10(32) in an odi.

For example the game seems less forgiving if you play front foot shots to short balls which I used to do quite a bit. Is it more risky now to play shots that your player doesn't have a high level of skill at? I've noticed my go to flick off the legs doesn't net anything but my wicket falling now and I had a very low level of skill points in that shot
Had enough of this now, every shot I hit goes up in the air since patch 2 no matter when I time the shot. Game going on the shelf until patch 3, please fix and test some more.
Had enough of this now, every shot I hit goes up in the air since patch 2 no matter when I time the shot. Game going on the shelf until patch 3, please fix and test some more.

I'm not experiencing this at all to be honest. The batting feels quite well balanced. The only issue I'd have is that catching chances that never should be catching chances are still presented as such due to the gameier aspect of catching. There needs to be a system in place to allow some "catchable" height shots to go past players who are too close to do anything about it (like the bowler with superman reach to stop anything, even if they've tone it down so he won't catch it).

It's really just about foot placement and timing. I'm still not particularly great at batting, but I can get good scores even at a fair pace without presenting any catching chances beyond the odd edge. Most of my wickets now are me being a bit sloppy round my legs.

I would say give it more of a go, and don't try shots that aren't there to be played, whether by the ball or the field.
I was checking out a Moeen Ali knock and found two strokes that seem relevant to the issue at hand.

0.25 dropped chance at short midwicket
3.29 dropped caught and bowled chance

The low chances I see in DBC look a lot like these shots. Very similar low, skimming trajectories bouncing for the first time towards the edge of the fielding circle.

The only difference is both the real life deliveries arrive on the full.
What I find frustrating is that some shots are suicidal when they shouldn't be... Playing a square cut to a short and wide delivery will send the ball down the throat of the fielder at point even if you time it perfectly and middle it.

The late cut often goes straight into the hands of 3rd or 4th slip, the pull shot often goes straight to square leg... If there's fielders in these positions, I try not to even attempt these shots.

Of course there should still be risk attached to these shots, but you should be able to play them to suitable deliveries knowing that if you get the footwork right and time it well, the batsman will attempt to strike the ball firmly into the ground, offering little chance of a catch.
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I just haven't had that problem with the pull shot yet. It's got me out when I've mistimed, or occasionally when I've middled it at the fielder, but in the main when I get hold of it either goes between midwicket and square or over square's head.

I also feel I can control the direction to an extent with RS direction and timing early or late, although this may in fact be illusory.
I'm just on about the shots using the left and right stick alone, not using triggers - I don't mind being caught if I choose the wrong shot, don't get the footwork right or mistime it, but when I get this right, middle it and send it down the fielder's throat so often, it is a bit annoying.

In real life you can play these shots even with a fielder in the vicinity because you know that when struck well, it will be along the ground and even if it's just a couple of feet either side of them then they're going to have to produce a great stop.

In DBC I feel that a variety of shots get too much elevation too often - as I say, I don't want to see the risk removed as you do see the ball middled right into a fielder's hands in real life, but IMO it could do with happening much less in the game.
Are you sure you're pointing the right stick away from square leg on your pull shots?
I'm also struggling to keep the ball on the ground. I have used the aggressive ground shot modifier, but it seems like the timing is tighter on these shots then if I play without the modifier. The thing is, though, you shouldn't be relying on the modifiers to keep the ball on the ground. If I get a good length ball I should be able to keep it on the ground unless I've stuffed the timing.

I'm still playing the game, but it's incredibly frustrating.
I'm also struggling to keep the ball on the ground. I have used the aggressive ground shot modifier, but it seems like the timing is tighter on these shots then if I play without the modifier.

You are 100% correct, the timing is tighter because it's an aggressive shot.

It's possible to hit any of the shots along the ground but the aggressive ground shot is most consistent when you time it correctly and when it is used appropriately.

In fact that's the key with all the shots really in reality.

when you time it correctly[/I] and when it is used appropriately.

Most people start career mode expecting to instantly own with the bat. But they are missing a key detail. Your player is a 16 year old with no skill points whatsoever. You really must play within your capabilities. Whilst you as a human gamer might be capable of timing the shot perfectly, your player on the other hand, is not capable of making the shot effectively. Play within your means because it will take a few seasons to get any kind of meaningful skill points under your belt. Consider 10-20 runs to be a satisfying goal for a while. You're a crap player facing seasoned pros.

This goes for spin bowling too, you wont get any Warne style leg breaks or Murali style doosras. Focus instead on line and length and getting the mechanics down.

Your player is rubbish. Remember that.
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You are 100% correct, the timing is tighter because it's an aggressive shot.

It's possible to hit any of the shots along the ground but the aggressive ground shot is most consistent when you time it correctly and when it is used appropriately.

In fact that's the key with all the shots really in reality.

when you time it correctly[/I] and when it is used appropriately.

Most people start career mode expecting to instantly own with the bat. But they are missing a key detail. Your player is a 16 year old with no skill points whatsoever. You really must play within your capabilities. Whilst you as a human gamer might be capable of timing the shot perfectly, your player on the other hand, is not capable of making the shot effectively. Play within your means because it will take a few seasons to get any kind of meaningful skill points under your belt. Consider 10-20 runs to be a satisfying goal for a while. You're a crap player facing seasoned pros.

This goes for spin bowling too, you wont get any Warne style leg breaks or Murali style doosras. Focus instead on line and length and getting the mechanics down.

Your player is rubbish. Remember that.

But... but... instant gratification!

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