Glenn McGrath Vs Wasim Akram?

Who is the better bowler?

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Your being too arrogant and stuck up to even try to understand my argument. It doesn't matter if Wasim was a mediocre entertaining player or not. The fact is entertainment is something that shouldn't be brought up in the argument in the first player. Why should Wasim's entertainment factor be treated more specially than someone like Afridi? Because you like him better

no, I'm telling you that your arguement is over simplistic and makes use of specious language. even the way you use entertainment is ignoring its wider implications. when people say akram is entertaining that does not follow that he simply had a more fun way of getting batsmen out, akram's entertainment is derived from his ability to do things almost no player in the history of the game has been able to do, including mcgrath. afridi's entertainment is derived from a somewhat callous approach to batting, akram's is not. it is too easy to merely dismiss that as being nothing but entertaining. and if you look back you can find me both refusing to be drawn on who I think is better and defending mcgrath against the accusation he is boring so it's not because I like him better.

First thing is first, a match lasts 2 innings not one. And secondly looking at it by an innings is intellectually dishonest. A bowler like McGrath sometimes bowled just to keep the run rate economical. Like this for example:

3rd Test: England v Australia at Nottingham, Aug 2-4, 2001 | Cricket Scorecard | ESPN Cricinfo

Warne and Gillespie took 9 wickets for themselves in the second innings. How many wickets. How many wickets were you expecting McGrath to take there? If a bowler was struggling he would be struggling for the whole match. In the previous innings McGrath took a 5-fer.

The fact in the matter is even if McGrath took only 0-1 wickets in 64 instances, in 54 of them he made up for it in the other innings something which Wasim managed to do only 24 times. Besides I don't even know why this stuff is even being debated. Taking a 5-fer in one match and 2 wickets on the other is not better than taking 4 on each. At the end of the day all that matters is that McGrath got wickets at a faster rate. So no I am not the framing arguments to suit my end. I can actually back up my argument with actual facts.

as regards to consistency there isn't much doubt that mcgrath was more consistent, but I wanted to look at it in depth so increased the quota to innings. and where does it stop if we take matches over innings? should we look at series then? because mcgrath played 6 series where he went over 40 and akram played 9, except 2 of those he bowled less than 3 overs, presumably due to injury, so really 7. akram also took wickets at under 20 more often than mcgrath, so it seems like there was plenty of times akram made up for a bad performance by bowling well the next match. this is why I had a problem with the statement "all those times" you claimed he was useless. it was an incredibly vague sentiment and personally I think demonstrates you've created a strange exagerated view of akrams role as an inconsistent entertainer when he was in fact an extremely prolific wicket taker, he took on average 2.25 wickets a match to mcgraths 2.31, no one is saying mcragth wasn't statistically superior, but the degree is marginal. akram still took wickets at about 23, that's impressive statistically no matter how he achieved it and if he was a "boring" player he'd still merit being talked about as an all time great. regarding consistency it's also worth noting akram started cricket at 19 to mcgraths 24, looking at their stats suggest mcgrath benefitted greatly from a bit of experience as it was really 25, almost 26, before he started performing well, wasim had very good stats from the off and only declined in his final year. that's a 15 year career of continued success, compared to mcgraths 12, I think it would churlish to really use this against mcgrath, but if you were to make an extremely wide comparison of career consistency then it surely being able to take wickets over a longer period counts in akrams favour. mcgraths higher test caps is in this way misleading as it does not indicate a more sustained succesful career (a player that plays 30 tests over 2 extremely busy years cannot be claimed to be as consistent as one that played 30 over 5 or 6 years)

debut and retirement provide convenient starting and end points but it's worth remembering at akrams height, 1990 to 1997 he took wickets at abour 20 and picked up 12 mom awards in the 48 tests he played. is 8 years enough time to qualify a player as consistently brilliant even if it his bookended by lesser success? I think it is.

In other words his home pitches? He also played in flat pitches of India where its neutral conditions for him where his records are worse than McGrath. If he was the better flat track bowler which I am assuming your trying to suggest why didn't he do better than McGrath in foreign conditions. Also, its not like he did better than McGrath green track of South Africa or England either.

this, again, is over simplyifying. of course, there are some advantages to bowling on home wickets, but it does not follow that you can make a sweeping generalisation and put all home wickets equal to each other. do you think cook or trott or kallis' runs in england and south africa should be given absolute equal weighting to sehwag's truck load of runs in india? do you think warne or murali had similarly easy tasks one bowling on regular turners that significantly deterioated over a match and the other bowling on largely flat wickets that held together? murali's home average is massively superior to warnes, but then they were both home wickets so warne has no hiding place. akram had to bowl on less helpful surfaces, sure he was helped in learning how to do it he played there a lot as it was his home, it doesn't make the skills honed any less impressive.

He also doesn't have player who manage run-outs time after time like Ponting just to give one example.

Every run-out managed by an Aussie fielder decreases the wicket count McGrath can take.

I wondered if someone was going to bring this stuff up. I wouldn't go down the "teammates stop him picking up wickets" route here. akram was partnered by significantly better pace bowlers than mcgrah ever was in Imran khan and later Waqar. if either of the two suffered in this respect it was akram as during spells in which pace bowling was being rewarded he was directly competing with almost equally brilliant fast bowlers for the spoils. waqar tooks wickets at a phenomenal strike rate, I think only barnes and currently steyn have ever surpassed him, how many more wickets would akram have got had waqar not been hoovering up batsmen along side him? this is perhaps actually a pertinent point to make, because it lends weight to akram being able to bowl more unplayable deliveries as he had to feed off batsmen that in many cases were able to resist imran and waqar. personally, it's not an arguement I like though, blaming teammates for statistical manipulation, and mcgrath had warne, and akram was shown to be much more succesful alongside waqar than in his absence, so I'd leave it be.

Nobody is saying that at all.

I think you're suggesting it when you say there is "no justifiable reason" you can see where akram is better than mcgrath. again, as I said, I think they can barely be seperated, but that you can't see any reason akram is better? any at all? to me that's a pretty blinkered over view of the situation and I also mentioned that of the two akram usually comes out on top in expert assessments of fast bowling.

by all means go with mcgrath, but it's slightly rich to call me arrogant for not seeing your arguement when you've already dismissed out of hand any arguement that disagrees with your own as unjustifiable. you can see things your way, I can see things mine, chappell can see things his and go ahead and disagree if you wish, but don't call them unjustifiable. you've steamed in here like a bit of a know-it-all prick to be honest and presented a pretty dumbed down opinion, which is why I called you an idiot. in the big spin bowler debate I think murali is better than warne, but I am not so arrogant as to attempt to lock down the thread and end it but saying "averages".
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The idea of a poll is that you state your preference by voting by using the vote button ,not by posting the name. If you want to substantiate the reasons behind your vote, you post it, as in "I voted for McGrath because he has the nicer legs.." or whatever....
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Wasim akram. He used to bowl on dust bowls and placid tracks and yet used to pick up heaps of wickets.
I think StinkyBoHoon has made every argument possible in favour of Akram and it's everything I've said for years. You sir, are a credit to cricket. I award you the internet.
Wasim had a better rear.

Better comparison would be mcgrath and pollock.

Personally I prefer watching wasim bowled, much more entertaining then watch the ball land same place over after over. But mcgrath was the better bowler.
Why wasim betters macgrath

Not disrespecting him at all. He was an all time great not going to deny him that. I don't see how not rating him at the very top qualifies as disrespecting. Calling McGrath boring seems more disrespectful to me.

And yet McGrath still has a better strike rate. Makes you think about all those times he barely took wickets. And there are always players that beats another player to some statistical aspect no matter how great they are. Even Brett Lee beats Wasim to some statistical aspect. Its impossible to have better statistics at everything.

I think saying you can't see any justifiable area akram beats mcgrath on sounds like you're being obtuse rather than brutally honest. quite a few "expert" panels have selected akram in all time XIs and omitted mcgrath.

I don't find Ian Chappel an "expert" at all. There are quite a lot of people that you find disagrees with that list. To me personally that list seems more like an most inspirational XI than an all time best XI. Because with all due respect to them there are better players than Viv, Wasim, and Lillie out there.

If you wanna say that Wasim was more entertaining than McGrath go ahead knock yourselves out you won't hear any complains from me. But to say that he was "more skilled" and that "there is no doubt about it" sorry you have to give me a break there because that to me is just an epic fail statement.[/QUOTE]
Wasim played for 17 yrs, bowled in 181 innings and bowled 22627 Balls
McGrath played for 14 yrs bowled in 243 innings and bowled 29248 Balls


1) M (mcgrath) played more games than W, therefore had greater opportunity to take wickets and more importantly carrying on the momentum to take wickets.
2) M playing more games in Australia provides him greater opportunity to take wkts with the new ball as compared to W relying on older ball to help him dismiss batsmen on slow Asian pitches..
3) M was lucky to have safe slip fielders who could even take half chances unlike W who has to rely on bold/lbw to take his wickets because pak fielders were not good catchers.
4) M only played along one truly great bowler who was Shane Warne. Rests were good but not greats. Whereas W remained under the shadow of wicket taking bowler throughout who were themselves good enough to take bundles of victims. At the beginning there was Imran.Then Waqar came along. When Waqar faded, Mushtaq and Saqlain started sharing bulk of wickets. Therefore reducing W chances to picking more wickets.

BOWLING ART (WHAT Mcgrath could not do)

1) W was a master of the old ball eg Yorker and reverse swing
2) W could bring the ball into the right hander and away with similar action.
3) W was genuine fast even with the shortest run-up a fast bowler can have
4) W could swing the ball TWICE in a same delivery. (his botham wkt in 92 final)


1) W?s performance was not affected by fixing controversies whereas M?s career remained controversy free.
2) W remained a top performer even when he captained a DIFFICULT team like Pakistan.M did not took extra burden thus kept complete focus on bowling.
3) W also a diabetic patient and more injury prone than M.
4) Last but not the least, W has scored over 7,000 runs (test ? odi combined) with 3 test hundreds. M has only 1 fifty and is the worst of no 11.

1) W?s performance was not affected by fixing controversies whereas M?s career remained controversy free.
2) W remained a top performer even when he captained a DIFFICULT team like Pakistan.M did not took extra burden thus kept complete focus on bowling.
3) W also a diabetic patient and more injury prone than M.
4) Last but not the least, W has scored over 7,000 runs (test ? odi combined) with 3 test hundreds. M has only 1 fifty and is the worst of no 11.
So being accused of ball tampering makes Wasim better than McGrath? okay
Not taking extra burden as a captain is a bad thing
Being injury prone has nothing to do whether Wasim was better or not.
And we are comparing them as bowlers so it is last and definently the least that he was handy with the bat. And Chris Martin is a worse No. 11 than McGrath

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