Good News I Have Found The Stroke Files!

Nice one Eddie, thank you mate.

no probs, any feedback welcome, cos its early days in terms of editing , and the shots will probly need some fine tuning.
Just a question, how do I import the shot files into the file 430834dfd47be8b1eaa97fa22706133a and to change the others to a .saf, do I just rename the file at desktop or do I have to save as in notebook?

Now how do I import them?
Step-by-step instructions:

- open file 430834dfd47be8b1eaa97fa22706133a.BIG (using BIG GUI editor).
- Import the stoke files into the BIG file
- Open the GOB file (using BIG GUI editor).
- Import the BIG file into the GOB.
- COMPRESS the BIG file.
I still can't get it to work unfortunately.

When I open the BIG file and import the strokes, it won't overwrite anything and still comes up as shot12.saf.txt

And then the game buggers up after the coin toss.
comes up as shot12.saf.txt

you have created shot12.saf.txt

you should have named it shot12.saf

see the difference?

If you have done that with all the files then thats the problem...easily fixed though
Last edited:
I did name it shot12.saf when I renamed it.

It hasn't seemed to have changed it from a txt file though.
I guess they have, and I'm just computer illiterate.

Is there any other way to change them to .saf files?
Eddie said:
Step-by-step instructions:

- open file 430834dfd47be8b1eaa97fa22706133a.BIG (using BIG GUI editor).
- Import the stoke files into the BIG file
- Open the GOB file (using BIG GUI editor).
- Import the BIG file into the GOB.
- COMPRESS the BIG file.

oh........ maybe thats the reason why it does function:
i havent compressed the BIG file, Eddie is that maybe the reason why it didnt crash at my pc? btw, great work again.
Eddie said:
has anyone successfully installed the files I edited?
Yep, cheers mate. Nice to get a fine leg glance for 4 ;). There was one problem though; the backfoot cover drive was occasionally going on the onside, so I just re-installed the original stroke and re-edited it, as I couldn't see any obvious glitch in the saf when I opened it up in notepad.
Other than that, good work :cool: .
Btw, found the square cut yet?
the backfoot cover drive was occasionally going on the onside

really never had that, i double checked the directional values..nothing wrong there..

are u sure the ball didn't bounce off your body of something?

Nice to get a fine leg glance for 4

Yeap, i thought it unrealistiv how leg glances always went to deep square leg.

Have u seen the ones thru mid wicket? mostly noticed in Tests but makes scoring one the legside possible (even for the CPU!)
On drive

Hey Eddie, all ur stroke changes have worked out for me. By the way have tried to change the on drive shots? Also, how do u cange the direction of a shot ?
By the way have tried to change the on drive shots?

working on that as I speak/type..just about test what i have done to make sure its the right shots i have edited..

gonna make the back foot on drive more powerful and go slightly squarer (wider of mid on). Making the front foot on drive more varied in direction and power..

HArd thing is making the shot hard enough to beat mid-on fielder without always going for 4 runs.

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