Grand Prix-F1

No refuelling. Good or bad?

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This race is definitely to be forgotten as a bad dream.. It ended like a MONACO GP which is the only circuit i have seen with high probability of just 6-8 cars to finish in the end.

But there is a good old saying, " A Bad start will lead to a good end! " ;) How optimistic I :D

I still say, it's going to be Ferrari all the way in the end. :) And also nice to see Rubens getting his Championship points after 2006. nice nice
Excellent race, finally F1 is watchable again. Good race for Hamilton, controlled it from start to finish, Heikki was unlucky and deserved second place. Very poor from Ferrari, Kimi drove like a complete tit and it looks like Massa forgot he didn't have traction control anymore on lap one. BMW and Williams looked pretty good but a bit of a shame to see Kubica fade away. Finally no points for Rubens so Kimi steals a point he certainly didn't deserve.
This was one race full of mechanical failures. The first race of season you can expect this but Sepang is deadly on machinery sa well. Intresting to see what happens there.
Excellent race, finally F1 is watchable again. Good race for Hamilton, controlled it from start to finish, Heikki was unlucky and deserved second place. Very poor from Ferrari, Kimi drove like a complete tit and it looks like Massa forgot he didn't have traction control anymore on lap one. BMW and Williams looked pretty good but a bit of a shame to see Kubica fade away. Finally no points for Rubens so Kimi steals a point he certainly didn't deserve.

It was a pretty ordinary race, with too many errors and failures. Ferrari really messed it up bad, but I think it is obvious they have the best car otherwise. BMW and Williams do look strong but as usual I doubt they'll be able to maintain the pressure for the entire length of the season. Kimi definately dint drive like a defending world champion. Alonso would have been more than happy to take that fourth place in the end.

May be Ferrari should look to fix Hamilton to theirs soon. :p This guy seem to have a very great talent. Hamilton and Massa in Ferrari sounds cool to me. :p May be just in dreams. ;)

Why on earth would you want Kimi out? Massa is highly inconsistent and is extremely lucky to be driving a Ferrari. Besides, I really doubt Hamilton would ever leave Mclaren for Ferrari considering how much Ron Dennis has done for him.
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Ok, a bit too many failures, but it was great to see the cars twitching about and driver errors make for good racing. OK that track is a little hard to overtake on, but should lead to some really good racing in the future rather than just the dull start to finish procession that we've had for the past few years.

I want to see crashes, I want to see smashes, I want to see errors.
I only watch the start of Formula One races to see the crashes. :P
why Kimi tried so hard to pas Heiki after the safety car went off in the 28th lap i think it was is beyond me. he could have waited until the straight or for a better corner to pass him, sort of live to fight another day. maybe he was concerned about Hamilton pulling away from him but it might have not made a difference in the end.
Very poor from Ferrari, Kimi drove like a complete tit and it looks like Massa forgot he didn't have traction control anymore on lap one. Finally no points for Rubens so Kimi steals a point he certainly didn't deserve.

:eek: I just now realized that Rubens was disqualified for crossing that pit lights when it was red. Poor Rubens.. I was happy that he got points after two years. Thats very unfortunate.:noway

And that new traction control thing should be really tough to keep in mind for aggressive drivers.

Why on earth would you want Kimi out? Massa is highly inconsistent and is extremely lucky to be driving a Ferrari. Besides, I really doubt Hamilton would ever leave Mclaren for Ferrari considering how much Ron Dennis has done for him.

ha ha.. I have nothing wrong against Kimi.. he is of course, an excellent driver. I just felt that it would be nice. ;)
Rubens was damned if he did and damned if he didn't.

Stay out = Run out of fuel
Re-fuel whilst pitlane is shut = disqualified.

I agree with Kev, great race. Malaysia next weekend at the more friendly hour of 7AM GMT for race.
Yeah lol. I set my alarm for 3:00AM, slept through it, didn't want to know who won as I was going to watch teh re-run at 3:00PM on ITV, when my Mother put the news on. Yep, it was in the same room and told me that Hamilton had won. I was happy, but annoyed that I knew, but I watched it anyway! Well done McLewis!
Re-fuel whilst pitlane is shut = disqualified.
Actually not quite. He served a 10 second stop/go penalty for refueling. If he had waited at the end of the pitlane until the train had passed he would have escaped disqualification.
If 16 cars failed to finish,they should have called it off. I would attribute it to the new rules-esp-traction control.
I think Sepang will be same. Lots of cars failing to make it to finish. Strategy of middle order should be just avoid crashes and take home the damm car.
If 16 cars failed to finish,they should have called it off. I would attribute it to the new rules-esp-traction control.
Apart from maybe the first lap, i don't think many retirements can be attributed to lack of traction control, and even if they were, the drivers are supposed to be the best in the world - they should be able to cope without traction control. If they can't they don't belong in F1.

They just need to use their heads a bit off the start. In previous years the race to the first corner has been determined by the software engineers with only little gains being made. Now there are going to be good starts, bad starts and okish starts, with much greater differences between them.

I don't see a problem with low numbers of cars finishing, It used to be fairly commonplace in years past that a low number of cars finished and the racing was top notch back then. Although I don't think you should be able to score championship points if your car doesn't cross the finishing line. Perhaps they need to go back to the old scoring system for the top 6 cars only or just not award remaining points if cars don't take the finish as in endurance racing.
What a Win for Hamilton!

It was good to see that Ferrari didn't finish, And no wonder Coultard was furious With Massa!

Very Surprised to see that only 7 cars Finished!

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