H0wZ4T! Presents World Wrestling Entertainment.. [Just like Ric Flair...]

How would you rate the writing of JJ Simpson?

  • Brilliant

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Good

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Average

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Bad

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Horrifying

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters

13th August 2007 ? RAW from Baltimore, MD.

Segment One & Two:
The night begins straight away, with the cry of Kennedy ringing through the arena. The crowd cheers him, after last week?s turn. He walks down to the ring, very frustrated for obvious reasons. He calls King Booker to the ring, but there is a silence. Kennedy calls Booker a coward and then he responds. He walks down to the ring with Sharmell alongside him. They have a heated argument and almost come to blows. Suddenly, our champ, Cena arrives on the scene and tells them to suck it up. Booker shouts at Cena, telling him he isn?t a worry until SummerSlam. In a quick second, both Kennedy and Cena shut up the King, beating him senseless.

Coachman arrives on the ramp and orders them to stop. He swiftly announces a tag team match for the main event. Cena and Mr. Kennedy will face off against King Booker and whoever Booker wants as a partner. The crowd like the idea and cheer, while Booker retreats with his wife, screaming at the new pair.

Rating: A

The Hardy Boyz vs The World?s Greatest Tag Team:
With WGTT after their first tag titles, Benjamin came straight after Jeff Hardy, hitting a couple of clotheslines and dropkicks. Haas teamed up well and isolating Jeff proved valuable. However, Jeff stuck in there and despite near falls made the tag. Matt cleared house and they used the Twist of Fate/Swanton Bomb combination to grab the win and the chance for the titles at SummerSlam.

Rating: B

Segment Three:
The Hardyz celebrate, but are brutally attacked by Cade and Murdoch. They deliver sickening chair shots, eventually laying off and running through the crowd. The scene changes to Santino Marella complaining to the chairman, Vince McMahon. He has been made to face Kenny Dykstra and if he loses, his title will be vacated. McMahon admits he never liked him and when he loses, someone good will hold the title. Marella whines and walks away, cursing in Italian.

Rating: C

Kenny Dykstra vs Santino Marella:
Dykstra was determined to prove he is worth it, taking the early advantage over Marella. He used the outside of the ring well, and was clearly able to make Santino vacate his title. It was too late for the Milan Miracle, as Dykstra finished him with the Guillotine Legdrop for the pinfall victory.

Rating: C

Segment Four:
Vince McMahon and Shane are laughing at Marella, as Dykstra is smiling. They tell him that he is useless and Santino should go back to Italy. In fact, Marella is fired! They call security to escort him out and Santino is gone. Suddenly, a car crash is heard and Mick Foley is at the ramp! He takes a microphone and begins to talk about the new GM at ECW, Shane. Foley says he wanted to be GM, he even applied for it. Mick also says Shane is a weak manager and they diss each other?s careers and eventually come to blows. Vince uses his authority to sanction a match at SummerSlam; the winner will be the General Manager of ECW! The crowd pop and Mick says Shane can decide the stipulation. Shane gets a big grin and declares the match, a Street Fight! The commercial break arrives.

Rating: A

Umaga vs Shawn Michaels:
Michaels is back and he started well against the Samoan Bulldozer. The match quickly turned in favour of Umaga though, he connected with hard chops and a couple of heel kicks to the injured head of HBK. A few near falls later, Shawn staged a last desperate offensive, dropkicking Umaga over the top rope. However, it wasn?t enough, as McMahon got his way and Michaels was punished via Samoan Spike.

Rating: B

Segment Five:
Vince orders a crazy Umaga to finish Michaels, but suddenly, HHH runs down to the ring with a chair! He slides into the ring and attempts to defend Shawn, but Umaga and Vince escape. The camera switches to a tense John Cena, alongside Todd Grisham. He asks Cena about his teaming up with Mr. Kennedy, but Cena says only one thing before walking off, smiling: ?Kennnnnnnnedy!?. Grisham is confused and the commentators are back, speculating who Booker?s partner will be.

Rating: B

John Cena & Mr. Kennedy vs King Booker & ???:
Booker arrives first with his mystery partner, Snitsky! The actual match begins well for Snitsky and proves a valuable choice for King Booker. As Snitsky begins to destroy Kennedy, Cena tags in and brings him some justice on a plate! Booker soon faces the champ for the first time, and they slug it out in the middle of the ring. Booker is also up to his cheating ways. Eventually after some tense battling, Booker succumbs to fatigue and Cena forces him to tap out with the STFU! SummerSlam looks promising?

Rating: A

Segment Six:
Cena and Kennedy shake hands and celebrate to the crowd, until Coachman arrives at the ramp. He says he quite enjoyed Booker?s clever cheating and declares their title match at SummerSlam a No-DQ match! The crowd cheers wildly and Cena is still celebrating, as RAW goes off the air!

Rating: B

Overall Rating: A

Quick Results:
The Hardy Boyz over World?s Greatest Tag Team to become Number One Contenders for the Tag Team Championships.
Kenny Dykstra over Santino Marella to vacate the Intercontinental Championship.
Umaga over Shawn Michaels.
John Cena and Mr. Kennedy over King Booker and Snitsky.


The Spin - 12
sd92 - 11
plympilgrim - 6
holdenator6 ? 2
OrderDX - 1
Griffo - 1
GrayNicholls - 0

WWE Presents The Biggest Party of the Summer:

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nice video but there is like 3 mins at the end of just the music :p
Maybe they voted that because you had it there as an option? :D :p

Don't look at me! I voted Average...

Extreme Championship Wrestling - Preview
14th August 2007

North Dakota are next on the ECW road trip and they are sure to see a great night of action and drama.

Last week on ECW see Carlito, RVD, CM Punk and Elijah Burke progress to the next round of the Heavyweight Title tournament. This week will see two of these superstars progress to SummerSlam in the match for the vacant title. Who will it be; the apple muncher, the extremist, the straight edge or the Elijah experience?

We now know that Shane McMahon will meet Mick Foley at SummerSlam in a street fight. The winner becomes/stays the General Manager of ECW. We also know that Foley will be in the building this week. What will Mick do? And how will Shane react?

PLUS: Marcus Cor Von will be in singles action against the ECW Original, Tommy Dreamer!

The Scheduled Matches:

Carlito vs Rob Van Dam - 2nd Round match

CM Punk vs Elijah Burke - 2nd Round match

Tommy Dreamer vs Marcus Cor Von

Carlito vs Rob Van Dam - 2nd Round match

CM Punk vs Elijah Burke - 2nd Round match

Tommy Dreamer vs Marcus Cor Von
Carlito vs Rob Van Dam - 2nd Round match

CM Punk vs Elijah Burke - 2nd Round match

Tommy Dreamer vs Marcus Cor Von
Carlito vs Rob Van Dam - 2nd Round match

CM Punk vs Elijah Burke - 2nd Round match

Tommy Dreamer vs Marcus Cor Von

Just to be different.
Carlito vs Rob Van Dam - 2nd Round match - Carlito

CM Punk vs Elijah Burke - 2nd Round match - Elijah Burke

Tommy Dreamer vs Marcus Cor Von - Marcus Cor Von
Carlito vs Rob Van Dam - 2nd Round match

CM Punk vs Elijah Burke - 2nd Round match

Tommy Dreamer vs Marcus Cor Von
Carlito vs Rob Van Dam - 2nd Round match

CM Punk vs Elijah Burke - 2nd Round match

Tommy Dreamer vs Marcus Cor Von
Carlito vs Rob Van Dam - 2nd Round match - Carlito

CM Punk vs Elijah Burke - 2nd Round match - CM Punk

Tommy Dreamer vs Marcus Cor Von - Marcus Cor Von

14th August 2007 ? Extreme Championship Wrestling from Bismarck, ND.

CM Punk vs Elijah Burke ? 2nd Round Match:
ECW kicked straight off with the second round match between Punk and Burke. Both men gave a 110% effort, delivering some brutal toe-to-toe wrestling. There was no clear advantage between them and it took some hard slams to get the other to back off. However, CM Punk managed to trip Burke and locked in the Anaconda Vice, giving him a submission victory! CM Punk will go to SummerSlam!

Rating: A

Segment One:
The scene changes after a quick hype of SummerSlam from Styles and Tazz, to an interview set backstage for the Miz. He welcomes his guest, Shane McMahon! Shane walks into the room to thunderous booing from the crowd. Miz and McMahon talk about how great Shane is, until Mick Foley turns up! He busts through the door and he exchanges insults with Shane. It gets too much and the two candidates begin to brawl. Shane is thrown out the doorway, cursing Foley as the crowd cheer.

Rating: B

Tommy Dreamer vs Marcus Cor Von:
ECW Original met New Breed in a brief singles match. Despite Dreamer?s most valiant efforts, he was outdone by the young, fast Cor Von. He ended things with a huge Pounce and a pinfall victory. But he wasn?t finished, as he lined Tommy up for another Pounce. Suddenly, The Sandman run into the ring and used his cane to hold Cor Von off, making the save. ECW goes to a commercial break.

Rating: B

Segment Two:
Rob Van Dam is backstage in the medical room, alongside The Sandman & Tommy Dreamer. They ask RVD to beat Carlito, so one of the ECW Originals will hold the title. He tells them not to sweat and ECW will see an original champion, Rob Van Dam! They wish him good luck and he leaves. Tazz and Styles hype that match, which is next on ECW.

Rating: C

Rob Van Dam vs Carlito ? 2nd Round Match:
RVD was true to his word, as he took control of the young Caribbean superstar. Carlito was beaten and only just managed to survive a couple of close pins. The match even spread to the outside of the ring, where Van Dam used the environment to his advantage. He floored Carlito and went to the top rope for the finish, but all of a sudden, Carlito rolled out of the way and managed a Backstabber for a huge win!

Rating: B

Segment Three:
Carlito quickly retreats up the ramp, but he is stopped by Burke, Cor Von and Matt Striker. They say they are impressed with Carlito and are a perfect example of the new breed of superstar. He says that he tries and Burke offers him a place in The New Breed, and Carlito accepts! They shake hands and all four men run into the ring to assault Rob Van Dam! But, Tommy Dreamer, The Sandman and CM Punk come down the ramp to fight them off! ECW goes off the air, with all eight men being separated by security, referees and road agents.

Rating: B

Overall Rating: B

Quick Results:
CM Punk over Elijah Burke to progress to the final of the ECW Heavyweight Tournament.
Marcus Cor Von over Tommy Dreamer.
Carlito over Rob Van Dam to progress to the final of the ECW Heavyweight Tournament.


The Spin - 14

sd92 - 12
plympilgrim - 9

OrderDX - 4
holdenator6 - 3

GrayNicholls - 2
Griffo - 1


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