Harry Potter Mafia - The End! Abhas/Death Eaters win!

Ah yeah, BKB's lynch counts as 2.

If someone else is mafia it would be one of BKB or Abhas, otherwise like I think it could just be Hedger.

Tomorrow there's only going to be four/five people left, so the only option I can see is to go for Hedger, and we still could win. Otherwise it'll be too much of a gamble going for someone else, because if they're not mafia then the mafia will definitely win.
I wouldn't bother. We should win from here. There's not much you townies can do now unless someone has some special role we haven't accounted for.
Ok, so going from what you're saying there is another mafia.

In that case yeah, I'd have to say it's one of BKB/Abhas, because they were the others who went for Papa with plenty of evidence of him being townie. I'd be leaning towards BKB, because I don't think he's roleclaimed yet, and Abhas just has to be alive at the end if his roleclaim's legit, so it makes sense that he'd vote for Papa anyway, especially after he had two votes from BKB.
BKB needs to role claim but I'm sure that he will not find it hard to role claim. He is a experienced player and can easily false role claim.
Hell, why did people go for Smurf? We all know BKB is a double voter. And, double voter is a town aligned role. I don't believe Abhas for Draco. He can't be a survivor, he has to be a mafia. We got to lynch him. We actually needed to lynch him today. And, why did BKB vote for Smurf? :facepalm
The people were too quick in lynching Papa_Smurf.
Well once BKB went for him it was all over, I have no idea why he did it really, as others had confirmed he was town.
We can't vote off Hedger. Just can't as of now. And, we will lose someone during the night. That will leave 5 people. 2 mafias (hopefully) and 3 townies. Me, Callum and CG are surely townies and I feel BKB is also one. We will lose one from us four. That leaves Abhas as Hedger can't be lynched. We have to lynch Abhas during the next day now.


Well once BKB went for him it was all over, I have no idea why he did it really, as others had confirmed he was town.
I've never seen a double voter to be mafia aligned. It is just stupid if he is. I feel Abhas should be the one we have to go for. And, why were you all going for Hedger? :facepalm
When I came on Papa already had three votes, and since he had already gone for Hedger, I had to really, and then had to hope that you and Aditya would have come on before Hedger which didn't happen.

And on BKB, his voting was just stupid, which made me think he could be mafia, and that he hasn't roleclaimed yet.
I know that was a stupid move by him, but surely if he's a double voter mafia aligned, then the balance is way too much on mafia side with Hedger having so much of power.
Yeah, there's obviously going to be Draco Malfoy though, so that means he'll be mafia like I mentioned above, instead of being a survivor like Abhas claimed as.

And BTW Hedger I'm not a townie... :p

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