Finally. I was imperiused folks. Game is definetly in the mafias hands. Purely due to absolutely horrendous play.
Anyways I am pretty sure its Abhas is the guy with the imperius curse. Malfoy, remember book 6? Imperiused the bartender and Bell girl? Its him I am telling you, he helped lynched Papa too.
Townies focus. FOCUS. Go for Abhas or Hedger. Choose one and do not change your plans in the end. Callum, It might be a wise idea for you to send a message to the real Harry Potter, and tell him to post something, so atleast you can verify his claim when he does come out. I think I know who it is. Do not say who he is, under any circumstances yet. It should be for your information only.
I am not mafia folks not at all. No point hiding who I am, but theres no point telling you guys as well. I am not Harry Potter, I am Molly Weasley, Team Hogwarts-aligned Caring Weasley Mother. Hence the two votes. Cuz mother always knows best.
I say lynch Abhas in the morning, why because we are not sure if we Hedger is unlynchable or not. If he cant be lynched, then we lose the game because we waste the day and lose our advantage. LYNCH ABHAS THE NEXT DAY