Well, I have to say well played Hedger

He single-handedly turned the game around for the mafia. We were on top when p-number died. But he managed to get rid of Varun, Chewie, Mark, me, BKB and Callum and now User, on the trot. Not bad.
Adityia will die tonight and then game, set and match.
This was a really fun mafia game to play. There were twists right till the end. And while some of the credit does go to the players, I think we all owe a big thanks to Chez. It was amazingly organized, and the roles were nicely divided with their roles, so each passage of play was interesting. It all cuminlated in a very efficiently ran and very engrossing operation. So well done Chez
So, the mafia were paki007, p-number, Bevab and Matt (originally). No wonder we were on top for most the game
But Voldemort was way too much overpowered. The ability to Imperius once p-number died; unlynchable until Bevab, and then User, were lynched in that order. Was immune to night kills as well, as we found out when I tried to kill him with Chewie. And ofcourse being the Godfather, so had one kill each night. Considering all Dumbeldore had was the power to confirm role-claims, it just seems too much for one guy to possess.
That should take nothing away from Hedger. He still had to play a brilliant game after the mess Matt had left the mafia in.
Just one question - who killed Chewie? Hedger denied it, and since he hasn't been hiding anything for the last few days, I'm inclined to believe him.