He's given that a fearsome TWEAK!

Career player being the captain of the team :"Captain would be happy with that over" with me being the captain...:lol
I was playing an online test against Biggs and heard something amazing -
That's their first unsuccessful challenge, they only have one remaining in this innings

That is the only time the commentary about challenges has ever been right - most of the time he says 'in this match' - ignoring the between innings reset, or where the game restores reviews after a number of overs.
I just love how the commentary goes from "THATS A HUUUUUGE SIX" in all caps commentary to a hard crash to "Biggton Gamecocks have made a change to their field" in the most dull, uninterested tone ever...

Picking on the commentary at this point is tantamount to laughing at the handicapped kid in class, but there's still some gold to mined with the funny... Especially when they repeat themselves saying the same thing with two completely different energetic tones.

Actually I've only lost 3 wickets and we were 236-0 before that. Now we're 236-3 and we ended 477-5d. If only we hadn't suffered that COLLAPSE OF EPIC PROPORTIONS!
I noticed that there's no acknowledgement for a player scoring 400 in an innings - would have expected something to be said.
I still keep hearing Yorkshire referred to as Barbados quite a bit in career mode (both 4 day and 40 over matches)
Don't know if this happens in a casual game, I'll try it.
Has anyone else heard their county incorrectly called in any matches?
I support the abolishing of Yorkshire as a professional cricket team, and their replacement by Barbados in the English system. If we'd done this in the 80s England would have won a lot more matches.
For me one of the worst lines is 'Essex (for example) will be very pleased with this victory and how their players stood up'. Same bloody line at the end of every single match!
Agreed, that was the first one that really irritated me... I've got to the point of just turning the commentary off entirely now.
I support the abolishing of Yorkshire as a professional cricket team, and their replacement by Barbados in the English system. If we'd done this in the 80s England would have won a lot more matches.

As a Yorkshireman it's my duty to be offended by this. Consider me offended!
Literally the only good thing in Yorkshire is the road to Lancashire.
I got some cool commentary tonight online, where I needed 1 to win and Matt brought in the field to surround the batsman... I lofted a big four off the spinner over the infield to the ropes and the commentary said something along the lines of "...and there it is, a big hit to the boundary for four and that's victory. The fielders didn't matter in the end and that's the win for the Biggton Gamecocks". Basically, nice bit of match awareness and felt like the win mattered. That's the last time I compliment the commentary, haha.
'And he's appealing for some reason'

I'm appealing because I think it's out mate. Whether the appeal is valid or not is obviously more open to interpretation but I'm appealing because I want to get that bastard out and I think it might have taken an edge (except it only has taken an edge when you tell me I think it's taken an edge but sometimes I think it's taken an edge and you say you don't understand why I'm appealing and imply that I'm a knobhead. I don't trust you commentary man whose name I have not bothered to learn).
'And he's appealing for some reason'

I'm appealing because I think it's out mate. Whether the appeal is valid or not is obviously more open to interpretation but I'm appealing because I want to get that bastard out and I think it might have taken an edge (except it only has taken an edge when you tell me I think it's taken an edge but sometimes I think it's taken an edge and you say you don't understand why I'm appealing and imply that I'm a knobhead. I don't trust you commentary man whose name I have not bothered to learn).
Yeah, there's a few lines for that situation and nearly all are in quite a condescending tone.

The commentary line for when you reach 250 is pretty cringeworthy... Something like "He just keeps on going.... and going..... and going.... just like an Energizer bunny!". May have to trigger it and record a video, it just sounds so awkwardly delivered.

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