Highest Scores

Pro mode career player
Fc 371
List a 160
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Not sure what just happened, but I was dropped three times :lol
205* off 118 deliveries in a 50 over match (Amateur). A match winning innings as well!
On Pro
FC- 49 (gutted!!!!)
List A- 35
T20- 27

I keep getting out caught behind to the pace bowlers. :mad
On Pro - 85 in FC game for Essex in my debut, followed up by a 4 in the next match! (Didn't get to bat in my first P40, Gambihr and Cook were to good!)[DOUBLEPOST=1406931767][/DOUBLEPOST]
205* off 118 deliveries in a 50 over match (Amateur). A match winning innings as well!

I think you need to get up to Pro mate!
158 on pro in tests but patch 1, patch 2 in tests 116.
Oneday 112 patch 1 and 89 patch 2 both on pro.

On legend 101 patch 1 and not played patch 2.

Career mode 78 in A games and 56 and a 50 in first class on PC steam.
I think you need to get up to Pro mate!
I started off on pro but I went through a phase of not scoring a lot of runs and constantly edging behind so I decided to drop down to amateur. Once I've mastered amateur then i'll move back up to pro :)
I started off on pro but I went through a phase of not scoring a lot of runs and constantly edging behind so I decided to drop down to amateur. Once I've mastered amateur then i'll move back up to pro :)

Fair one. I started on Pro, dropped to Amateur for one match, but it was way too easy on the bowling side (taking 10 wickets as a 16 year old leg spinner). So I've stuck with Pro, and I can now average about 25-30.
Thread for people to post their highest scores with corresponding difficulty level. With evidence of course....

Will be a good guage of the learning curve required to get good at batting.

Id start, but I havent scored over 50 in pro or veteren so nothing to show. Highest is 49, with Jimmie Anderson on veteren in a T20 :eek:

And Ive probably batted a total of 100 times I reckon.
505 run out mine in career mode

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