How are you doing in your career?

What did you choose for your career player?

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Yeah i am very interested in my teams performance as well

Im excited to see the career mode develop, so whether we spend our annual ranking points on training camps at the end ofg the year or sponsor products, better gear, attributes, that sought of thing

that where the career mode can take a big step i reckon!@!
Yea thats all a bonus to me but not necessary...but it should all be optional as i know a lot of people hate stuffing round with training etc.

Would love to see it though, i really like unlockables and sponsers and all but again its just a bonus :)
It's definitely Zeus' army in the field causing all the frustrations for me with career mode. I've moved past batting being incredibly difficult because it seems once the skill points start clocking up you get a slightly easier run of it but you HAVE to be paitent.

I disagree with blocking though, the key is to have R1 absolutely dead straight when defending back to the bowler. If the ball is turning away from you come forward and defend out to the off-side and vice versa. If you vary a little, it's more likely that you'll nick it.

For what it's worth, there is little need to block once you're past 25-30 and runs flow a lot easier it's just running the gauntlet of Sorcerers and Supermen in the field who's only dying wish is to capture your defeated grimace as a trophy, as you walk off being run out by mid off for the 1000th time...
Yea blocking is easy, i barely ever go out doing it, just dont do it much. I suppose everyone just goes forward and throws the bat straight out there to defend, just play it like a normal shot but just in defense...dont always go straight, you can defend to cover and everywhere else...even your stumps as i learned the fun way
Yeah going back and defending anywhere but straight is a sure fire way to eat a bail in the back of your head...
It's affectionately referred to as "Zombieian Runs" on the scorecard ;)
Fair enough, i think i am going to early with the block, i pre meditate it and then im playing the shot before the ball is halfway down the pitch

i just get very nervous.....
Loving the game, career is damn challenging, top score batting 35 lucky runs for NSW in a shield game at number 4. There's this damn umpire Biggs I think his name is who keeps giving me out LBW all the time. The rage is building :mad:mad:mad:mad
Fair enough, i think i am going to early with the block, i pre meditate it and then im playing the shot before the ball is halfway down the pitch

i just get very nervous.....

You mean there is a way to block on this game!! Teach me your ways. i only seem to be swinging, and if its bowled on the stumps thats me done, either LBW or Bowled :(
I swear Ross the umpire is the brother of the devil :spy

Always gives me out and then whenever I appeal, because regardless of the outcome I think the ball is so good it deserves a wicket, he says not out and the commentator abuses me :(
R2+Front Foot+Straight

Thats the block

as I have said, do it at your own risk.......

Unless your being sarcastic, and it that case, i totally agree with you

3 more hrs of work, and then im straight home to ton up for the mighty Vics!!
Fair enough, i think i am going to early with the block, i pre meditate it and then im playing the shot before the ball is halfway down the pitch

i just get very nervous.....

If your playing the ball way too early no wonder your going out so easy haha just play it like a normal shot


I swear Ross the umpire is the brother of the devil :spy

Always gives me out and then whenever I appeal, because regardless of the outcome I think the ball is so good it deserves a wicket, he says not out and the commentator abuses me :(

Whenever I appeal and its not out the commentator says "haha fatty thats not out" which isnt very nice...not only did i get no wicket but my feelings are hurt too :(
man, that feeling when your waitng for the ball, i never know when its too early or too late with those bloody spinners!!

i may have to lay off the jim beam whilst playing....

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