Panel of Selectors
I've never been in the position of sitting down in a classroom and learning English. But being a Spanish A-level student, sometimes I just can't help but think how easy it would be to learn English. For one, the subjunctive tense does my nut in, and I'm pretty sure it's more or less non-existent in English.
...Think about conjugating a verb in English:
I - speak
You - speak
He/She/It - speaks
We - speak
You(Pl) - speak
They - speak
And in Spanish it's:
Yo - hablo
t? - hablas
?l/ella/Formal - habla
nosotros - hablamos
vosotros - habl?is
ellos/ellas/Formal pl. - hablan
Which one do you think's easier to learn?![]()
English is the hardest language to learn as a second language, purely because the grammar is completely different (I, me, you, etc as opposed to expressing it in a single word like in Spanish), and also because there are so many words in English, I think it's something like a hundred or a thousand times more than other languages. There are so many synonyms for each word. Plus the words are derived from a number of languages, pretty much every language there is really has a word in English, whereas foreign words are mostly derived from one language.
We are blessed that English is our first language