How Many Forums have you been Banned from?

One time I was bored so went on a random forum my sister occassionally went on and just basically spammed it. Then they banned the IP address so my sis couldn't go on the forum :p

HEHEHAHA, she got owned

Normal people wouldn't get themselves banned, when I was banned it was because me and the owner of the site didn't see things the same way, and he later allowed me back.

And I bet you were very popular! :p Did she ever get let back on the forum?

I got banned (temporarily) and I am normal
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Normal people wouldn't get themselves banned, when I was banned it was because me and the owner of the site didn't see things the same way, and he later allowed me back.

And I bet you were very popular! :p Did she ever get let back on the forum?

dont think so. I dont think she went on that forum much though.
I have never been banned, just on TD(another forum I go on) I have had loads of warnings. Although that is quite the norm over there. ;)
Well I've done the complete opposite. I've just been promoted at the other forum where I reguarly post. It is quite a bit smaller with only 1K of members and about 300 regulars but I'm still pretty pleased. They have of course made the best decision of their lives in doing this :rolleyes: :p
why did hooper get banned?

P.S tom, i got your PM with few others, i'm lazy but i'll try na' do you're request on weekend.
I've been bannned from The Titans froum about 10 times(i kept making multi's), sidhe and a few other small ones.
I've never been banned, it's not that i'm too cool it's just that the forums can't afford to lose me.
It ain't a forum, but I've been banned from Habbo Hotel and Runescape a few years back.

Sorry But I have to Laugh...

Runescape!!! :laugh:rtfl

Once again, I repeat I'm Sorry...

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