How Many Forums have you been Banned from?

I remember some other English fan got banned after the Old Trafford Test against Pakistan in 2006 for saying that Pakistan couldn't cope with Steve Harmison and that he outclassed all of Pakistan's bowlers. He did take 11 wickets and almost single handedly beat them himself...
I remember some other English fan got banned after the Old Trafford Test against Pakistan in 2006 for saying that Pakistan couldn't cope with Steve Harmison and that he outclassed all of Pakistan's bowlers. He did take 11 wickets and almost single handedly beat them himself...
Flamers like that disgust me! How dare he! :px1000

What pathetic form.
zilch atm, hopefully it'll stay this way! GIGGITY how can you not know ALBA! you may be 10 but come on little man it's ALBA!
3 now as i got banned from EA again for creatin new account bugger
lmfao @ Giggers. You'll do fine here if you just post well and keep up how you've been around for the last couple of days.

Why would you guys even join PP?
i hate being banned from forums it sucks im a member of 5 forums banned from 2 just joined 3
If you use your posts to contribute to the forums instead of posting rubbish all the time, the admins of the those forums wouldn't ban you.

Maybe a bit harsh Rob. He's a very young member and he can be a bit funny at times. But GG, you would be wise to maybe post some slightly more longer posts and check them for accuracy as the only time a member can get away with it is when Hooper is posting while drunk ;)

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