Your Cricket I now know how KP felt...

It's all about the mind games, Will. You let a beamer hit you and show no ill effect the bowlers going 'what the blazes' and be put off his game - easy runs. Just look at Brian Close against the West Indies in the 70's.

Also, on the plus side if it hits you hard enough it may ping off for 4 or 6 leg byes.

You let a beamer hit you in the head and the bowler will think maybe too many beamers have hit you in the head.
Concerning the original post:

Well, he threw it baseball style, so it wasnt even proper bowling, regardless of the fact that he kept throwing beamers. I play in a local league, and I've realized that the players in the US just aren't that good, regardless of where they're born. This guy once tried to break into our team - he kept telling us that he was a former player of the Air India team and how he was their frontline bowler. Well, the guy's action was right and everything, except for the fact that every 2 balls, he'd release one way too early. The batsman, along with the wicketkeeper, would watch the ball sail above their heads. The coach tried helping him, but then he bowled one mean beamer to me accidently. I've never hit the ground that hard and that fast in my life, except for the time I fell from a two story building - but that's another story.

And at the person who advised charging down the track at a beamer and smacking it for four... dude... its so scary. I'd never charge down the track at a beamer. The only thing I'd do is hit the ground. I'd only hit it if its not that fast.

And at the legspinner guy or whatever his name is: We don't play with tennis balls. It seems like you're talking about tennis balls. Try getting hit in the face with a cricket ball zooming that fast. Once I dropped a catch from my hands (which were right above my face) and it fell straight on my head. I started bleeding and had to get stitches. So I have no idea what you're talking about when you say you just take the hit on your face because that will fracture something or send you to the hospital if you play with a real cricket ball. I'm guessing you play with a tennis ball. Also, I don't wear a helmet (dont know where to buy one and my other one broke). Nevertheless, a helmet isnt enough protection against a fast beamer.
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Wow, playkid, looks like you've had some rough times. I haven't ever faced a beamer whilst playing with a real cricket ball but I would think that if it is fast enough, you wouldn't really have enough time to think about going for a shot.
Wow, playkid, looks like you've had some rough times. I haven't ever faced a beamer whilst playing with a real cricket ball but I would think that if it is fast enough, you wouldn't really have enough time to think about going for a shot.

its gonna be a no-ball anyway so you might as well back away and have a swing of the bat and try to get a few extra runs...:p
This may be going off tangent here but its slightly relevant (as I'm sure it would increase the chances of a beamer style ball being bowled). When I'm out and about walking the dog I often pass groups of Asian (Indian, Pakistani etc) kids playing cricket, whether on the local park or in the street.

One thing I've noticed is that they never seem to bowl properly, unless bowling spin. If there is any amount of pace on the ball its the usual action but the ball is thrown at the last minute (often with quite an exaggerated throw), regardless of whether its a tennis ball, windball or cricket ball. On the other hand whenever you see groups of white kids (I'm guessing of British\Australian origin etc) playing then they always seem to bowl with legit actions.

No, I'm just wondering if there is any reason behind why they bowl like this, as I'm sure they all know how to do it correctly (hence the proper action up until just before the release) and it has to be counter productive when playing in a match situation (except for the batsman, but most of them look far too good anyway).

Is it the same scenario in India\Pakistan, or is it peculiar to the UK?
i think theyre trying to copy their heroes. i dont know who, but if you realise all the english players have normal actions, even the spinners, (well mayve an exception of harmison). whereas players from the sub-continent have slightly unorthadox actions, e.g, malinga, murali, harbhajan, kumble and akhtar does have a unique action with his long run up...

but then again i might be wrong...:p
That's sort of what I was thinking but it still seems a little strange, especially as I know one or two of them play a really good standard of cricket and are pace bowlers as well.

Also, I could understand it if they were only playing with a tennis ball, but often its with a cricket ball and no pads\gloves.
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Yeah I have noticed it here in the parks, many bowlers bowl like that.
Usually it is the small kids. They are still young, but can bowl slowly with a proper action. But ofcourse, playing against older kids, they get hammered. So while trying to bowl really fast, they chuck. This is from first-person experience. A lot of small kids come where I play, and they can all bowl properly. But slowly, even when trying pace. One guy bowled very good spin, but slow spin, and got him. So he tried to bwol pace, but had a kink in his action. I keep telling them just to bowl slow, we'll stand at the boundary and catch it...

And the beamers I've faced with the hard ball are of mediumish bowlers around my age. I could hit them, but if I let them hit me it wouldn't be too bad. I broke a bat trying to hit my 6th beamer of the day. But you should duck if it is a fast bowler, but a spinner can come to no harm...
I think mainly it's because generally sub-continental fans care about pace more than anything and would like to knock all three stumps over. Us Brits prefer to see quality line and length with lovely flowing actions.

Well this Brit does anyway.
Not many Asian fast bowlers are known for their lovely actions though. It's all about either pace, or you are forgotten. I like bowlers with nice flowing, lovely looking actions, but I follow cricket like a madman. These kids care about taking wickets, and the fast bowlers who have done that in the subcontinent are really quick - Akthar, Malinga, and even players who have come from abroad like Flintoff, Lee, Ntini. Its either that or bowling spin.
Thanks for the insight chaps, always nice to have a different perspective on things. Think it's probably a combination of copying heroes and trying to pick up that extra bit of pace.
In the end though, they are only cheating themselves by using illegal actions.
I don't think they really care though. As long as they get wickets, they are happy. I used to bowl underarm and was unstoppable until the kids banned me from bowling. Only then did I learn.
In the end though, they are only cheating themselves by using illegal actions.

In addition to what Zorax has to say I'm guessing that whilst a few will go on to play decent cricket many of them will remain playing park cricket so its not really an issue for them.

Would have to say though that by the look of many of the guys batting it does seem to hone their skills, maybe why India has such a strong batting line up.
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