ICC Online/Planet Cricket Cup Type Thingy?

Hello Tom, I am afraid you are considered a 'Rank Outsider' by many of the top 4/5 favourite players. But, don't let that affect your performance. ;)
I'm afraid i'll have to pull out due to undisclosed reasons. ;)

Gas will already know why. Stealing is wrong kids!
Yeah wateva m8 :noway
so do we hav 2 use default teams like from the 1st day
Do we have 2 use default squads or not?
PLease will somone answer my question???
No, you can use whatever squad you have. But you have to use the same team both times.

I'll be starting this tomorrow. Though it is not going to be until the afternoon as I'm out on a 20 mile bike ride in the morning. If we can only had 13 then that group will just have to have 'byes' in the games missing the non-competitor. I hope no one has a problem with that. Don't want to delay it any more.

I'll give full details of rules tomorrow, so don't panic.

Gas, I don't remember saying anything about default squads? I think as long as the rules are same for everyone I think it is fair. I hope no one is taking it so seriously that everyone has to use the same squad, or anything like that?
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I have got an all-day cricket match tommorow so wont b able 2 play until 8ish
I don't mind using the Somerset squad that i was using in my story, just thought it might be fairer if we all used the default squads that's all.
I don't mind using the Somerset squad that i was using in my story, just thought it might be fairer if we all used the default squads that's all.

I don't know. I think it'd be good to see people using teams that they have built up.

TomG said:
I have got an all-day cricket match tommorow so wont b able 2 play until 8ish

Not a problem. There will be about 3 days or so to play a round. More to follow later.
To be honest, i'll only be around for a short while tomorrow, could we not move it to Sunday? Or even the mornings in the week?
I'd prefer it if we played with teams we've built up as I like to see how others whave done in the future. Pity my team at the moment is on the decline after 2 years of dominating we're on the decline, I hope I can get them sorted out before the start ;)
To be honest, i'll only be around for a short while tomorrow, could we not move it to Sunday? Or even the mornings in the week?

People will have 3 days or more to complete the games. It's Bank Holiday on Monday so I'll probably extend it to Tuesday. But if people finish games well before that, I'll probably get the round going as soon as possible.

I'll allow plenty of time to finish fixtures. In fact, I don't see why we couldn't (in an emergency) "postpone" a game to a later date. It shouldn't be too difficult as there's only 13 of us. I'm not going to be up-tight about it, it is a bit of fun after-all.
Yeah I'm easy too, as long as i have plenty of notice (ie a day or two) i should be able to make most/all games as long as they are before 6-7pm.
You work funny hours?

Btw, I am knackered after spending a couple of hours on the bike. So the stuff won't be up until after the ODI finishes.
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