ICC World T20 Mini Mafia! - Game End.

Ben's an Aussie.

treva added 1 Minutes and 39 Seconds later...

Also, I have a feeling the traitor is one of the English players born in another country (Pietersen, Kieswetter, Morgan, Lumb)
I don't think it would be Morgan as I think the second nation would be another nation in the game so it would probably be Pietersen, Kieswetter or maybe Lumb if Zorax's role claim wasn't the truth.
I think MaD's Australian too. I'm pretty sure he has a good role too - he's been awfully active this game. Possibly the Killer Captain. Or some other strong role. Like I said, go ahead and lynch me tomorrow, and attempt to kill me tonight. Seems like Australia has recruited, so you guys know who the killer captain is. Wasting your kill, and not lynching any of my teammates who I haven't recruited yet, is what I want.

Ben's Shane Watson imo. We could attempt a lynch there. All-Rounder could have a kill.
I think MaD's Australian too. I'm pretty sure he has a good role too - he's been awfully active this game. Possibly the Killer Captain. Or some other strong role. Like I said, go ahead and lynch me tomorrow, and attempt to kill me tonight. Seems like Australia has recruited, so you guys know who the killer captain is. Wasting your kill, and not lynching any of my teammates who I haven't recruited yet, is what I want.

Ben's Shane Watson imo. We could attempt a lynch there. All-Rounder could have a kill.

I see what you're tryin to do here, push my roleclaim
Why have you taken out the fact that I may be Afghani?
Because you're not a vanilla townie, or at least you aren't acting like one.

Like I have said, I think all the Afghani's are vanilla townies so Zorax is lieing. I agree, Ben could well be the all-rounder which is dangerous for non-Aussies.

I suggest we lynch one of those two.
I see what you're tryin to do here, push my roleclaim
Why have you taken out the fact that I may be Afghani?

There's much more to it than that. Where in my post did I say "I rule out MaD as Afghani" - I've clearly stated before that you aren't English or SAfrican. Never Afghani. Stop trying to bring out stuff without actually reading all my posts. I'm not going to bring up the fact that you could be Afghani in every single post of mine. Clearly I said I THINK you're Australian. I did not go around saying "Oh, MaD is clearly Australian. He is the Killer Captain." What I did was just suggestive, and you became overly defensive. Your reaction seems to show that you're hiding something. Else you probably wouldn't have bothered much with what I just said.
You are correct that I am the all-rounder, fair shout on that one. But you don't have my name. My captain has it, but you lot have it wrong.

And I will say that I have no 'killing' roles as it were.
Night will be up later, around 4BST. Sorry for the delay. It'll be eventful.
Of course you can tell when someone is vanilla MaD. There are many scenarios where people unknowingly show what degree of importance their role has. However, I'm not going to explain this...it's a fairly obvious thought process.

This thread needs more life though. I really suspect one of the inactive players who bandwagoned on me to be the Killer Captain. The Killer Captain knows, that even if his teammates die, and he survives, it's all good, since he's the Killer Captain, and with his killing ability, he's strong as hell, as long as he's alive. This doesn't rule you out MaD, but yeah, I was just testing to see your reactions earlier. They probably weren't very favourable to clearing you, but still, I don't think you'd be this active if you were the killer captain. You'd probably be wayyyy more cautious.

I'm also going to predict that the Killer Captain tries to kill someone I suspect and put the blame on me since I'm a captain too. Because, if my major suspicion is right, that's the way this person has played in previous games.

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