ICC World T20 Mini Mafia! - Game End.

yea I agree, didn't he leave PC forever, I think his prison term started or something ;)
Half Way House.

Night 3: 11:53
Place: Beausejour Cricket Ground, Gros Islet.

A meal had been called in Gros Islet, to mark the end of a couple of days at the stadium, and to celebrate a fascinating couple of days of cricket. There had been a massive effort for some respective nations that may not have made it past the first stage that were staging a real fight and some major nations that struggled to overcome minnows.

Giles Clarke gave a resounding speech as many country's started to realise their feats and when they could possibly be flying home. At the front stood the strongest two men, they had a habit of winning and this wasn't stopping in the T20 a format that took them a while to take a liking too, but hey, winning was their nature.

At the table to their right, sat two other men, the survivor and possibly the best fielder to grace the modern era. Together they sat, together they drank and together they talked. But from a un-see able distance to them, sat a man wishing he could return from whence he came. He was trapped though, and wanted out.

The next table sat in the middle of the room, they had never been world beaters but had never been the Worlds worst, here sat the man who wish he could leave. He rejected the chance to talk to any of them and wanted to move back. The other two men sat calm and relaxed, much like the surrounding atmosphere.

The last table at the back, saw the men of relatively small stature, they were missing a member but he had been knocked off already. The two sat talking a dialect that not many had understood, they had had an amazing journey but it was so close to being over. It would be heartbreak for some, but they would take away great memories that some would cherish forever.

Two men stood at the back, the language barried divided them but one of them couldn't talk anyway, they were buying their time; standing, waiting and wishing.


Night 3: 00:32
Place: Beausejour Cricket Ground, Gros Islet.

One man excused himself from the table in the middle to spend a penny. It was to be his last penny, a strange sensation came over him as he walked through to the corridor thinking that he should turn back, but he was desperate. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a carefully placed cricket bat, it was in a place as if no one should see it. It didn't look like a normal cricket bat, but he didn't no why. He just put it down to the wine. As the tall fast bowler opened the door to the gentlemen's a shorter man walked through and spotted his cricket bat. It hadn't been taken, success was on the cards.


Night 3: 05:32
Place: Beausejour Cricket Ground, Gros Islet.

'WOW' - The short man wasn't too fazed, he had seen worse but had never imagined it in a cricket game or even a cricket event. He strolled back into the hall and raised the alarm by notifying one of the bodyguards. They gathered pace and charged to the bathroom where they found the brutal body.

ZoraxDoom is dead....


You are James Anderson, Swing It to Win It, Team England.

You are (or at least were) at the heart of the English swing bowling attack, the ability to swing the ball both ways is one truly great skill and is one you posses. This deception gives you the ability to double vote. You may use both votes on the same person or split them up, If you wish to split them up, you must send me a PM containing the name of the second person you wish to vote for.

It is now Day 4! 10 alive! 6 Votes for a majority.
The Afghans are in trouble.

Speaking of which, treva and hMarka are looking like being team mates, Jack in particular agreeing with what hMarka says, and hMarka voting seemingly straight after Jack earlier, just as the hammer was falling.

Also, Jack seems to be referencing Afghanistan as all being vanilla townies, and I'm pretty sure he is one of them; he tends to play a strong game when he has a role, and hasn't been 'at the races' so to speak so far.

At the end of the day take this as you will, but if you are not Afghan then it's maybe worth keeping an eye on these two. See the game they play now...
Not only that Maney. But, the targetting of Zorax means they're both not English.

I'm willing for a treva/hMarka pressure vote. I think a pressure vote is a better move than a lynch.

Lynch: treva

I repeat, this is merely a pressure vote, for obvious reasons. Vote treva if you wish. However, I think anybody getting lynched today will reveal a lot of stuff in terms of who is the killer captain.
From What I understand there are 2 South Africans who know each other, 2 Aussies as well. There are three English people members although one of them is a traitor, and its obvious that the English guys know who the traitor is. There are also 2 Afghans and two people waiting to be recruited. That makes it 2 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 = 11.

Now there are two people waiting to be recruited. I think one of them is an Aussie and one of them is English. Thats to balance things out. ie 3 of each team.

@ Maney: Thats Interesting. I havent really paid attention to know that these guys are playing like they are in the same team or so, but I will keep an eye on them from now.

So who do we plan to lynch? Personally I am inclined towards Guddu, he views the thread and hardly posts at all and that isnt really helping us one bit. It does mention that he has post restriction, but hes only posted like 4 posts in 4 days. And keep in mind he quietly won a mafia game so we cant take him lightly.

FOS: Guddu
Guys I'm not saying we should vote them off, just keep an eye on their progress... Let's assume Jack is a vanilla townie, like he suggests, then he isn't going to make much of a difference, and the team that has the Killer Captain could get into the final with him and pick him off at the end...

I would suggest that Guddu could be playing a clever game here, he may have already been found, but is using this restriction to his advantage. Clearly if he started posting left, right and center, we would be able to see he had been recruited and (possibly) active with night roles. For all we know he could have fakeclaimed this restriction, and is just picking these chaps off one by one under this guise we have all seemingly bought...
You believe that Maney? Wasnt this the obvious response?
I have no idea whether they are on the same team or not, but just in case I will keep an eye on them.

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