Improvements For The Next Title

Also it is so hard to bowl maidens in a test match. The AI seems to be programmed to stay at about 4 runs per over, no matter the match situation. I often bowl 5 dot balls, then the AI thinks it is a free hit and dispatches the ball to the boundary on most occasions.

Im so glad to know its not just me that thinks that! I cant stand how you bowl a perfect line and length after 5 dead balls then get hit for 6 off a full length ball thats also perfect line and length. The AI needs to learn to leave more. 90% of balls you pitch wide are hit for a boundry. I know good players will take advantage of wide deliveries. But not EVERY single one.
Duck button, better commentary instead of recycling last years version. True next gen graphics. (Not too much to ask) Better stats tracking. Better bowling actions. (Do they not use boimechanics/ human digitizing for the actions. If so, get people with better actions.) There is software out there where all you need is some video footage of someone and you can go through and digitize their actions frame by frame. May be a little tiresome, but any monkey can do it. I know you can do this as I've used the software before at uni to analyze a javelin throw. I'm sure they would already use this stuff for games. But I don't think they are using it for this game as a lot of the actions including batting and bowling don't seem very natural. If I stand corrected then my previous comment on getting better actors needs to happen or better scrutiny on the shots. If they've got an international cricketer to be their actor, they need to take a look at the shots and identify ones that look a little dodgy and fix them before releasing the game. Thats all ive got for now though. Pretty good game other than that so far. But I haven't played it much.
Better bowling animations, a duck button! and maybe include a few runouts in the game, like in ashes 09 there was too many but this year there are too few! Needs to be somewhere in the middle :)
Power stick coupled to shot choice so you only have to move the joystick rather than joystick and buttons. This will make batting in no-hud mode much more do-able.

Whole revamp of fielding mechanics. Too predictable at the moment and doesn't add to the games spontaneity.

An extension of the catching mechanism could make catching and fielding more interactive; pressing a button to dive or a button to sprint after the ball, like fifa which costs stamina and the player has to re-load his stamina if he does too much running too quickly.
"Best Older Member"? Clutching at straws for awards these days.

Look, the whole game needs revamping, from the ground up. This isn't working. Even the way the batsman holds the bat while waiting for the delivery - no variety, looks clunky. Having the online system entirely broken for months without any communication from Codemasters is worse than poor.

The only realistic solution is a game released by a different developer. Codemasters have had everything their way for too long, and didn't do anything near enough with it.
Clutching at straws is when they award me "best post contributor" :p

As for the game, just assume its dead. That way if they fix it, it will be an unexpected and pleasant surprise.

The lack in communication gives me the feeling that IC11 is around the corner, during the World Cup.
my priority for the next game would be free movement of the bowler and batsman all the time. This is how it could be implemented any would be awesome.

At the moment all the games allow only sideways movement of the batsman in the crease. which is very restricted when compared to real life.
In the next game they should allow to move the batsman in 360 degrees using the right analog stick. This way we can try out some shots which are impossible at the moment, like walking down the track while the pace bowler is running up and then smaking him for 4 like Hayden. Dancing down the track should be directed by the direction of right analog stick.

While bowling right analog stick should allow to control the approach of bowler. At the moment if you wish to deliver a ball from wide of the stumps, you opponent knows it before hand. With this new way, bowler can change his approach at the last moment and bowl from wide of the crease or come very close to the stumps.

Up and down direction button should control the amount of effort bowler gonna put in the ball. Leave it in between would set it to neutral. so you can have your bowler charge up and bend his back from the ball one then you can do that but he would get tired early. Or you can do that once or twice a over.

More over there should be a option to notify a bowler to warmup before he is given a spell so. If he doesn't warmup and you start pushing him to the limit from the ball one then he would get injured and you would be one bowler short for the rest of the match. So without warmup you have to use the lesser effort approach using the down button and ease the bowler in the groove.

In batting there should be a health bar with stamina bar. That would introduce the retired hurt option in the game
my priority for the next game would be free movement of the bowler and batsman all the time. This is how it could be implemented any would be awesome.

At the moment all the games allow only sideways movement of the batsman in the crease. which is very restricted when compared to real life.
In the next game they should allow to move the batsman in 360 degrees using the right analog stick. This way we can try out some shots which are impossible at the moment, like walking down the track while the pace bowler is running up and then smaking him for 4 like Hayden. Dancing down the track should be directed by the direction of right analog stick.

While bowling right analog stick should allow to control the approach of bowler. At the moment if you wish to deliver a ball from wide of the stumps, you opponent knows it before hand. With this new way, bowler can change his approach at the last moment and bowl from wide of the crease or come very close to the stumps.

Up and down direction button should control the amount of effort bowler gonna put in the ball. Leave it in between would set it to neutral. so you can have your bowler charge up and bend his back from the ball one then you can do that but he would get tired early. Or you can do that once or twice a over.

More over there should be a option to notify a bowler to warmup before he is given a spell so. If he doesn't warmup and you start pushing him to the limit from the ball one then he would get injured and you would be one bowler short for the rest of the match. So without warmup you have to use the lesser effort approach using the down button and ease the bowler in the groove.

In batting there should be a health bar with stamina bar. That would introduce the retired hurt option in the game

Good points mate.
Codies should hire me:p.. I had a brilliant concept for the cricket game ready but there is no one who would implement it:facepalm
More Stadiums
-Adelaide Oval
- Old Trafford, Manchester
- Rose Bowl, Southampton
- Brabourne Stadium, Mumbai
- Feroz Shah Kotla, Delhi
- M.Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore
- Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Jaipur
- wahahede Stadium, Mumbai
- Dr. DY Patil Sports Academy, Mumbai
- Gaddafi Stadium, Lahore
- Kingsmead, Durban
- Dubai Sports City Cricket Stadium

domestic cricket
--License teams
--IPL Music
--10 IPL teams (1 step ahead)
--3rd 4th play off
-- winners, 2nd & 3rd team to go into CLT20

England county
-county championship
-fpt20(winners / runners up in clt20)

- 12 teams
--game must include the oter 5 leagues of

Game music
Custom soundtrack


12th man bringing in drinks

-you play the as a dromstic cricket team & also play international series
- players get injuered
-you can transfer players
(Season mode like Fifa football)


UP to date team rosters (like fifa)
I would also love to see a fully licensed IPL and rain delays! Plus the list above me pretty much covers everything I wanna see. Well done Donko1982
I was thinking about the unlicensed IPL that because you can't add Aussie or English players it doesn't quite feel right. Especially as they've filled out the squads with Zimbabwean and Scottish players.
How about scrapping the licences altogether allowing the money saved to be spent on more important areas of the game. This way all teams could be fully editable. As it is we have to edit all but two teams so much what's two more? The current editor would need to be much improved of course

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