Improvements For The Next Title

Am I right in believing that there is an IC2011 coming out just before the World Cup? Can anyone confirm?

I believe the game coming out around world cup time isn't done by trickstar. So it wont be ICC2011. And as far as i can see its PC only. We will have to wait till prob aug/sep for ICC2011. I've also read this particular PC game is FULLY licensed too! :facepalm
I believe the game coming out around world cup time isn't done by trickstar. So it wont be ICC2011. And as far as i can see its PC only. We will have to wait till prob aug/sep for ICC2011. I've also read this particular PC game is FULLY licensed too! :facepalm

Ah okay, reckon they might release IC2011 in the early summer like they did with IC2010??

Edit: I've just realised that the only games Trickstar release on consoles are cricket games, so they should do a good job developing a great cricket game for 2011!
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I believe the game coming out around world cup time isn't done by trickstar. So it wont be ICC2011. And as far as i can see its PC only. We will have to wait till prob aug/sep for ICC2011. I've also read this particular PC game is FULLY licensed too! :facepalm

Is the PC game the one thats done by Trine and will be release by EA? If so then i'm avoiding that one as your right, it is only for PC as EA cannot afford to plunge into a fully next gen game for consoles. So i'll skip this one and wait for IC2011 to be released by Trickstar as they produce the best cricket games. And judging by the last two years they aim to release a cricket game every year as it's there main game they produce.
Is the PC game the one thats done by Trine and will be release by EA? If so then i'm avoiding that one as your right, it is only for PC as EA cannot afford to plunge into a fully next gen game for consoles. So i'll skip this one and wait for IC2011 to be released by Trickstar as they produce the best cricket games. And judging by the last two years they aim to release a cricket game every year as it's there main game they produce.

Its not EA, its codemasters. But their not useing trickstar. Thats what it says on the website anyway! Are there any indian game developers?! Since its over there and PC only, maybe so. If codemasters can have this game fully licensed why not the international cricket series?!
Its not EA, its codemasters. But their not useing trickstar. Thats what it says on the website anyway! Are there any indian game developers?! Since its over there and PC only, maybe so. If codemasters can have this game fully licensed why not the international cricket series?!

Hopefully they will continue to use Trickstar as the developer for the international cricket series, and I do hope they continue the international cricket series which i'm sure they will as they have done for the past two years :)
Hopefully they will continue to use Trickstar as the developer for the international cricket series, and I do hope they continue the international cricket series which i'm sure they will as they have done for the past two years :)

Indeed. I would think on or around the 2012 edition it would be the best cricket game by a long long way. Its close now, it just needs a few little things sorted. When people keep going on about carear modes and fully licensing and the likes, thats way off. Its clear they are working on making the gameplay solid before things like that. Its the fielding that need a complete overhaul in the next edition with perhaps even better AI as far as test run rates go, and that will prob be all you'll get. If they did that and actually made the pitch conditions play a part with weather delays then ide be chuffed!! Oh yes, and the ability to save an online game too!!
How about they just give us a game that actually works online first.

Thats true enough! But at least that was a part of the game. (even though it doesnt work) The mear fact you cant play anything other than a T20 game online is a joke. (not everyone has the time and concentration to play a test for 12 hours solid) That after all is the whole point of things like xbox live. You invite friends to play, and play what you want to play. Ive heard it would be "hard" to impliment this feature. But how i ask you is it hard?! Just simply alow the game creator to save the game as you would a normal AI game. Then when your ready just load it up and invite a friend to join. Im not the only one that wants this, i cant be! I know 3 people myself that wont buy this game simply because we cant play tests online.
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For IC2011, fielding needs a complete re-work! Batting and Bowling are fine (maybe could use a few tweaks, but generally fine) but the fielding is shocking! Not athletic enough, needs reworking! For instance, when the ball is rolling very close by, the let the ball go for 4! And commentary too, the AI dropped a caught and bowled chance, and aggers said "It's gone down! You have to feel so sorry for the bowlers in these circumstances" well no, because the bowler was the one who dropped the chance!
lol to true!! I wouldn't hold by breath for commentary changes though. I have nothing against aggers or ian bishop to be fair. Tony gregg wasn't terrible either. Shane warne has to go! If they need an aussie, how about someone like Gilchrist? Bumble was dissapointing i found. If you think about it, he's reading from the same script that the others were all them years ago. A real full conversation between commentators in a test match would be fantastic. I think the longest conversation at the momment is when aggers asks shane warne about bradman.
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For me as i have said alot in the past so i apologise, it has to be the rediculous amount of turn every spinner including part timers can get at any point in the match, i mean whats that all about?
Why cant each players spin stats actually mean something?
We know swanny is the top spinner around these days but even he cannot turn a ball 90 degrees like in ic10, they must sort this out.
For me as i have said alot in the past so i apologise, it has to be the rediculous amount of turn every spinner including part timers can get at any point in the match, i mean whats that all about?
Why cant each players spin stats actually mean something?
We know swanny is the top spinner around these days but even he cannot turn a ball 90 degrees like in ic10, they must sort this out.

Another excellent point made. Its the same for swing too. Conditions mean nothing in the game. I set a match in dhaka as hot with no wind and clear. The ball was swinging in the 40th over!! :facepalm You can use any spinner you like or any pitch in any conditions with pitch wear at day 5 and on the very first ball of the match turn it on a right angle!! As an addition i would also like to see you not getting punished for bowling perfect line and length. Im not saying you should take a wicket everytime, but when you do bowl with perfect timing the AI should leave it or play defense. At least in test cricket anyway. With the AI playing more defensive shot and leaving more, they will have longer innings. Ive only ever been offered the new ball 3 times. And thats including all my AC09 play too!
Do any of the producers from Codies or Trickstar even check these forums? Or are we posting in mere desperation of these changes to be made for IC2011?
Do any of the producers from Codies or Trickstar even check these forums? Or are we posting in mere desperation of these changes to be made for IC2011?

I'm pretty sure they'll have a look occasionally but won't put in an appearance until a "new" game is on the horizon.
That's not cynicism I'm sure if you go back through the forums for some years you'll find a pattern emerging.
However it does no harm in letting them know in what direction to head.

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