India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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Well after seeing the first couple of pages in this thread I thought it would be a good read, seemed civilized enough until I skipped to the last bunch of pages. Allot of people should be ashamed of the way they are behaving, arguing about media, cheating, celebrations, racism, walking, flying their countries flags. I seem to see hardly any talk of cricket, and allot of bored people intent on waiting for that flawed comment from the other side to jump on and ridicule. Each person intent on trying their hardest to put the opposing person down as much as possible. I'm trying my best to overlook these things and to try and rummage through the posts to find the people who are big enough and mature enough to discuss the tour in an adult like fashion. To those people, hello. I look forward to discussing the final test that awaits us.
An exciting one it shall be. Both teams playing for allot. India after such a great and well fought win will be hungry to deny Australia the tournament win. Yes Australia have retained the trophy, but they have not won the tournament. And Australia will also be hungry to prove a point. They will want to finish up strong with another win.
I hope for the Indians, Sehwag stays, he did well in the previous test to keep the runs ticking over and plant a solid first session.
And to Australia I hope Hayden plays, Tait does not and Hogg gets another run.

My first post out of the way! Just as the players played in the spirit of the game last test, let us now post in a good spirit.

Well said. Best post i've read all month. :onpc
Keep it up
You most likely lied to try to make a point to this person. Wouldn't surprise me if you did such a thing to try and prove a point. The person probably said something to you that you couldn't handle. Nice try.
I've been in the US for a month. I didn't know they delivered Indian newspapers here. Please let me know if they do as I personally enjoy reading the Times of India.

I haven't seen anything on Cricinfo about this Dhoni selection nonsense. Anyone have a link? I agree with hari--why the hell would they announce the ODI squad now? Actually I know why--it's because they probably don't have enough time to announce it after the test series and get the players to Australia to get acclimatized.

I hope for the Indians, Sehwag stays, he did well in the previous test to keep the runs ticking over and plant a solid first session.
And to Australia I hope Hayden plays, Tait does not and Hogg gets another run.
I, for one, hope that Sehwag manages to hang around till Hogg is brought on to bowl. I still have memories of him destroying Hogg in the World Cup 2003 final and that was great to watch. Sehwag doesn't allow spinners to settle and if he is around till then, he could pave the path for the rest of the batsmen to make Hogg a non-factor.
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Ganguly and Dravid played against England and Australia in the ODI series and India lost both. They played in the last World Cup and it was a disaster. How long does Ganguly, Dravid and Tedulkar continue to play? Until they are 40 perhaps!. Although it was the 20/20 World Cup no one gave a chance to Dhoni's young team. They did surprisingly well. They beat full strength Australian and South African team. The young team again may not do too bad in the Tri series. Even if they struggle a bit it does not matter. One has to go through this process to build a team for the next world cup.

That is an excellent post. For me, it doesnt matter, how well these three have been playing, how good their records are, etc. etc.

What matters is that all of them wont be playing in the next World Cup (I really hope not) and should make way for those who will. The youngsters wont turn into world beaters overnight and must be given enough time to settle in.

I am so glad the selectors (whom I used to consider gutless) have finally taken a few tough decisions. It really doesnt matter what the media thinks, what the experts think, what people in Kolkata and Bangalore think..............they are building india's future!! brilliant!
That is an excellent post. For me, it doesnt matter, how well these three have been playing, how good their records are, etc. etc.

What matters is that all of them wont be playing in the next World Cup (I really hope not) and should make way for those who will. The youngsters wont turn into world beaters overnight and must be given enough time to settle in.

I am so glad the selectors (whom I used to consider gutless) have finally taken a few tough decisions. It really doesnt matter what the media thinks, what the experts think, what people in Kolkata and Bangalore think..............they are building india's future!! brilliant!

I have no problem with the selection itself, but the timing was very poor coming just after such a victory. What would be Dravid's and Ganguly's states of mind after this announcement going in to the crucial 4th Test?

I think the ODI teams should always be selected after the Test series is over.
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Indeed. This is definitely going to affect the dropped players at some level, even if they are not prepared to accept it. It only serves to divide the team, which is a shame seeing that it has finally achieved an acceptable balance.
Certainly ODI's are a basis for building towards the next World Cup, but is that all they are? For Australia, certainly we have been using limited overs cricket, including Twenty20 more recently, as a way of trialling youngsters, mixing it up and getting a good team together for test cricket and also for the upcoming World Cup.

My question is, should teams not be trying to win more ODI's and focus less on an event that does not occur for over 3 years?
I am so glad the selectors (whom I used to consider gutless) have finally taken a few tough decisions. It really doesnt matter what the media thinks, what the experts think, what people in Kolkata and Bangalore think..............they are building india's future!! brilliant!

This decison will backfire big time. No issues in Dravid being dropped but Dada was needed. If you want to build future you can do on home soil against bangladesh and SA. Not away in Australia. The young squad has not played even single ODI in Australia. Only Sachin, Pathan and Dhoni have experience of playing ODI in here now. And Dhoni and Yuvi are nothing but shadow of themselves in Australia.

They could have brought in Kaif if Ganguly was to be dropped. He is only 27 and best fielder even best than Yuvi.

I think the ODI teams should always be selected after the Test series is over.

That would have left ODI side with similar condition as Test side. No practice of Australian bounce spells doom.
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Just hopped on you tube to look up Andrew Symonds as I love the style of cricket he plays etc. And was horrified to see a whole heap of racist monkey videos on there. How can people be so blatently racist? And openly racist and proud of it. The videos were followed by racist supporters saying, funny stuff, laughed my ass off etc. Doesn't that website have any objections against racism?
It's youtube, they don't have objections to much except nudity. Since they're hosting a number of illegal copyrighted videos (a large number too), they don't remove much unless they're asked to by the copyright holder.

I'm not sure but there may be a button to flag it for objectionable content. Certainly disgusting to see people who not only agree with such racism but condone it and practice it.
the selectors have taken a brave step by dropping ganguly,which isnt a bad move espicially because of the the big australian grounds were hitting boundaries isnt easy and running between the wickects and fielding lay a key role.
My question - whats the next fixture? Is it some ODIs?
Still the 4th test at Adelaide this week.


I've got a good idea, why not check out the new and improved FIXTURES FORUM located in the cricket zone. I hear that aus5892 has put up every international fixture until the end of March! Wow!
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I've got a good idea, why not check out the new and improved FIXTURES FORUM located in the cricket zone. I hear that aus5892 has put up every international fixture until the end of March! Wow!

What a great idea except... you don't have April!:eek:
How can you not have April? What a ghastly error. Ban that tool, aus5892. Give me a pic of that hooligan and i'll burn it on the streets and maybe name a donkey after him. :rolleyes:
Firstly, l must say this has been a truly fantastic series. One of the best l can remember in recent time. It's had just about everything. Brilliant Cricket, special moments and controversy.

Hopefully we get another exciting test in Adelaide.

Anyway on the Adelaide test, l think we'll get revenge on India. I can't see the Indians winning two tests on our home soil and we'll be pumped to finish the series off on a high note.

Hopefully Matty Hayden will be back to bolster our batting line up which will be a huge boost. Can anyone confirm if he'll return? Obviously in the place of Rogers l'd presume.

Go Aussies! :cheers
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