India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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Dravid makes Geoff Boycott seem fast, for those of us old enough to remember him, I saw him when I was young.
Real slow and boring to watch.

India's problem is all the better players are just too old, (where is all the young talent?) Also Sewag with his record in Australia being quite good, why was he left out?
Tendukar is great but cannot do it alone and he is hampered by what looks like a bad thigh injury, if how he tried to field some balls yesterday, where he could not bend down to pick up the ball is any guide.

3.1 or 4 nill is my predication, Indias only chance is on Spinner Friendly Sydney deck.
But that is Brett Lee and S Clarkes home ground.

Sydney has changed though, I wouldn't call it 'spinner friendly' anymore.
dravid is looking much more positive in this innings,his strike rate is up to 13 compared to 7 in the 1st innings.
The big Roy machine knocks down the wall! Superb off spin bowling there. Abssolutely plumb.
what a great knock by dravid, almost paralleling his smashing performance in the first innings and the 12 at the oval earlier this year.
Phil Jaques is a fairly good bad pad in my opinion.

Good session there. I'd say we dominated that session. They batted way too slow. But I guess that says they're trying to save the match, not win it. Which is disappointing really.

what a great knock by dravid, almost paralleling his smashing performance in the first innings and the 12 at the oval earlier this year.

Nice sarcasm... :rolleyes:
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Jaffer apporoach was not right. He went fishing, and it c ost him his wicket. did not learn from his first innings.

Dravids innings was different then the 1st Inning. It was more positive, thats true.
A win is still possible here. 200 for Laxman, and 200 for Tendulkar, with Ganguly knocking off 70 runs should work..
But I guess that says they're trying to save the match, not win it. Which is disappointing really.

Nice sarcasm... :rolleyes:

Have you not seen the pitch? It's a mine field, really poor standard from the get go really. Mind you, losing wickets to the likes of Symonds is purely India's fault though.
Have you not seen the pitch? It's a mine field, really poor standard from the get go really. Mind you, losing wickets to the likes of Symonds is purely India's fault though.
Yes, I was there yesterday.

I Australia can make 350, yet India can't even make 200. They should just give it a go. They're more than likely not going to win, so try and attack. Give them something to look forward to for the Sydney test.
Plus, if they all play like Dravid, they'll be out for under 250 at about lunchtime tomorrow. Might as well have a crack at the risk of getting an extra day's rest than stuff around for no purpose.
Tendulkar will change the rate of things here. Can't believe Dravid has become like this he was dangerous last time he came here scoring 200s all over the place. Symonds proving his handiness once again.
Sachin gone! :) Great bowling by Bing. The short one followed up by a juicy length ball outside off. Sad to see him leave the MCG for the last time but that is a huge wicket.
Got him! Massive wicket. Tendulkar falls for 15 in his last MCG test.
That really deserved to be punished. Unlucky there.
The writing is on the wall.

A win is still possible here. 200 for Laxman, and 200 for Tendulkar, with Ganguly knocking off 70 runs should work..

Change of plans. Bhajji will now score Tendulkar's allotted 200.
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