India in Pakistan

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ZoraxDoom said:
I agree. I mean, I'll de-rep you right now. You wont mind. :D
No, not really.

Laxman should stick to 5 or 6.

I agree, Laxman does wonderful things there. For me, I would also keep Dravid slightly lower-someone we can count on as a safety net if needed...
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YOOO. What the hell is going on here????
@MOD. Please stop these crazy people! They're giving me neg reps.... :mad :mad :mad :mad :mad :mad

Dhoni said:
YOOO. What the hell is going on here????
@MOD. Please stop these crazy people! They're giving me neg reps.... :mad :mad :mad :mad :mad :mad

If you have problems with rep, the correct procedure is to PM an admin, NOT to post about it in the forums.
andrew_nixon said:
If you have problems with rep, the correct procedure is to PM an admin, NOT to post about it in the forums.
Ok...sorry about that! But please warn these people not to mess around with me. :mad
muhammad_inzi said:
dhoni known as preet. who is messing with u tell us in detail. :D

Lol. I know man maybe he was messing with Zmario and then Zmario wanted to settled the score to Preet or whatever you call.
ahh,..please don't go off-topic. lets come back to India vs Pakistan, not something else.
Zaheer is in terrific form, another 10 wicket haul for Baroda! He has really fired up and will definitely make the team for the first test, atleast.
Dhoni said:
Keep your pointless posts away from this thread. You don't belong here. Go take some ESL classes in order to learn writing proper English! And, stop calling me Preet, OK? Anyway, THIS THREAD IS ABOUT IND VS PAK! What can't you understand? Do you want me to translate all this in Punjabi? Dude, if you can't read and understand English why do you even bother to be part of planetcricket members. As I said earlier, YOU DON"T BELONG HERE! SO PLEASE GO TO YOUR SHITTY WEB SITE and have fun there. You are spamming all the time. Most of the time you don't even know yourself what you?re talking about.

@MOD. Please handle this crazy dude coz I'm sick of this babyish! :mad

89 you just stay out of this coz whenever people say something to you and you call the cops! :D And now stop bringing your shitty personal problems on planetcricket. You guys are destroying these forums.

dhoni what is ur problem dont curse to pakistani website got it if have problem with me so tell me we can settle it down ok. plz mod and admin plz warn this idiot kid stop cursing i think he didnt read any rules of this forum.also u spaming not me.
muhammad_inzi said:
dhoni what is ur problem dont curse to pakistani website got it if have problem with me so tell me we can settle it down ok. plz mod and admin plz warn this idiot kid stop cursing i think he didnt read any rules of this forum.also u spaming not me.
I called shitty because you people talk too much crap there about my India, so I can call it shitty as it is.
And now, it?s enough with this nonsense! I'm going to talk to Ste about this and will ask him to ban us all, u, 89 and me. You guys are never going to stop. :mad Why do you guys always have to get me involve in this.
I hate you people! :mad :mad
Lets all calm down. At this rate, you both are heading towards an unsavoury end.
muhammad_inzi said:
dhoni u going out off topic so thats mean u spaming stop it with ur nonsence u behaving like a 5 years old kid.
It's going off topic...not going out off topic. lolz :D

Anyway, Spectacular performances by Zeher Khan! Another 10 wickets haul. He should be in the first test! :)
Why aare you trying to change the topic. By the way Why i should I stay out. . You talk to much man. Man why you always mess with us. Always i see you mess with us. Son yo don't know who you messing with. So peacely i am talking to you. Now don't make more furious
. Plzz ban this kid Preet or whatevr u call his name. Man he doesn't have right to stay here
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Yo Vibs is rite man. Preet always stands the problem and creating scenes over here in the forum. Man we don't do anything first of all he starts and then he's trying to be racist. Now he is dragging the problem and creating havoc here in the forum. Plzzz ban preet or whatevewr u call his name.
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