India in Pakistan

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indiancricketer said:
aRgh now im mad at the ADMINS...they told me my fourm for india pakistan would be reopened...and others wouldnt take place...Im upset that the P.c admin/mods didnt live up to their word.
We can't be everywhere at once! We do make mistakes sometimes. It's nothing against you, but these things are to be expected if a thread is started way too far in advance. It will get overtaken by other threads, and will not be noticed.

Don't take it the wrong way mate!
vibs89 said:
Man I hate PPV in America. In India you get to see all the International matches.

yeah kanoooooo, but u can see free in usa too but they block on ary digital channel i hate it 2
vibs89 said:
Man I hate PPV in America. In India you get to see all the International matches.

Same here! Very very costly!

Its because of less interest here in cricket! The growth in the interest of cricket here is very slow. Hopefully, soon it becomes quite popular here and we get international matches for a good nominal price on cable!
I've already started... You've gotta find an aspect of the game that people around you like... I try to exaggerate, you get SIX runs if u hit it over the rope, for those big hitters in baseball around here. It works for me :p
In Ary Digital they are not going to show for sure in USA. But in rest of the country will show. Usually I watch the match on the comp or sometime in T.V. The think is I've an S-Video cable I attach it throught the tv with my laptop near my tv as I have an wireless internet. So I get free links sometimes though which is 200-300 Kbps Quality which is good enough for me.
andrew_nixon said:
We can't be everywhere at once! We do make mistakes sometimes. It's nothing against you, but these things are to be expected if a thread is started way too far in advance. It will get overtaken by other threads, and will not be noticed.

Don't take it the wrong way mate!

this sucks man....but i guess i will go with this one then...Thanks andrew :)....

any ways i think india will the test 2-1
anyway whatever results comes .all matches should be very interesting and competitive. not one sided boring matches.
Ten Sports (Shows all India matches), ARY Digital (Shows all Pakistan matches) and DD Sports (Shows all India matches) will be showing the seris here, so no worries for me :)
Well in UK the rights are with ARY, hopefully they'll introduce a monthly system, lets hope they get the 2004 crew of Dean Jones, Sidhu, Healy etc.
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