3) Swearing: We understand that the nature of certain topics may be such that you feel the need to use profanity to make your point, but we strongly enforce the fact that this behaviour is not tolerated. Profanity in any form will not be tolerated.
4) No Flaming: Whilst a member of this community your will respect everyone's right to an opinion. You may not, in any form, flame a fellow member. If you have issues with a certain person, please sort it out away from the forums. There is a zero-tolerance policy for posts that provoke or incite racial, social, and/or religious discrimination.
5) Spam: Spamming is characterised by the initiation of threads or posts that contribute nothing to a forum, be it off topic or on topic. Examples include: empty messages, messages with few words that have no relation to the current thread or discussion and those posts that state they are spam, either to annoy or increase a member's post count. Use of the private messaging system to spamming or otherwise distribute offensive material is strictly prohibited. It is at the discretion of the Planetcricket Team to determine whether something is spam and to deal with any such occurrence as seen fit. However in keeping with our light hearted theme that Planetcricket forums has always upheld, common sense will always be applied as to what really constitutes spam and what doesn't. But please note any such decisions are not up for discussion.
6) Relevance: Posts in a particular forum must remain relevant. As far as possible, please try and stick to the initial intent of a topic. Please also make sure that when posting a new topic, it is posted in the appropriate forum
12) Language: To do our job properly, staff must be able to read and understand all posts. To this end could all posts please be in English
2) Administrators/Moderators: All members are obliged to obey the instructions of administrators and moderators. When posting in a particular forum, members are obliged to obey the instructions of forum specific moderators. If you feel that any such decision is unjust we ask you to firstly follow any instructions, and secondly if you believe that the decision is not just, depending on the severity of the scenario, report it to an Administrator.