India in South Africa

cricket_lover said:
Nah, don't expect too much. The closer we get to their total the better. 225 is still a lot of runs, and expect the SA bowlers to be fired up tomorrow. A wicket or two in the first hour, and they'll be on top.

but we have another 42.2 overs of the old ball remaining, and the ball has 'reportedly' become softer, which makes it easier to score.

whats the forecast for tomorrow in durban? i read in some article that rain is forecast for thursday at durban! if yes, it would make it more likely that a draw will happen!
cricket_lover said:
Nah, don't expect too much. The closer we get to their total the better. 225 is still a lot of runs, and expect the SA bowlers to be fired up tomorrow. A wicket or two in the first hour, and they'll be on top.

Its a better pitch now if tendulkar and laxman get us near to 300 then dhoni
can really propel our score with a license to hit.
borncricketer said:
exaclty, i wanna c dhoni playing like Jayasuriya....

i dont need a jayasuriya type innings. an innings where he spends lot of time in the middle and helps the team get to a commanding total would be good for me!

Cricket_god said:
Its a better pitch now if tendulkar and laxman get us near to 300 then dhoni
can really propel our score with a license to hit.

u dont consider ganguly as a batsman at all, aint you? He was one of our match winner in Jo'burg
LOL, well anything that helps india is good :p but right now i am enjoying Jaya's inning and i want to enjoy dhoni's inning when and if he comes on to bat. Hes been going thru bad form right now, jus hope he too can get into some sort of form
India would need to survive the morning tomorrow and they'd be good to go. Tendulkar has been due for a big one for a while--I hope he takes toll tomorrow. Unless South Africa dismisses India quickly, the bad light so far in this game makes me look towards a draw.
heh, i'll be watching tomorrow, hopefully i picked a good day..
I have a feeling Sachin's gonna make it BIG. I mean 150+ big. and VVS will get out early...hopefully my feeling will be wrong, but they have been pretty accurate latley :(
I wanna see Dada smash a profilic hundred as well, and Dhoni a quick 50 might not be bad..
Hopefully we can tackle this target by today and maybe even be so far ahead to comfortably declare, but considering that we have 3 days of play left and are 1 up in this series, i doubt it. I wanna just draw this, and draw the next match too. A series victory will be oh so sweet....
saisrini80 said:
i dont need a jayasuriya type innings. an innings where he spends lot of time in the middle and helps the team get to a commanding total would be good for me!

u dont consider ganguly as a batsman at all, aint you? He was one of our match winner in Jo'burg

Sorry i forgot about ganguly i think he or laxman will be with tendulkar in a huge patnership :D
He he... all our mega plans have been smashed by South Africa.

India 127-5

what an awful shot was that by Sachin??? terrible stuff! that was the most disappointing.. had sachin stayed in there for some more time, it would have put us in a much better position! just when we needed him the most, he disappointed!

Saurav Ganguly's 0 was disappointing too, but Sachin's horror off a shot took the cake. Saurav's dismissal might invoke bad memories of the usual ungainly manner in which he used to get dismissed. But I would give him some benefit due to the poor light. The light is quite bad out there!

Dhoni was plumb in front off Andre Nel. Wonder what made Asad Rauf give him not out???

India hanging in there in a very slender manner. One of these guys get out, and its the tail. And this time, no freebies for the tail as the South Africans are pouncing like wounded tigers!

Cricket_god said:
Sorry i forgot about ganguly i think he or laxman will be with tendulkar in a huge patnership :D

that comment of mine seems to have come at a very wrong time.... ganguly is out for nought!

Cricketman93 said:
heh, i'll be watching tomorrow, hopefully i picked a good day..
I have a feeling Sachin's gonna make it BIG. I mean 150+ big. and VVS will get out early...hopefully my feeling will be wrong, but they have been pretty accurate latley :(
I wanna see Dada smash a profilic hundred as well, and Dhoni a quick 50 might not be bad..
Hopefully we can tackle this target by today and maybe even be so far ahead to comfortably declare, but considering that we have 3 days of play left and are 1 up in this series, i doubt it. I wanna just draw this, and draw the next match too. A series victory will be oh so sweet....

oh gosh! we guys probably are blowing the horn too early. i think we caught south africa napping at Jo'burg. Here, they are back again to their usual self..
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yep sai u said it right, all out plans broken up into pecies by the South Africans. Just hope these to stay there, dhoni attacking while laxman playing very defensive


WOW spoke to soon there goes Dhoni:( Caught DeVilleirs Bowled Morkel for 34
borncricketer said:
yep sai u said it right, all out plans broken up into pecies by the South Africans. Just hope these to stay there, dhoni attacking while laxman playing very defensive

gosh o gosh man! things are proving to be disastrous for us! Dhoni GONE for 34!

should we start praying for the rain which was forecast for the day??? i hope the tail helps laxman in reducing the lead for south africa to below 100... but i wont say anything from now on. it has all been downhill for india today!
well i dont c any rain i just hope v get as close to the target as possible...250 odd would be nice
This is what we get for not having Pathan at 8 :(

borncricketer said:
well i dont c any rain i just hope v get as close to the target as possible...250 odd would be nice
lets hope for a prince-like innings from VVS :help
there goes kumble, loose shot, wide delivery kumble chases, edge, caught behind....
Zak comming in....he did well at the wonderers, hope he does well here :upray

did all of us in US and Canada choose the wrong day to wake up and watch the match...
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