India v England 2008


My theory is proven once again: England are a man one team.

You can say whatever you want that Pietersen doesn't make 100's in England victories but that's only because the rest of the team ruin it for him and even so he's made like 3 not out 90's when England have won anyway.

Inspirational bowling performance from the most overrated young bowler in World Cricket - Stuart Broad. I swear this guy wouldn't even get a game in any other national team in the world. Not even Mitchell Johnson is as bad as this guy.

I guess the only reason that Broad doesn't receive as much criticism as what Johnson does is because everyone around Broad is mediocre and makes Broad look better then what he actually is whilst Johnson plays in a team of world-class players which make him look worse then what he actually is. Broad is basically a nothing bowler and offers nothing when the conditions don't favour him and even when they are favouring him; he still seems to struggle. He rarely looks threatening, his not fast enough and he basically puts the ball on a good length for the batsman. He is a perfect candidate for going for over 100 runs in a ODI in the future, although I assume that Kevin Pietersen will eventually be wise enough to drop this worthless hack from the International scene. I'm not surprised that his already been hit for six 6's in an over.
If this guy is the future for English bowling then things are looking very bleak for England.
Let's see if Broad can do to India what Johnson did to India this time last year.
I tell ya right now, if Broad does play in the Ashes next year then he will be exposed for the trundler that he is.
If you Englishmen are prepared to risk this guy in your Ashes campaign then you are taking great steps into losing the Ashes series 5-0 back-to-back.

Owais Shah aswell, what a classy player.
Has nowhere near as much talent as what Shane Watson does and statistics prove this.
Only gets a game because he plays for a weak cricketing nation.

It's funny how so many people rate the England team for whatever reason and thinks that they are now better then what Australia is. You sure as hell haven't done anything to prove it. You're probably a worse team then you were in the Ashes of 2007. At least batsman other then Pietersen like Collingwood and Cook could make runs - Not anymore though! HAHA! You got humiliated by South Africa on your home turf and you struggled to bowl them out, in favourable conditions.
You'll see how hard it is to play Tests in India when you lose the toss and bowl first.
There is still no team in the world who can beat us at home.
You've got ONE world-class batsman in Kevin Pietersen whilst we've got 3 world-class batsman in Ponting, Hayden & Hussey.
It's funny how you mock Watson's bowling because his probably our weakest bowler and yet I bet no England bowler in the Test series will have as much success as what he did.
Apart from Flintoff, all of our bowlers are better then any of yours are.

It'll be interesting to see if England can manage to win a match on this tour.
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My theory is proven once again: England are a man one team.

You can say whatever you want that Pietersen doesn't make 100's in England victories but that's only because the rest of the team ruin it for him and even so he's made like 3 not out 90's when England have won anyway.

Nice to see you've done your research again. Pietersen has 2 hundreds in England wins, with 3 in defeats, and 1 in a tie.

Inspirational bowling performance from the most overrated young bowler in World Cricket - Stuart Broad. I swear this guy wouldn't even get a game in any other national team in the world. Not even Mitchell Johnson is as bad as this guy.

I guess the only reason that Broad doesn't receive as much criticism as what Johnson does is because everyone around Broad is mediocre and makes Broad look better then what he actually is whilst Johnson plays in a team of world-class players which make him look worse then what he actually is. Broad is basically a nothing bowler and offers nothing when the conditions don't favour him and even when they are favouring him; he still seems to struggle. He rarely looks threatening, his not fast enough and he basically puts the ball on a good length for the batsman. He is a perfect candidate for going for over 100 runs in a ODI in the future, although I assume that Kevin Pietersen will eventually be wise enough to drop this worthless hack from the International scene. I'm not surprised that his already been hit for six 6's in an over.
If this guy is the future for English bowling then things are looking very bleak for England.

Broad's ranked the 5th Best bowler in ODi's, and is widely regarded as one of the best ODi opening bowlers in the world. The only time you come out of the woodwork to criticise him is after he has a poor performance. You seem to forget how he destroyed South Africa at home, and that he has a superb ODi record, with a great average and very good economy.

Yes, things are looking very bleak. Broad's only got a FC Bowling average of 30 ffs, he's woeful. We've also got Tremlett, Bresnan, Pattinson, Shreck, Mahmood, Plunkett, Finn, Rashid, and countless others that could easily come in and do a very good job. We've certainly got more in the future bowling department than Australia do, if Jason Krejza can get a test gig than any of those names above could.

Let's see if Broad can do to India what Johnson did to India this time last year.
I tell ya right now, if Broad does play in the Ashes next year then he will be exposed for the trundler that he is.
If you Englishmen are prepared to risk this guy in your Ashes campaign then you are taking great steps into losing the Ashes series 5-0 back-to-back.

Broad's an integral part of the bowling attack, he may not pick up bag fulls of wickets, but his nagging line and length, good bounce, slight seam movement and good economy puts the batsmen under pressure, which gives the other guys, the strike bowlers, like Harmison, Flintoff and Anderson to pick up the bulk of the wickets. He's a top class bowler, he's just not shown it in Test cricket yet, but his ODi record speaks volumes for his talent. He's going to play a big part next year, and WILL make you eat your words.

If the 2009 Ashes finishes 5-0 to Australia, I will swim to Australia and shake your hand and admit I was painfully wrong. It won't be happening though. You've not got a team anywhere near as good as the one you had in 2005 or 2007.

Owais Shah aswell, what a classy player.
Has nowhere near as much talent as what Shane Watson does and statistics prove this.
Only gets a game because he plays for a weak cricketing nation.

Nice to see you ignored my Blog message, comparing the FC and List A stats of both players in the past 4 seasons. Shah shat all over Watson almost every year. He's not failed to score 1000 FC runs in a season for 4 years, maybe more, not entirely sure. He's pure class.

As for a weak cricketing nation, we can't be so weak, we're ranked 5th in Tests, and 3rd in ODi's, not too weak from where I'm sitting.

It's funny how so many people rate the England team for whatever reason and thinks that they are now better then what Australia is. You sure as hell haven't done anything to prove it. You're probably a worse team then you were in the Ashes of 2007. At least batsman other then Pietersen like Collingwood and Cook could make runs - Not anymore though! HAHA! You got humiliated by South Africa on your home turf and you struggled to bowl them out, in favourable conditions.
You'll see how hard it is to play Tests in India when you lose the toss and bowl first.

We're NOT a worse team than in 2007, that statement alone proves your pure idiocy. We were a shambles in 2007, we had an undercooked Harmison, Flintoff was wrongly given the captaincy, Ashley Giles was picked over Panesar, Chris Read and Geraint Jones were the 2 keepers, Tresco caused all sorts of problems by just leaving, Mahmood played a test match. James Anderson played a test match undercooked and underprepared. We were woeful, poorly led, poor coach, some really bad squad selections, and just played rubbish cricket. We'll give you a far better game in 2009, thats for certain.

We got Humiliated by South Africa? First test, we made close to 600 on the flattest Lord's pitch ever, then bowled them out for 247. They then decided to play properly, with 3 guys hitting tons. Second Test, poorly led by Vaughan, with some stupid selections, with Ambrose batting at 6, Flintoff awfully out of form, and Pattinson in the bowling attack. We were rightly destroyed in that Test, but weren't helped by Vaughan's selections.

Third Test, we were on top, dominating the Test until Graeme Smith played one of the great Captains innings. He should have been given out on numerous occassions, but he wasn't, and he led them to victory. They deserved the win for that 1 performance. The final test we were all over them, Pietersen as captain, we ran riot. Bowling beautifully in the first innings, Pietersen making a ton. We then bowled them out again, thanks to some great bowling from Broad, taking 3fer. Then ended up winning by 6 wickets.

Then in the ODi series we hammered them 4-0, probably would have been 5 if rain didn't get the final ODi cancelled. You obviously heard nothing from that series, we were only comfortably beaten in 1 match in the whole tour. They deserved the Test series win, but we humiliated them in the ODi series.

There is still no team in the world who can beat us at home.
You've got ONE world-class batsman in Kevin Pietersen whilst we've got 3 world-class batsman in Ponting, Hayden & Hussey.
It's funny how you mock Watson's bowling because his probably our weakest bowler and yet I bet no England bowler in the Test series will have as much success as what he did.
Apart from Flintoff, all of our bowlers are better then any of yours are.

It'll be interesting to see if England can manage to win a match on this tour.

Harmison and Anderson are far better than Johnson and arguably Lee if you're judging by current form. Harmison's the best bowler in the world on his day, you don't want to write him off, he WILL destroy you come 2009. Also, I think you'll find Monty Panesar > any spinner currently bowling in Australia. If you even try to claim Krejza or McGain are better then you lose any credibility that you're clinging to.
Samit patel's parents are from gujarat, He said in an interview that nothing would make him proud to play on the indian soil and please his parents. He's a learning cricketer, he's got amazing potential, he can develop more of the unique deliveries he bowls, which can get through the batsmen.
Well I don't understand Why people are more worried for England batting line up?
Actual truth is that English bowler were just terrible except Flintoff.
It was rubbish bowling which put England on back foot straight a way.
Actually there was a very good toss to win and Dhoni would have done same If He would have won the toss.
You can't mention Anderson in your bowling line up if you really mean the best bowling line up.England just wasted new ball terribly which helped India to set score of 300+.

England's bowling is the recent past has proven to be match winners. Its their strength. Their failure is a bit like India's middle order failure in SL. They can bounce back because its a proven area for England. Their batting on the other hand is not proven- colly hasn't been among the runs, dubious line up where nearly every pundit says KP, Flintoff and Colly should be higher up, etc.
Yuvraj likes playing against England. He dismantles their bowling unit almost everytime he plays against them. Much like us Australians do. :p
Whens the next ODI start?

King_Pietersen said:
Broad's ranked the 5th Best bowler in ODi's, and is widely regarded as one of the best ODi opening bowlers in the world. The only time you come out of the woodwork to criticise him is after he has a poor performance. You seem to forget how he destroyed South Africa at home, and that he has a superb ODi record, with a great average and very good economy.

Yes, things are looking very bleak. Broad's only got a FC Bowling average of 30 ffs, he's woeful. We've also got Tremlett, Bresnan, Pattinson, Shreck, Mahmood, Plunkett, Finn, Rashid, and countless others that could easily come in and do a very good job. We've certainly got more in the future bowling department than Australia do, if Jason Krejza can get a test gig than any of those names above could.

Broad's an integral part of the bowling attack, he may not pick up bag fulls of wickets, but his nagging line and length, good bounce, slight seam movement and good economy puts the batsmen under pressure, which gives the other guys, the strike bowlers, like Harmison, Flintoff and Anderson to pick up the bulk of the wickets. He's a top class bowler, he's just not shown it in Test cricket yet, but his ODi record speaks volumes for his talent. He's going to play a big part next year, and WILL make you eat your words.

If the 2009 Ashes finishes 5-0 to Australia, I will swim to Australia and shake your hand and admit I was painfully wrong. It won't be happening though. You've not got a team anywhere near as good as the one you had in 2005 or 2007.
What I'd like to know if when did Broad suddendly widely become regarded as one of the best ODI opening bowlers in the world?

Broad has only had one good performance in International Cricket and that was in England and in favourable bowling conditions and apart from that his wickets usually come cheaply in the same vain as what Mitchell Johnson's does. Midge took 5-29 in India last year and the year before that he took 4-11 against India off like 5 or 6 overs. That doesn't make Johnson one of the best ODI bowlers in the world does it?

If Broad was widely regarded as one of the best Opening Bowlers then he wouldn't of been treated like a backyard bowler with a bad back and he wouldn't atleast managed to take a wicket from the batting onslaught that was directed at him.

King_Pietersen said:
Nice to see you ignored my Blog message, comparing the FC and List A stats of both players in the past 4 seasons. Shah shat all over Watson almost every year. He's not failed to score 1000 FC runs in a season for 4 years, maybe more, not entirely sure. He's pure class.

As for a weak cricketing nation, we can't be so weak, we're ranked 5th in Tests, and 3rd in ODi's, not too weak from where I'm sitting.
Haha thats funny.
In 2006, Shah averaged 35 from 17 first-class matches, with only 2 hundreds but yet he still managed to score over 1000 runs for the season. If he can manage an average of 35 in first-class cricket and still manage to get 1000+ runs for the season then getting 1000+ runs in a season isn't as big of an acchievement as what you make it out to be.
In Australian domestic, we only play like 10 matches and Watson has been constantly injury prone and hasn't been able to perform on a consistant basis because of that. That's probably why Shah's statistics are as close to Watson's as what they are.

Shah is a decent player but his far from class. The fact that he is rated so highly and is considered to have been 'unlucky' not to play more International cricket is just a testament to the lack of depth in English cricket.

King_Pietersen said:
We're NOT a worse team than in 2007, that statement alone proves your pure idiocy. We were a shambles in 2007, we had an undercooked Harmison, Flintoff was wrongly given the captaincy, Ashley Giles was picked over Panesar, Chris Read and Geraint Jones were the 2 keepers, Tresco caused all sorts of problems by just leaving, Mahmood played a test match. James Anderson played a test match undercooked and underprepared. We were woeful, poorly led, poor coach, some really bad squad selections, and just played rubbish cricket. We'll give you a far better game in 2009, thats for certain.
You were ranked 2nd in the world in 2006, in 2008 you are ranked 5th. Your bowling attack is massively overrated and your batting lineup can only make runs against New Zealand. Nowadays the only time when batsman in the English team makes runs is when Pietersen makes runs, apart from obviously New Zealand. Hell even at some stages you looked at sea against New Zealand and they just struggled against the 2nd youngest New South Wales of all time.
Your bowling attack only seems to bloosum and be completely under control against New Zealand aswell. For example, Sidebottom and Anderson take 7fers against New Zealand but don't look anywhere near as threatening against South Africa and that's after struggling severely against India (on your home turf) and against Sri Lankan in previous series.

King_Pietersen said:
We got Humiliated by South Africa? First test, we made close to 600 on the flattest Lord's pitch ever, then bowled them out for 247. They then decided to play properly, with 3 guys hitting tons. Second Test, poorly led by Vaughan, with some stupid selections, with Ambrose batting at 6, Flintoff awfully out of form, and Pattinson in the bowling attack. We were rightly destroyed in that Test, but weren't helped by Vaughan's selections.

Third Test, we were on top, dominating the Test until Graeme Smith played one of the great Captains innings. He should have been given out on numerous occassions, but he wasn't, and he led them to victory. They deserved the win for that 1 performance. The final test we were all over them, Pietersen as captain, we ran riot. Bowling beautifully in the first innings, Pietersen making a ton. We then bowled them out again, thanks to some great bowling from Broad, taking 3fer. Then ended up winning by 6 wickets.

Then in the ODi series we hammered them 4-0, probably would have been 5 if rain didn't get the final ODi cancelled. You obviously heard nothing from that series, we were only comfortably beaten in 1 match in the whole tour. They deserved the Test series win, but we humiliated them in the ODi series.
You could argue the same about the Australian vs Indian series that just took place. We dominated the first Test aswell and in early stages of each Test we were in control until the Indian middle order compiled a massive partnership. Of course, we got well and truly pumped in context. I watched the SA vs ENG test series and you were truly outclassed apart from the patches when Pietersen was making runs.

King_Pietersen said:
Harmison and Anderson are far better than Johnson and arguably Lee if you're judging by current form. Harmison's the best bowler in the world on his day, you don't want to write him off, he WILL destroy you come 2009. Also, I think you'll find Monty Panesar > any spinner currently bowling in Australia. If you even try to claim Krejza or McGain are better then you lose any credibility that you're clinging to.
Harmison isn't as good as Johnson anymore. He once was but he is past it and I doubt he'll ever compare to Johnson again. His past it, his too eractic and his just clinging onto the fact that he was once ranked the best bowler in the world.

I won't try to claim that any of our spinners are better then Panesar because that's almost as stupid as trying to say that Owais Shah is better then Shane Watson and that Stuart Broad is better then Mitchell Johnson which is borderline ridiculous. I wouldn't imagine that spin would play a big deal in England anyway.

However, it'll be interesting to see if Monty can manage a 12fer or better in the Test series. ;)
2nd ODI will be tough for England. Its gonna be played at Indore and the last match played at the stadium was this match which India won comfortably even though England put up a good total.

Its a flat track and with all these Powerplay thingies I expect a big high scoring match there.
Harmison had a spell of 10 months or so where he was off the boil and bowling awfully. He's back to his VERY best now. If he wasn't he wouldn't have been called back into the ODi team again. He's lost the waywardness, and is back bowling at his best. IF you had watched the final Test of the England-South Africa series as you claim you'd have seen that, Harmison bowled beautifully. He was far better than any other bowler in England last year, he really is back to his best, you'll be in for a shock come 2009. Also, you calling Harmison erratic in a discussing comparing him with Johnson is laughable.

Anderson struggled against South Africa? He took 15 wickets at 33 in a series that included 2 incredibly flat wickets. Lord's was flat as sin, and he still managed to pick up a few wickets in that match. He had Graeme Smith in all sorts of problems in that series, he just couldn't cope with the swing, and considering Hayden's past problems against early swing and movement, I can see him struggling against Anderson, and possibly Sidey if he gets in the team.

You mention Johnson's good figures against India, and then said "that doesn't make him one of the best ODi bowlers in the world does it?". But it does. Johnson's ranked the 3rd best ODi bowler in the world, and I'm happy to give him that, he's a very good ODi bowler. Had a tremendous record, and I would rank him and Broad on the same level in ODi cricket, they're the 2 best young ODi bowlers in the world.

On a final point, you claim that Spin doesn't play a role in England, but if you look into the past, even the recent past. It was Warne who kept Australia in the 2005 Ashes, without him we'd have walked all over you, it was Vettori who kept New Zealand in the Test series in England, spin plays a massive role. Monty will be key, and without a class spinner, Australia will struggle. It's the change of pace that gets England into trouble, we don't play spin well at all, but I suppose if it's Krejza who's in the side, he shouldn't provide too many problems. Considering your emphasis on FC statistics Ben, Krejza's FC average of over 50 makes him one fo the worst bowlers to ever play test cricket ;)
Stop replying to him Dan, he's blinded by anything that isn't Aussie.
I agree with Skater. The verbal blows are getting tedius as well. England need to take on the "nothing to lose approach" for the next game.
I'm not too big on English cricket but why is Collingwood in the team? He's a good batsman, but I haven't seen him make any contributions at all over the last year or so with the bat.
Well he hasn't hit a hundred for a while and he has been out of form but he bats at 6 so he's unlikely to get too much of a chance to score runs. I would like to see him bat at 4 with KP at 3 and Shah at 6 if we bat first whilst they seem to think he's a finisher so they can put him at 6 when chasing. He is our only player who can stick about when it all goes tits up so what with us being England that sort of player is fairly essential :p


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ZOMG, you complimented Johnson's bowling. But nevertheless, neither Johnson or Broad should be considered in the column of 'Best ODI bowlers in the world' because neither of them compare to the likes of Bracken, Muralitharan, Vaas, Mendis, Harbhajan, etc. Hell Shaun Tait and Lasith Malinga are probably better ODI bowlers then Johnson and Broad. I rank Jerome Taylor higher then Broad and probably slightly better then Johnson.

And I guess we'll see Stephen Harmison at his very best then. But TBH I'm expecting much of the same from the 1st ODI and that his form will be similar in the Test series aswell. I think it'd take some reasonably poor batting from the Indians to gift England 20 wickets in a match.

You mock Krejza's first-class average of over 50 (its actually like 47) but what you fail to realise is that he is an off-spinner and off-spinners struggle immensely on Australian pitches. Examples would be Harbhajan and Muralitharan who both average well over 60 in Test Cricket on Australian pitches. Shane Warne averaged in the mid 30's in Australian domestic cricket, so did Stuart MacGil and Brad Hogg and look what they all accomplished in International cricket.
I wouldn't say that Krejza is one of the worst bowlers to ever play Test cricket. I'd imagine that only a handful of players to play for England have taken more then 12 wickets in a match.
Warne probably did keep us in that series but then again McGrath's injury right before the 2nd Test helped you get back into the series.

By the end of the 2009 Ashes. Hayden will be handed Player of the Series after scoring his 35th Test Hundred and will retire after successfully retaining the Ashes. He'll end his career, having a great series in England.
By the end of the 2009 Ashes. Hayden will be handed Player of the Series after scoring his 35th Test Hundred and will retire after successfully retaining the Ashes. He'll end his career, having a great series in England.

Nah, I don't see Hayden doing overly well as he struggled last time the ashes was in England to the bowling of Hoggard's inswingers. Something Anderson has proved to be very good at especially as left handers e.g Graeme Smith. Ponting will the the big wicket to get I feel along with Hussey I see these as being the main threats in terms of the Australian batting.

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