
You forgot to tell him the initiation process! And letter should have been sent you your home by now, horse rider. We find emails too impersonal. Expect it to be delivered by a man in a trench-coat. Don't let him flash you.

Dam, sorry Zorax, I always let you have that honour.
HI Guys

Hi im a cricket player/gamer from adelaide South Australia. I love cricket 07 i think it could be soo much better so i am trying to learn how to edit it. any tips would be great [email protected]
That was a bit of time ago. Anyway I'm not suposed to remember the thousands of members here, and be on first name terms with all them, am I?

Anyway this is straying a wee bit off topic
Your the guy who was hacked by knigt_rider. You see, not many people I don't recognise these days ;)

it was three months ago.i hacked his account with the help of a software ,because of this i became the stud of the forum.all you need is the victims ip but promised collin that i will not hack anybody's account.i was almost permenantly banned, but i managed somehow with the help of 5 private messages to Collin.
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Hey guys. Have been browsing the site for a year now but just decided to register. I'm from England (The north to be precsise) and have been a follower of cricket since 2005. The forums look great and I'm looking forward to posting!.
Been responding to a couple of your posts and i'm impressed. You seem a pretty sound lad. Hugs and kisses. *mwah*

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