
Hiii everybody,
This is Prithvi Raj From Hyderabad, India..
Im 17. I am fan of Cricket. I got into this site by watching Blackk's works (In orkut, he said me about this site)

Colossal here frm Mumbai, big Sachin Tendulkar fan, more into Futbal...
Hi...Im Ranjith from Hyderabad,India.....Im not that much into cricket.....but im a gr8 fan of IPL....I like soccer mostly.....And one more thing to all the patch makers.....i can help u guys by trying out your new patch and can tell u which are the drawback and which are the good features....i hope im warmly welcomed here..!!
Mine Introduction after 1966 posts:p

I am 14 years old boy from India. I like cricket and football especially EPL. As you can see in my avatar I am fan of Man Utd.

My name is Anuraag and i am from Sydney. i love Planet it is a great site for all people. my interests are drawing, cricket, football and rugby league. my favourite team is India. in the IPL i support Chennai Super Kings.
My name is Anuraag and i am from Sydney. i love Planet it is a great site for all people. my interests are drawing, cricket, football and rugby league. my favourite team is India. in the IPL i support Chennai Super Kings.

Lol, I believe you.
Hey Ppl,

This is Hemant from India (Gurgaon). I am a hardcore Cricket fan. Try n watch as much as I can (whenever I get the time). I love to play BLIC07 n EAC07 on my PS2. Good to be here and hope to contribute in many ways.

Cheers !!
Hello mates, I'm Puli from India. Having a great time here. :)
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Hello Forum Members!

I am chris jones and this is my first forum entry here.. Since I am new to forum community and I feel I am in midst of my own learning curve. I feel sometimes, that I have to learn a lot, hope you guys have patient on me.

Thanks for reading me and giving me your valuable time.
Welcome Mr. Jones! Hope you enjoy your time here.

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