Is "monkey" offensive

Do you find the word monkey offensive?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 24.4%
  • No

    Votes: 27 31.4%
  • It matters how its used

    Votes: 38 44.2%

  • Total voters
Personally I don't see the word as offensive, but as Symonds has already taken offence, and Herschelle Gibbs has been suspended for calling Pakistani fans a bunch of monkeys.

It is my opinion, based on this, that any subsequent monkey callings have racist, malicious intent, including Harbhajan's recent offence.
Once again, we don't know for a fact that Harbhajan used the word "monkey". Regardless of that, I do think that he deserved to be punished to some extent if he caused Symonds to feel hurt with his statements.

Now, I don't know how the word 'monkey' is perceived in your nations, but just from a common sensical point of view, ask yourself these questions. How many people of African descent do you think an Indian living in India is likely to meet in his lifetime? Second, how much of African history, and, in part, slavery, do you think an Indian child is going to be taught in an Indian school? I mean, as an example, England did have some part in the slave trade, with respect to the Caribbean and other colonies, so, you would expect to learn about it. And besides, you also have a sizable population of people of African descent in your country, so you would understand what it means to be culturally sensible in that regard. So, Kev, you can't just say 'monkey' is a racist term across all cultures and countries and expect everyone to understand what that entails.
Did you know that theres a theory that all "HUMANS" evolved from primeapes, and not only BLACK coloured people

Think about it. :)
Ok I'll post this here. There's no 100% audio or video proof of Harbhajan saying 'monkey', but words must have been exchanged. IMHO it should have been left in the field:

I think this is the best opinion on the matter. Something both sides can agree to, and something that we should agree to compromise on.

Greg Baum said:
If he did, it was intemperate, insulting, impolitic, too. Symonds had the right to expect better from a fellow professional than from a mindless crowd. Harbhajan said he was sorely provoked. The Australians said he had a history. Both doubtlessly are true.

But did it warrant the throwing of the whole anti-racism book at Harbhajan? Did this walnut need a sledgehammer?

Cricket is right to be on the alert for racism, and even must make an example of an offender. But it must be the right example, the right offender.

Really, this ought to have been sorted out on the field, between players, captains and umpires.

Let the healing begin.
Well I disagree, if he did say it, then he deserves to be punished. It is all of those words and more. And there is no doubt that if he did say it, he had that intent.
Well I disagree, if he did say it, then he deserves to be punished. It is all of those words and more. And there is no doubt that if he did say it, he had that intent.

It could definitely have been handled better-especially if there is no audio or visual proof. ; I don't care if you disagree or not, but the ensuing media frenzy speaks for itself. No amount of egging the other side on (or calling the media or fans immature) will solve this-or the fact that it needs to be dealt with empathy and compromise. Anything else is counterproductive.
All you people who think calling someone a monkey is racist, well, you're all monkeys. Ohhh ohh ahh ahh? Want a banana?
It's not racist because of that. I'd rather not say what the exact reasoning is because I think it's extremly rude.

EDIT: It's racist towards black people for more than one reason also.

Yes I think we have the same meaning, but that was the best words I could find to describe it.
Personally I don't see the word as offensive, but as Symonds has already taken offence, and Herschelle Gibbs has been suspended for calling Pakistani fans a bunch of monkeys.

It is my opinion, based on this, that any subsequent monkey callings have racist, malicious intent, including Harbhajan's recent offence.
Well actually he (Gibbs) said:

"You f***ing Pakistanis, go back to the Zoo!"

I have the audio recorded somewhere on my computer, if required for proof.
Yes, yes yes, we all know that monkey can be used affectionately. But I'll give you some hypothetical situations involving two made up people, we'll call them Kevin and Colin.

1. Colin is sporting a new haircut and Kevin makes a joke at his expense, Colin calls Kevin a "Cheeky Monkey". Result (apart from wondering why they are talking like 12yo's) is Smiles all round.

2. Kevin is helping Colin stack some tins of paint, Kevin is messing around and knocks them over. Colin calls Kevin a "Bloody Monkey". Result - Kevin learns a valuable lesson, don't muck around while helping Colin, but no harm is done.

3. Kevin and Colin are in the pub and have had one or two beers. Kevin happens to be black. Kevin starts telling Colin that Everton are rubbish. Colin tells Kevin "Shut Up You Monkey". Result - Kevin smacks Colin in the face.

Now I simply refuse that anyone with even half a brain can't see that the third example is racist while the first two aren't.
Kev, go to India and I guarantee you will find at least 500 million people who don't follow your line of thought.

Well I disagree, if he did say it, then he deserves to be punished. It is all of those words and more. And there is no doubt that if he did say it, he had that intent.
Key condition there.

All you people who think calling someone a monkey is racist, well, you're all monkeys. Ohhh ohh ahh ahh? Want a banana?
Ohhhhh my gaawwwwd. Get this man to the cops!
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I posted this in the other thread:

I'm sick of you Indians saying Monkey isn't racist, MAYBE TO YOU IT ISN'T BUT TO PEOPLE OF:

Carribean origin and African origin (Now I'm a white African, but I have ALLOT of friends who are native African), and the word monkey is really, really offensive to them. I remember a kid at my school calling one of my friends a monkey, and my friend beat the living daylight out of him and burst his lip open. IT OFFENDS THEM.

I'm really sick of you close minded idiots saying that Monkey isn't racist. Can't you comprehend that not every culture shares the same insults/taunts as you?

ARGH! How thick are some of you people.
I posted this in the other thread:

I'm sick of you Indians saying Monkey isn't racist, MAYBE TO YOU IT ISN'T BUT TO PEOPLE OF:

Carribean origin and African origin (Now I'm a white African, but I have ALLOT of friends who are native African), and the word monkey is really, really offensive to them. I remember a kid at my school calling one of my friends a monkey, and my friend beat the living daylight out of him and burst his lip open. IT OFFENDS THEM.

I'm really sick of you close minded idiots saying that Monkey isn't racist. Can't you comprehend that not every culture shares the same insults/taunts as you?

ARGH! How thick are some of you people.
i think some people has already mentioned that in India calling someone "monkey" is'nt racist but it maybe so in Australia. It's just like calling someone "b**tard" is not very offensive but in India it is very offensive. Infact, during my schooldays when a guy after a serious altecration with another guy called him the b word the other bloke beat him so badly that he needed 3 stiches on his chin. It comes down to understanding each others culture and sensitivities.
i think some people has already mentioned that in India calling someone "monkey" is'nt racist but it maybe so in Australia. It's just like calling someone "b**tard" is not very offensive but in India it is very offensive. Infact, during my schooldays when a guy after a serious altecration with another guy called him the b word the other bloke beat him so badly that he needed 3 stiches on his chin. It comes down to understanding each others culture and sensitivities.

And you would think after the crap in India over the Monkey thing they would have learnt not to keep saying it...
Well the term Monkey is offensive when either:
-used to offend/hurt someone knowing full well the dmage you cn cause by using it
-used to denote the person its used against ie make them feel inferior simply because of their race
The fact that the Indians chose only Symonds as their target for their monkey impressions/chants tells me their just using it as any other name calling word. It is a deliberate act of racism.

I myself as a Brtish-Pakistani would not find this offensive at all. Maybe because I'm very light compared to most pakistanis, I don't feel that I could resemble a monkey. Slightly off-topic but I wouldn't even find the term Paki offensive. I wouldn't be afraid to have a go at someone using it to hurt me but would never be "hurt" by it to be quite honest.

I posted this in the other thread:

I'm sick of you Indians saying Monkey isn't racist, MAYBE TO YOU IT ISN'T BUT TO PEOPLE OF:

Carribean origin and African origin (Now I'm a white African, but I have ALLOT of friends who are native African), and the word monkey is really, really offensive to them. I remember a kid at my school calling one of my friends a monkey, and my friend beat the living daylight out of him and burst his lip open. IT OFFENDS THEM.

I'm really sick of you close minded idiots saying that Monkey isn't racist. Can't you comprehend that not every culture shares the same insults/taunts as you?

ARGH! How thick are some of you people.

No time for jokes but that made me laugh! Beat the crap out of a guy and only burst his lip! lol
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