Is "monkey" offensive

Do you find the word monkey offensive?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 24.4%
  • No

    Votes: 27 31.4%
  • It matters how its used

    Votes: 38 44.2%

  • Total voters
That has been suggested. I even read a report that the Australian-Indian community were suggesting that the term was somehow a complement to Symonds.
I personally think that's a BS cop-out from that community.

Nope I implied that "monkey" is an offensive term, as what Gibbs said was, therefore the consistency shown by the ICC is correct.
Fair enough. I'll see you in the other thread. :D
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I personally think that's a BS cop-out from that community.

Seriously, that's one of the most disingenuous arguments you could use to defend Bhajji.
I don't really care what culture you come from. If you are insulting a man of colour and you call him a monkey its racist. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to see the slur.
I was under the impression that "monkey" was similar to calling a black person the n word, as it is a reference to their life as a slave.
Monkies arn't black. Monkies are intelligent animals.

Some ex NZ player said somthing like it's kindergarten stuff. Ponting going to the teacher and saying his friend got called a monkey.

If being called a monkey offends anyone, then they really lack any balls. Symonds/Ponting isn't genuinely offended. He's looking for something to bitch about.
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I was under the impression that "monkey" was similar to calling a black person the n word, as it is a reference to their life as a slave.

It's not racist because of that. I'd rather not say what the exact reasoning is because I think it's extremly rude.

EDIT: It's racist towards black people for more than one reason also.
Monkies arn't black. Monkies are intelligent animals.

It's an evolutionary thing. It's essentially labelling them as sub-human.

Some ex NZ player said somthing like it's kindergarten stuff. Ponting going to the teacher and saying his friend got called a monkey

If being called a monkey offends anyone, then they really lack any balls. Symons isn't genuinely offended. He's looking for something to bitch about.

And if any of my infants used that word about any of the black children in my class I'd report it to the headteacher without thinking twice.
You'd think grown men would be able to handle petty comments. I think you could have called Symonds any name and they'd claim it racist.

If Symonds called a white player a monkey he'd get away with it.
Nobody, not even a grown man should have to accept comments of that nature.
You'd think grown men would be able to handle petty comments. I think you could have called Symonds any name and they'd claim it racist.

I disagree. There's plenty of sledging and banter in cricket. Questioning a player's sexual preferences, making aspersions as to the proclivities of his spouse, questioning whether he was born outside of wedlock, making nuanced observations about the circumference of a player's girth but none of them cross the line into outright racism.
The n word does, monkey does, some of the South African choice phrases we know do, and players know this. They know exactly where the line is and if Harbhajan said monkey he clearly crossed it and knew he was doing so.
Then call the cops and turn my grandpa in.

I dont know about Australia, England, Scotland, and Afghanistan, but I do know this.
In India and in the United States, monkey simply means mischievous or annoying. At WORST it would be mean stupid.
In India and in the United States, monkey simply means mischievous or annoying. At WORST it would be mean stupid.

Depends who you're calling it to. If you're calling a black man a monkey and think you're only referring to him as mischievous or annoying you really need to watch you say.
Depends who you're calling it to. If you're calling a black man a monkey and think you're only referring to him as mischievous or annoying you really need to watch you say.

Even teachers openly use the word 'monkey' in Kindergarden class to both white, brown, blue, and african american/black children.
Even teachers openly use the word 'monkey' in Kindergarden class to both white, brown, blue, and african american/black children.

Well teachers are ignorant. Everyone knows that. ;)
As I said before monkey for me implies not sufficiently evolved to be considered a human.
Yes, yes yes, we all know that monkey can be used affectionately. But I'll give you some hypothetical situations involving two made up people, we'll call them Kevin and Colin.

1. Colin is sporting a new haircut and Kevin makes a joke at his expense, Colin calls Kevin a "Cheeky Monkey". Result (apart from wondering why they are talking like 12yo's) is Smiles all round.

2. Kevin is helping Colin stack some tins of paint, Kevin is messing around and knocks them over. Colin calls Kevin a "Bloody Monkey". Result - Kevin learns a valuable lesson, don't muck around while helping Colin, but no harm is done.

3. Kevin and Colin are in the pub and have had one or two beers. Kevin happens to be black. Kevin starts telling Colin that Everton are rubbish. Colin tells Kevin "Shut Up You Monkey". Result - Kevin smacks Colin in the face.

Now I simply refuse that anyone with even half a brain can't see that the third example is racist while the first two aren't.

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