I've finally got it! BUT... (PC version)

Sadly im gonna have to say that im gettin exactly the opposite performance. Im dual booting win 7 and xp. Bought and downloaded from gamesplanet. Getting horrible loading times on win 7. Tried everything with no luck even though the demo ran flawlessly at 1900x1200 with everything at max. The only problem is the horrible loading time which sometimes take upto 4 mins to take me to the menu screen. Then i tried installing on my xp and its running flawlessly just like the demo and only took me 20-30 secs to get me to the game menu. I was like :eek: coz win7's supposed to be better. Hope there's a solution to this.
My Lappy: Core 2 duo 2.25 ghz with geforce 9800gts and 4 gb ram.
I may have found the reason which has been cause of the bad performance, and I think it is the AVG antivirus. Same story as the OP, demo ran really well, went ahead and bought the retail copy on the day of the release, installed the game and it was locked at 32 fps and would stutter everytime a shot was hit, everytime a replay was shown, everytime they showed the fielder chasing the ball or even showed the scoreboard. First installation was on a 4870 system with XP as the OS. So I installed the game on my second PC which has a 9800GT and got the same result, extremely bad performance. The common thing between them was AVG. Finally a friend directed me to this thread on these forums and I noticed the OP got better performance once he switched to an OS which (probably did not have AVG installed), I tried the game for the third time on my Vista Partition which has no AVG installed and voila game runs really well now, it's locked at 60 fps but remains there for 99% of the times.
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I may have found the reason which has been cause of the bad performance, and I think it is the AVG antivirus. Same story as the OP, demo ran really well, went ahead and bought the retail copy on the day of the release, installed the game and it was locked at 32 fps and would stutter everytime a shot was hit, everytime a replay was shown, everytime they showed the fielder chasing the ball or even showed the scoreboard. First installation was on a 4870 system with XP as the OS. So I installed the game on my second PC which has a 9800GT and got the same result, extremely bad performance. The common thing between them was AVG. Finally a friend directed me to this thread on these forums and I noticed the OP got better performance once he switched to an OS which (probably did not have AVG installed), I tried the game for the third time on my Vista Partition which has no AVG installed and voila game runs really well now, it's locked at 60 fps but remains there for 99% of the times.

Nope. I tried disabling AVG on XP and it didn't work - stuttering and a maxiumum of 35fps. I played under Win 7 (where AVG 8.5 was installed and active) - 60fps across the board. AVG has nothing to do with it, I'm sure of that. Something on XP is upsetting Ashes 2009, but it can't be anything that big, because as I said, I've got tons of games, of all ages from really old to ultra modern and the only time I've had framerate issues with them is when my PC needed upgrading, or if a scan had started in the background. Neither is the case with Ashes 2009. I think it's something to do with XP, but it's not AVG 8.5.

MasterBlaster76 added 3 Minutes and 53 Seconds later...

Saints Row 2's a lost cause; you'd be best off picking it up for a console, it runs piss-poor on pretty well all PCs. :p May I recommend Prototype for a sandbox game? You can do whatever the hell you want, haha, run up buildings, throw people/cars/whatever off of them. It's the ultimate blow-the-flip-out-of-everything game.

Whoa, that was off-topic.

Does that also apply to the PC version? Is it a nice long game? Yes or no answer will do, so we can keep it on topic.

Seriously, just buy a new wireless card.

Fine, I'll do that. The reason I asked was other forums had said there was a way to get it working, but failed to give a clear answer. So, I'll get a new card. Any suggestions Colin? Feel free to PM me (any makes I should avoid and so on).

Finally on this subject, is it safe to go online with Win 7, given that it's a beta version? I mean, as long as you've got all the updates and so on.
The release candidate is exactly that. A beta is a version sent out for testing for bugs, usability, etc.
I've been having exactly the same problem as this except that I have an Nvidia. Even with all the graphics turned down it stutters. Don't have any other game with this issue. I have 2 Gb of RAM a Core 2 Duo 6600 2.40GHz and have a GeForce 7950 GT 512 MB card, surely enough to run it easily.

I've sent many emails to support and everything they have suggested hasn't worked so far, including defrag, turning off virus scan, updating the drivers etc. Find this frustrating as the demo worked without a single problem on max(and still does). I'm coming to the conclusion that its something that can only be fixed with a patch.
I've been having exactly the same problem as this except that I have an Nvidia. Even with all the graphics turned down it stutters. Don't have any other game with this issue. I have 2 Gb of RAM a Core 2 Duo 6600 2.40GHz and have a GeForce 7950 GT 512 MB card, surely enough to run it easily.

I've sent many emails to support and everything they have suggested hasn't worked so far, including defrag, turning off virus scan, updating the drivers etc. Find this frustrating as the demo worked without a single problem on max(and still does). I'm coming to the conclusion that its something that can only be fixed with a patch.

Have you got Win 7? If so, try it on that. Don't install Win 7 just for this game though - not if you weren't planning to anyway. Don't take it as Gospel, but I'm not too sure about the GPU, but if the demo ran fine, surely the game should as well.
Okay so when the crowds come in then it stutters otherwise it works fine.. it is really annoying. In the demo it worked well all over. I have a nVidia 9400 GT 512 MB and I am running it on 1440*900 with High details.

When I changed the resolutions and also changed it to medium details it was still giving the same problem.

Then I turned off crowds and it was working absolutely fine :mad:. WTH I mean it is so boring without crowds.. and with crowds it doesn't work smoothly no matter what the resolution or graphics details are set to.

Any fix to this issue? Who else is having this annoying problem?
Okay so when the crowds come in then it stutters otherwise it works fine.. it is really annoying. In the demo it worked well all over. I have a nVidia 9400 GT 512 MB and I am running it on 1440*900 with High details.

When I changed the resolutions and also changed it to medium details it was still giving the same problem.

Then I turned off crowds and it was working absolutely fine :mad:. WTH I mean it is so boring without crowds.. and with crowds it doesn't work smoothly no matter what the resolution or graphics details are set to.

Any fix to this issue? Who else is having this annoying problem?

Have you tried turning off special effects setting. That was what was giving me problem. I turned it off and its been much more smoother with the crowds on.
Have you tried turning off special effects setting. That was what was giving me problem. I turned it off and its been much more smoother with the crowds on.

I had that special effects turned off from the beginning.. never used it as I don't like that blur effect.

So guys I just played right now under floodlights and IT DOESN'T STUTTER at ALL! It runs SO SMOOTH! It only stutters and lags in DAY MATCHES :mad:. WTH so annoying!
Hi, I found a funny fact. If you play a match at Brisbane (night) with everything turned on, the performance is way better. Not silk smooth but very good. I can play at good frame rates on Brisbane everything high.
1440 * 900 , 2gb ram , 4850 ice q, e8400. However its not the best of frame rates. Also I am downloading windows 7 just so I can play this game :crying:crying:crying:help
Are you trying to force any AA? I've found that it doesn't work and only bogs down the game.

Is your HDD busy during those times? Are you running with a virus scan on?

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