Last Movie You Watched

Inches? Lol.

Lets start with character development.


How many inches was he better?

I would say he was miles better infact was the heart of the movie.

He not only had the better character development but also a redemption arc compared that to Whedon - Boooyah!


Flash was kinda same in the both movies but he literally had the most crucial scene. (That was one epic both cinematography wise and in the context of the Snyder Verse which was setup in the Future movies).

(Flash motorboating Wonder Woman akin to Dr.Banner doing to it Natasha in the Age of Ultron)

Credits Director - Joss Whedon.

If you are a DC fan by any stretch of imagination it is for you.

Despite the movie being 4 hour long you just feel glued to it.

The whole villian timeline of Darksied & Steppenwolf and their motives are explained which were nowhere to be seen in the cut by Whedon.

WTF was Steppenwolf upto in that Whedon cut screaming mother , mother come to me.

This was not a lucky attempt it was an eventual Justice for Zack Snyder after he left the project because of his Daughter committing Suicide in 2017 and WB hired Joss Whedon to complete a final cut which was nothing but farce which the World witnessed.
Some points I would like to add
- Aquaman acquiring his trident and suit
In Whedon cut he came out of nowhere with these stuffs

- Storyline/History of all 3 motherboxes.
How steppenwolf acquired 2nd(Atlantian) Motherbox? No description in JL 2017

- Batman's nightmares
Whedon had no idea what Zack was upto.
Flash showing up in Batman Vs Superman had set the plot, but whedon barely showed his nightmares. That makes Flash's cameo pointless in BvS.

- Team Work
Whedon's JL was one sided once Superman showed up. That makes no sense. If only one guy can pull off others work then what's the need of Rest of the heroes?!?
You need to be a super intellectual to even comprehend what's going on in the greatest scene of all time. Snyder is a genius.
On a more serious note. If BvS was GOING TO HAPPEN because that's what the directive from WB executives was, and you were at the creative helms, what would you have done?

I know nobody asked me but I would've just had Batman kill Superman. Because in Justice League, his motivation is "I have to undo the mistake I made in BvS", except he didn't make the mistake he claims to have made. He was about to do that before he got hit with a train of mommy/daddy issues in that infamous 'Martha' scene. It makes more sense if he actually makes the 'mistake', kills Superman and then out of guilt and remorse and seeing the Kents and Lois grieve he realizes that Supes was 'just a guy trying to do the right thing' (actual quote from the movie). And also, his 'Knightmare' visions don't stop even after Supe's death.

It would also give credence to the Knightmare scenes when Cyborg has that apocalyptic vision of Superman/Darkseid ruling over the world, so in his mind, 'maybe it's best if we don't bring Supes back'. Which is BS because the League can't beat Steppenwolf without him. It would give them a moral conflict of 'do we bring him back for Steppy even tho there's a chance the entire world goes to shit regardless' which Batman can counter with 'I killed Supes and the visions didn't stop, so they're clearly dreams'.

I mean, they made Batman a killer in BvS, so why not go all the way with it?
*stares in Dark Knight trilogy*

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