I really enjoyed Prey. I'm a fan of Predator 2, despite some flaws and I think Prey is definitely up there with it.Was going to do this at the end of the month but whatever. Here are the list of movies that I have watched since my last list, going from worst to best. Honestly had a hard time ranking some of these as I like almost every single one, except Working Girl, that was the easiest choice to be the last on the list
Easily my least favourite on this list, it's not a bad movie, just the rest of the movies on this list are so much better
A generic 80s action movie and there's nothing wrong with that. Fun while it lasted.
As mentioned before, I have never been a big fan of horror movies because I have yet to see a movie that scares me. This was no exception, however the movie itself was very good and I enjoyed watching it.
I feel like this movie sometimes gets overrated by some people, not saying it wasn't good, I really liked this movie, but is it as great as some people say? I don't think so.
This movie probably surprised me the most as to how much I liked it. Going in I was expecting a generic movie, but I ended up being pleasantly surprised
In my opinion, the best predator movie since the original.
This movie had been on my list to watch since it came out and man, what a great performance by Adam Sandler. Great movie
This movie, in my opinion has the opposite problem to A beautiful mind. Not enough people talk about how great this movie is. Is it a perfect movie? No way, but I found it much more enjoyable and the characters more interesting than most any movie on my list
Not the most historically accurate depiction of events, but damn was it good.
Predator 2 always felt weird to me. Especially that opening shootout, it was so over the top it felt like I was watching demolition man lol (and yes I know predator 2 came out first).I really enjoyed Prey. I'm a fan of Predator 2, despite some flaws and I think Prey is definitely up there with it.
I love Apocalypto, I saw it in the cinema, one of the most immersive experiences I've had in a cinema.Here's a list of movies I have watched since my last list in the order i liked from least to most
A just passable Action movie. Don't see how so many people liked this movie. It was okay
I can see how Frozen was popular when it came out, but now I just don't find anything special about it
There are a few funny moments, but overall I didn't think it was that funny. I didn't hate it, but didn't love it either. It was okay.
Enjoyed that a lot more than expected.
It was way better than I was expecting it to be. I was going into it expecting another movie like Walk the Line, which is one of my favorite movies of all time, but this was different. Still a very very good movie, and it's sad to say the worst part of the movie was Tom Hanks. I love Tom Hanks, but I did not enjoy him as Col. Tom Parker.
After I watch a movie, I usually go to see the ratings the movie has on IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes, and after watching Apocalyto I was shocked to see people at the time the movie came out didn't like it. Then I read more and it was around the time that Mel Gibson was arrested for drunk driving (or something else) and since he directed this the people reviewing didn't look to favourably upon this. This may not be the most accurate movie to the Mayan history or culture, but damn it was a great movie.
Classic Hitchcock movie, some say it was his best movie ever. I might disagree, but it's not far off.
Heartbreaking movie just watched this tonight and wow, I can honestly say I didn't see the end coming.
If I said Incendies was heart breaking, Bicycle thieves is heart stomping.
Recommend me some.I have seen better World War 2
The imitation gameRecommend me some.
The Train.Recommend me some.
I agree in terms of Dunkirk. It was fine, nothing more. To be honest I found the experience in the cinema as a little sterile, I did find the ending was quite poignant though.Movies I've seen since my last post and ranking them from worst to best
Easily the worst movie I saw in this batch. The effort was there, the execution just wasn't. Can't quite put my finger on it.
The movie itself was okay, just I have seen better World War 2 movies. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either.
With the way Discovery/Warner media are cutting budgets this might be one of the last animated DC movies for a while. I have always thought DC animated movies were much better than the live action DC or live action Marvel movies. This was not one of their best, but it was still a very good an enjoyable movie.
This was my first time watching the first two Bourne movies (I had previously seen the 3rd movie before the first two in my Film class in university). I really like the trilogy, but this was my least favourite of the bunch, but not by much. It was still very very good
The first movie in the franchise which sets up the trilogy. Great movie really enjoyed it.
I am conflicted on this movie. On one hand it was a great movie. On the other hand trying to make me feel sorry for the main character after showing him raping, killing and doing other stuff. I just couldn't do it. But even then, there was a reason they showed him raping and killing to show his true nature. So I understand that. I watched the version with the recovered deleted scenes, though they don't add much to the story, they do add something. Overall the movie was great, just couldn't get behind the main character, even though that was the point of the movie i think.
Final movie of the trilogy, as mentioned I watched this movie in my Film class in my first year at Uni. I really liked the movie then and rewatching it after seeing the first two, I really like it now. The shaky camera during some of the action scenes, while may not have been overplayed when this movie came out, it is definitely overplayed nowadays. That is my biggest criticism, otherwise really liked the movie.
This is one of those movies I missed out watching in IMAX and I really regret that. However, I did finally get a chance to see it on the big screen as was intended and it did not disappoint. I remember as a kid really loving the original movie, in fact I wanted to become an airline pilot (when i was a kid) because of the original top gun. This one was just as good, if not better than the original.
The Railway Man (2013 was a decent movie, I think it's a true story as well.Recommend me some.