Live Cricket 2008-2009

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Thanks Xuzuno, much appreciated as always :) I haven't had a chance to work on the game lately, but I'll definitely get back to it next month. In the meantime people, please post your ideas about career mode. I'd like to have a comprehensive list of things people would like to see in the game before I continue...
Realistic player development: If you dedicate your who career to training batting and nothing else, giving yourself crap fielding and bowling to boot, only then shoulod you be able to hit the highest skill level, and that too when you are like 34+

Time management: You can spend less time training, giving yourself better fitness for matches (which makes it easier to do well, like how on FIFA a tired player really sucks), and also give yourself more time for publicity events, which may help you get signed to a bigger domestic team as you are popular. Spend more time on training gives better skills, but less popularity and fitness.

Minigames for training: Just clicking on what you want to train seems too easy. Also, it would be nice if we could train the seperate varitation deliveries seperately, making the one we train in more easier to bowl. Also, declining skills would be nice. They could decline faster and require more training to maintain when they are in, say, the 90s, and would decline slower and require less training to maintain when they are in the 60s. Makes being a super allrounder harder.

During matches: Getting picked to bowl or chosen when to bat relative to our skills. Form would also be a nice indicator, if we have a string of good performances behind us the skipper may want us to bat higher up or bowl more. A minigame for taking catches and making runouts would be nice too, like in BLIC, timing when to catch or release the ball. Higher skills makes it easier.

Keeping: Something for the keepers would be nice. Maybe a minigame for keeper catches/runouts, and being picked on keeper/batting skill.

Financial management: We earn money in various ways, and we should get to choose how to spend it. Either on equipment to improve performance, or on a night out to increase our morale, or for a massage to improve fitness. Living costs and transport costs will be a must, unless the team we sign for pays for these, which leads to another idea with certain teams providing perks likes free equipment or massages and the such for lower pay, or higher pay but we pay for everything else. Contracts also would be a good idea.

Choosing when to retire: We should be able to choose when we retire. If we get sacked from one team, we can still sign on for another team that wishes to have us. Eventually, as we get older and our skills decline, we could retire with what little fortune we have earned and leave, or keep playing on for low pay for a weak team until it gets to the point where we can't afford to keep playing or no team wants us. I think in the end, a local small club team should always be willing to have us play, even if we are in our 70s, but by then our skills should be so low we will absolutely suck. Also, we may not be able to afford to pay transport costs or buy new equipment, and so we might not even make it to the one match we have a week.
Hey I tried out the new version just about a day back. I found two things which MIGHT be bugs:

1. When I select Bowling from the practice menu, its always leading me to the tournament screen. However Batting works well.
2. In the recently added testing version of career mode, there is no way to exit back to the main menu. I tried pressing the Esc Key but the screen but it still stays on the same screen.

Good luck for future updates. The batting practice mode is really good. :D
Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been around lately. Just got back from a holiday in Namibia. Thanks to everyone who posted comments on the latest version and on what they would like to see in the career mode - that's exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for. I won't be able to start on the game this week, but hopefully I'll have some time next week to get cracking.

Hey cricketdudemad, unfortunately not. Just had some time last week to tweak the CPU opponent again but other than that, not much. Work is keeping me from development...
Hey everyone,

this will be my final update for the game. I just don't have time to work on it anymore. I might come back to the game one day and try to flesh it out in 3D but it seems unlikely that it'll happen anytime soon. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the game in any way, your help was much appreciated :)
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Awww :(

Anyway else you can upload this gem apart from Rapidshare? This site never works for me.
fixes fielding that I messed up in the previous release. This IS the final release though :)

PS If the link above doesn't work (I'm using File Dropper), let me know and I'll try a different host.
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v2.31 - fixes fielding that I messed up in the previous release. This IS the final release though :)

PS If the link above doesn't work (I'm using File Dropper), let me know and I'll try a different host.
Link works for me (the human verification thing said WHM4, which was extremely odd).

Do you mind if I add it to the Download Centre here? That way it would be on the PC server, which would mean you don't have to worry about the link not working.
That would be perfect, thanks whitehornmatt :)
I'm just testing it before I upload, and for me I can't run the 2.3 versions, both of them just crash on startup with the 'Cricket.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close' message. But 2.25 and the other two before it all work fine.

It's Windows XP if that makes a difference, it doesn't get the chance to make a log file.
the full version. This should fix it, if not, there's something seriously wrong :/ I don't have any other machines to test on at the moment.
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