London 2012 Olympics

I watched our defending gold medalists fail to make the final in the men's doubles last night, but if GB made that final, I predict a worse finish than we had :p
Did you see GB women vs Brazil tonight? Didn't see any bottlers there - the girls played some stuff that should make the overpaid England showponies hang their heads in shame!

Yes the sign of a team that aren't bottlers is winning a game when already qualified :p

Missed penalty chucked in for good measure though ;)

I think they'll probably get a medal though. Still, amazing how many of the genuine medal hopes have failed to deliver so far.


The part that should make the men hang their heads is the fact that they all get back up again after getting fouled! It's nice to see!
Well we finally won our first medal :p

Feel kinda sorry for Andrew Nicholson, he could have been in a good individual medal position if he hadn't been kinda screwed over in the dressage
ye shiwen would be the star of the games so far but the drug thing has made it a bit hard to get excited.

I don't know either way, but while a lot of people are saying china's history of doping in swimming means it's a real possibility america have a history of being extremely sore losers (especially to the communists :p) and them whinging about china's ascendency to the premier olympic nation, which they clearly are now, isn't entirely out of character either.

she's going to embarrass a lot of people if she has though given quite a few big names have come to her defense.
I cant believe how stupid people are.

Simple solution, pull her costume to the side and if we find as Ace Ventura said "captain winky" then we know she is racing with the wrong gender
Sounds like you're volunteering...

Anyway I'm off to the time trial this afternoon and Wembley this evening so allez Wiggo.
So, here you have it. American (:p) swimmer Michael Phelps has broke the record. He is now the most decorated player in the history of Olympics.
It's a bit ridiculous really since Adlington also swims her last 50m of the 800m faster than Phelps :rolleyes
Not quite teaching the Aussies a lesson in rowing, but the Brits managed to steal gold from us in the women's rowing doubles. Honourable mention to the Kiwis who weren't quite good enough and settled for the scrap medal.
Shuttler P. Kashyap becomes the first man from India to make it to the quarter final of Olympics. On the other hand, 8 badminton players have been disqualified from the Olympics for allegedly losing their group matches knowingly so that they set up a clash with much weaker opponents in knock out stage. The ousting of these 8 players means there is a chance for India's women doubles players Jwala Gutta and Ashwin P. to make it to the quarter finals. Lets see, what happens.
Yes the sign of a team that aren't bottlers is winning a game when already qualified :p

Against one of the best teams in the world, and it was far from a pointless game. It was to determine who won the group - we've all seen England come unstuck before plenty of times because they failed to win the group - the same thing could come back to bite Team GB. ;)

Much better day for us today - it's amazing what a couple of Gold medals can do - we've moved from the top of the third page to the top of the second page, eleventh place now I believe, and still plenty of rowing/cycling to come. :) The cycling came straight through the town centre where me and my mate were today - Wiggins was in that somewhere - that was pretty cool. :)

And the boys have joined the girls in the football quarter finals. :) Tough luck Suarez - a cheat as well as a racist - he acted like a goalkeeper in our area, and then moaned when he was called for it. Sod off home mate.
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Hilarious scenes from the asian women in Badminton. Not such a favourable draw now that they've been disqualified for trying to throw matches.

I'm getting sick of all these silvers coming our way, but I guess it's to be expected with so many drug cheats taking the golds.

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