Manchester Cricket Cup

It will probably work out better with more people, so I'll let anyone who wants take a team. Don't worry if you actually signed up, your number picking will help you when they come in to play.

Jaz, once someone takes control of the team they can do whatever they want with players. I'd suggest they keep you as vice captain, but I won't have any say in it.
Jaz, you will get a promotion to captain if I get promoted?
It will probably work out better with more people, so I'll let anyone who wants take a team. Don't worry if you actually signed up, your number picking will help you when they come in to play.
So does that mean even though i didn't sign up i can still take a team?
So does that mean even though i didn't sign up i can still take a team?

These teams remain:
Lymm Lions
Ramsbottom Rangers
Delph Dolphins
Huddersfield Hawks
Bolton Badgers

Once DPRA takes his choice (seeing as he signed up he gets a team), I'll leave it open for 3 days or until all teams are taken (whichever is soonest). If all are gone before he gets one I'll add a few extra.
Sorry I havent been on, been away.

Hmm Who ever is left for me please. :)
You can have Huddersfield.

Which makes the team owners:
Feelin Blue? - Stockport Stingers
Giggity Giggity - Oldham Ostriches
shalin_hitter - Warrington Warriors
The Spin - Bramhall Bees
Cricketman - Kirkby Kings
Mad Snake - Bolton Badgers
PaulNixon1 - Ramsbottom Rangers
Ayub 95 - Delph Dolphins
DPRA - Huddersfield Hawks

If someone wants the Lymm Lions they have until I have the next stage sorted to post. Which should be a few hours or early tomorrow.
Manchester Cricket Cup - Player Attributes
Each team will receive 15 players (the names of which came from a random name generator), and 200 points to put towards changing their attributes from the defaults for each type of player.

The owners will be able to make any player any type, but once the team list is submitted they will have to wait until mid season to make any changes.

So you could have a team of all rounders, or a few super batters and bowlers with some mediocre ones in the middle. All depends on how you decide to share your points.

These are the default values [bat/bowl]:
Batter 55/99
Keeper 48/99
All Rounder 40/35
Bowl 15/25

Which correspond to the averages you will get in the sim.

A point will either lower the bowling average or raise the batting one. The only limitations are that you can't have a batting average above 99 or a bowling average below 1.

Now here are the team lists for each club, get yours and work out what type each player is and distribute the points. Once you are done and happy with it PM me your team lineup.

Unless a team owner chooses to these numbers won't be public, just the player types.

Also, mention what batting hand and bowling type they are or I will choose at random. Each team must have a keeper.

Stockport Stingers
Coleman Tavoularis
Young Briggs
Mohamed Crawford
Nathanial Bender
Theron Richardson
Olen Swink
Alfonso Leech
Williams Fisher
Conrad Driggers
Gino Veith
Emil Weinstein
Dexter Buzzard
Barrett Owen
Coy Holts
Teodoro Hanford

Warrington Warriors
Lindsey Light
Jeffry Alliman
Joseph Sandford
Justin Ramos
Malik Cavalet
Drew Cass
Lyman Adcock
Marcos Bridger
Michael Walker
Karl Weeter
Hollis Callison
Eugenio Ray
Keith Schmidt
Henry Monroe
Anderson Buttermore

Oldham Ostriches
Guy Foster
Lynn Burney
Omer Moore
Danny Henderson
Lane Cherry
Carlos Byers
Lauren Pheleps
Rod Aft
Rodolfo Light
Ike Veith
Abram Blaine
Gil Higgens
Robin Wilson
Alton Earhart
Claud Hook

Huddersfield Hawks
Errol Schere
Derick Rowley
Bryan Cook
Eldridge Pawle
Hilton Harrow
Sam Wilo
Porter Johnson
Ivan Ledgerwood
Brent Rowe
Sebastian Fry
Benny Kistler
Dirk Bloise
Gilberto Emrick
Kerry Buck
Brendan Orner

Bolton Badgers
Brant Wood
Donald Lauffer
Micah Unk
Zack Owen
Truman Mingle
Whitney Beard
Devin Swabey
Wilfred Wentzel
Brett Osterweis
Tim Hastings
Whitney Kellogg
Howard Langston
Stuart Stewart
Lyndon Wise
Willian Herndon

Kirkby Kings
Luciano Dunkle
Roosevelt Judge
Emmitt Gibson
Gerry Patterson
Blake Highlands
Bryan Kiefer
Mckinley Heyman
Emanuel Drabble
Curtis Fonblanque
Arturo Cox
Johnny Gadow
Chase Mortland
Jc Teagarden
Nicholas Handyside
Lauren Atweeke

Ramsbottom Rangers
Jordon Bowchiew
Dan Graham
Myles Drennan
Elijah Wilkerson
Shon Patterson
Lonny Lambert
Rolland Tue
Danilo Baker
Ken Schuck
Mike Geyer
Ned Painter
Ben Harding
Chang Fulton
Jasper Canham
Jess Powers

Delph Dolphins
Damion Lotherington
Carmen Mccallum
Ignacio Lauffer
Randell Boyd
Cyrus Demuth
Johnathan Monahan
Claude Craig
Asa Pratt
Prince Hujsak
Barney Howe
Zack Coughenour
Rodger Wade
Alphonso Loewentsein
Jeremiah Reed
Brant Swift

Bramhall Bees
Buddy Bratton
Harris Casteel
Sylvester Buck
Waldo Morland
Toby James
Royal Hirleman
Shaun Richards
Brent Williams
Theodore Adams
Cliff Hatherly
Joesph Werry
Rolando Mackendoerfer
Carl Young
Minh Davis
Joaquin Berkheimer


The website I got them from assured me they were all male names, but with some I'm not sure.

The sooner everyone gets their teams in the quicker the competition can start.
I'll grab the Lymm Lions.
Here are your players:
Benny Wade
Bradly Frankenberger
Donn Biery
Woodrow Bailey
Steven Archibald
Eldridge Houser
Laurence Tripp
Zack Altmann
Derick Shupe
Ellsworth Lucy
Jared Sybilla
Zachary Werner
Hyman Kelley
Wiley Eiford
Gilberto Burris

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