Your Cricket Manee's Season 2008

good work dont worry about pace, when you grow you will get quicker :)

good to hear you are making the effort to see Ian Pont that should make a big difference ;)
You're paying as good as £60 to bowl 2 deliveries with Ian Pont ? Bit of a rip off if you ask me, it's not like he'll be able to get you bowling 80mph after just seeing those 2 deliveries. If you had a full session with him then maybe, but not just 2 deliveries, i doubt you'll gain anything from it that you don't know already. Just get some good videos of yourself bowling and show him them on SimplyCricket, be far more effective i reckon.

I'd work on strengthening the muscles in your legs though, as the bracing of the knee seems to be your biggest problem.
You're paying as good as ?60 to bowl 2 deliveries with Ian Pont ? Bit of a rip off if you ask me, it's not like he'll be able to get you bowling 80mph after just seeing those 2 deliveries. If you had a full session with him then maybe, but not just 2 deliveries, i doubt you'll gain anything from it that you don't know already. Just get some good videos of yourself bowling and show him them on SimplyCricket, be far more effective i reckon.

I agree with that partly, maybe Manee prefers tips face to face. But if I was him, I would never take it!

Will the guy actually help you with the action even after the two deliveries? Like will he give you tips on how to improve, and then you try and use those tips in front of him?
You're paying as good as ?60 to bowl 2 deliveries with Ian Pont ? Bit of a rip off if you ask me, it's not like he'll be able to get you bowling 80mph after just seeing those 2 deliveries. If you had a full session with him then maybe, but not just 2 deliveries, i doubt you'll gain anything from it that you don't know already.

His ABSAT field of thinking contains a lot of stuff which I have not thought of.

Just get some good videos of yourself bowling and show him them on SimplyCricket, be far more effective i reckon.
It is a great site, but I have posted videos of me bowling and got next to no help.

I'd work on strengthening the muscles in your legs though, as the bracing of the knee seems to be your biggest problem.
This is an interesting one. I have clips of me bowling with a ball and my leg is braced at delivery. I believe that it is that it braces when my jump merely consists of an up-and-down section rather than going forwards - interestingly enough though, in a video of me bowling in the garden with a jump that cannot be considered as up-and-down, it is braced there. Perhaps I naturally brace it when I have a ball in my hand due the rotation of the ankle when not bowling in a perfectly rigid path.

I agree with that partly, maybe Manee prefers tips face to face. But if I was him, I would never take it!

Will the guy actually help you with the action even after the two deliveries? Like will he give you tips on how to improve, and then you try and use those tips in front of him?

You may have misunderstood. It is a video analysis, so I send the clip to him and he writes back a two page report based around how I can improve and what drills I can do to do so. My brother is paying for it and he is in full-paid work and so ?60 is not a great deal for him - especially since I am not one to be demanding the newest bat or pads. For example, my current bat costs ?65 and it has about a season or two left in it - I used my cousin's old bat last season. Fast bowling is my number one obsession and there is no use living in curiousity as to how he could have helped when the money is quite trivial.

KP, 80mph is obviously not going to happen soon but getting up to the high 60s mph by the end of the school year would be nice.
mate i think putting the effort to see Ian Pont is good...what else are you gonna spen 60 quid on ,,,, booze :)

I am extremely annoyed now since Friday and Saturday's games have been called off for rain with me having turned down a game on Sunday because I feared burnout from the aforementioned games.
I went to the nets yesterday afternoon to tape the clips that I'm going to send to Pont. Here are two clips:

Behind bowler view
Side on view

Feel free to chip in with tips, but if you are going to, please do them in this thread rather than in the youtube comments.
I'll paste what i posted on SimplyCricket so that anyone else can see if they agree or disagree:

From what I can see all your pace is dependant on the speed of your arms, there seems to be no pace into the crease and no momentum building up into the crease. You should be striving to bowl fast by running in hard and following through the crease, taking the momentum through the crease. I think if you work on that you'll be pretty nippy.
It is a good point. The run up in the nets is pretty short though, as seen from the side on view. I am working on a longer jump to aid the momentum problem. The longer jump is seen in the video which is taken from the umpire's view.

Thanks for the advice.

A lot of people have noted that I push the ball across the right hander with my fingers - but they differ on why this is (from being too open at delivery to not open enough). Why do you think it is, KP?
I'm not really sure, it may be because of the angle of approach when you begin your bowling action. Your body just seems to take that natural angle when you bowl, this then might be because you're too open at delivery, maybe if you tighten your action up you may be able to work on the inswinger.
First match

I had a match today and took 0/25 off 4 overs. I'm not particularly disheartened though because it was a ridiculously uneven astroturf surface which no one could really land on properly.

I scored 20 before being run out though, so I'm quite pleased with that.
Side on and Front on

I immediatly thought that you are barely running in. Your run up looks lazy and there is nothing at the crease but you bowling the bowl. No fizz, no explosion and therefore no danger.

My coach used to tell me when i was a medium pacer that I was a net bowler and although could bowl consistently was never going to be a devastating quick bowler. Personally I think that describes you from this first side on view.

Physical attributes(didnt know how to word it) - GET FASTER/GET STRONGER
these two things will make huge amounts of difference and even if you are shorter doesnt mean you can improve these.
As for the run up, obviously, I can run in faster, but it was a hot day and I was just getting a few shots of my action. It is also hard to build up a fast run up off just a few steps.

To all the followers of the thread (all two of you;)), the next major update will be on Tuesday, when I have a net session with the school.
Tuesday Nets

School nets was today. A composite of the 3rd XI and 2nd XI played a T20 so there was only a few of us in the nets. Consequently, I got a good bowl. Unfortunately, I could not crank up the pace beyond brisk medium, but was foxing pretty much all of the batsmen with my swing with a newish ball (it looked about 30 overs old). I managed to get it going both ways, but was concentrating on trying to get it to swing in by following through properly (straight, with the arms swinging round fully) whilst keeping my head up - a most difficult task for me. The nets we played on were pitch nets rather than astro but were horrifyingly dead and so did not offer much pace. Oh well!

I had a bit of bat but due to the lack of the sightscreen and the idiotic positioning of the nets, the overhead sun made it difficult for me to see the ball. The ball seemed extremely dark to see and I could only pick it up when it was an inch from me. Thank God that no fast bowlers were there (all two of 'em are in the firsts).

I have also been making good progress with the shoulder injury that reoccured a few weeks back by doing a few exercises which I found here.

I have a match against a strong school tomorrow for the 2nd XI (not sure though, I might (using the term very loosely) be in the 1st XI - I heard that a few spots were up for grabs). If I can get the inswing going, I should be able to clean up...

Wish me luck!
Good luck for tommorow Manee, although i've not commented on the thread much, i have been following every update. Good to see that you got the ball moving both ways, i managed the same feat in my game on Sunday, was mixing up the inswinger and outswinger nicely, with the inswinger causing the batsmen most problems. Seam movement was there aswell, i managed to get one to dart back off the seam, i don't quite know how i achieved it, but it darted back a long way. Keep plugging away with the bowling, i'm sure your pace will improve soon, you're certainly putting the work in, and deserve some reward.

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